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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TR2

  1. I just had my first fill on Thurs. I didn't get one on my visit at 6 wks. post op either because I was losing about 2 lbs a week. But for the last couple of weeks I have found myself hungry and have grazed a couple of times--unplanned Snacks which is dangerous for me as the floodgates can easily open. I made an appointment with my doctor for a fill and he agreed that it was time. It has helped tremendously--Hunger gone. I need all the help I can get. This is a long journey.

  2. I am down 35#, with 30 to go. Currently wearing sz. 16 pants which some are a little loose. I am really working on my middle section. My waist is larger than last time I wore 16's. I will NOT give in to menopause!!! :cool2:. I want to stay away from the women's sizes and wear misses.

    Everyone is doing great! congrats!!!

  3. I have lost 34# since the start of the pre-op diet. I have not had a fill and am steadily losing 2# per week. Even though my band is just sitting there with no Fluid my doc says--"don't tamper with what is working." I am pretty faithful with the rules--and am a very satistifed bandster (I'm sure you couldn't tell!! :D)

    Great to hear from everyone!!


  4. My surgeon said I was doing everything right including following the rules. I was not hungry and was losing 2# a week which is what is expected (1-2# per week) with the band. He didn't want to tamper with what seemed to be already working by doing a fill. I know if I get into trouble before my next appointment in 3 months, I will give him a call.

  5. I went in for my first fill today and didn't get one. I haven't really been hungry and have been losing about two pounds a week. I don't know if it this is the band or me causing the weight loss. I have never tried to eat more than about 1 1/2 c of food so I don't know if I have restriction or not. My doctor said he is not going to try to fix something that is not working. I'll be back to see him in three months.

  6. I am in my second week of purees. Sunday I start soft foods. Weekly I attend a class conducted by the Bariatric Coordinator at the hospital I had my surgery and weigh at that time. I lost 2 lbs last week and probably will lose the same this week. I am exercising 5-6 days a week doing aeorbic treadmill, elliptical or bike for 45 min. I am steadily increasing the resistence on these machines to maximize the effect.

    Things are going pretty well. I eat 1/2-2/3 c. of food at a meal. I too slip by finding myself drinking while I am eating or having to tell my self to slow down while I am eating. I seem to just go on auto pilot when I eat and am unconcious as to what I am doing. I have to tell myself "wake up and pay attention" It is really funny!!


  7. My weight loss has slowed down since I have started purees. I lost 2 lbs. in the last week which is what I expect to lose with the band. My glue and steri strips are still in place but the wounds are healing well. I do get a pain in my stomach when I am eating sometimes. The Bariatric Coordinator at the hospital said it is caused by eating too fast. My goal for the next few days is to eat slower. I will never make it with solid foods if I can't SLOW DOWN!!! I hope everyone else is doing well.

  8. I had my post op visit today. Lost 16# since my consult visit. Everything was fine. I start purees on Sunday, then soft in two weeks. My next appointment is July 15 for a fill, if I need it. I am still doing the treadmill 45 min. a day. and feeling great.:redface:

  9. I was banded on the 26th too. My doctor has me taking in at least 60gm of Protein daily and 64 oz. of fluids. I think that is what keeps me from getting hungry. I eat every 2-3 hours while I am awake. Currently on full liquids

    I have lost 5.3 lbs. since surgery. I started exercising 4 days post op and am up to 45 min. on the treadmill or a combo of weights and treadmill.

    Doing great!!


  10. I am feeling back to normal too. I went to the gym today and did 20 min. on the treadmill and 10 min of 5lb. weights on my upper body. My husband and I went out to lunch and I had a cup of cream of potatoe and artichoke soup--the best thing I have had in 2 1/2 weeks!! I have lost 14 lbs. since starting the pre-op diet and 3 lbs since surgery.

  11. Today was a good day. This was my first day to venture out of the house. I went on a short shopping excursion and to a doctors appointment. My surgeon's office staff called to see how I was doing. I thought that was nice. I am wearing my pedometer to keep my awareness of how much I am walking. I plan to go to the gym tomrrow for the first time to walk on the treadmill. I cannot complain. It is not a piece of cake but not undoable. I am most happy I took 10 days off from work. A week wouldn't have been enough.

  12. I was released from the hospital yesterday evening. My worst pain was a headache. I didn't have to take pain meds for my surgical sites. Today I started full liquids. I found some great Soups at trader joes that I mixed a scoop of Protein powder to increase the Protein. I sip Water all day. My doc has me writing down my food, cal, protein and fat, as well as exercise. I also bought some Protein shakes at trader joes that I am trying today.

    I feel tired. No gas. and not enough incisional pain to take pain meds. I tried to get up and walk at least every half hour to prevent blood clots. Last night I slept in our recliner which worked out great when I had to get up.

    I like having others to communicate about this whole experience!!

  13. Christy, thanks for starting this thread. I have been on the the pre-op diet since last Wednesday. My doc says I only need to lose 10 lbs. I was starving. 6 days into the diet, I started counting up the calories in the prepacked food my doctor gave me--only 550 cal a day. He said i could have a lean cuisine if I got hungry so i finally indulged. It was just what I needed to perservere. Tonight I had another one. I had my preop appointment today. I attended a WLS class, bought my full liquid foods and got my perscriptions filled. I am READY to GO!

    Good luck to all of us.


  14. Hello! I too have a sore shoulder with limited range of motion. I have an appointment with the ortho doc next week before my lap band surgery on 5/26/09. I don't recall injuring myself so it may just be bursitis.

    I am currently on the pre-op diet. 800 cal a day. You have all been through this so I can too!! It is nice to know that there are those your age who can still lose wieght.

    I enjoyed reading your posts. You are a great group


  15. My surgery date is 5/26/09. I am on the 3rd day of the pre-op diet. Mine is all packaged bars, drinks and Soup. The total calories is 800. Today I am really hungry and have a headache. I am allowed a lean cusine if i get too hungry-- which this may be the day. I am glad I am not working today or I wouldn't be able to concentrate. I am supposed to lose 10# prior to surgery. Even though this is REALLY DIFFICULT, i am still excited about the surgery.


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