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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TR2

  1. My surgery date is 5/26/09. I am on the 3rd day of the pre-op diet. Mine is all packaged bars, drinks and soup. The total calories is 800. Today I am really hungry and have a headache. I am allowed a lean cusine if i get too hungry-- which this may be the day. I am glad I am not working today or I wouldn't be able to concentrate. I am supposed to lose 10# prior to surgery. Even though this is REALLY DIFFICULT, i am still excited about the surgery. EP
  2. Has anyone had the lap band procedure done by Dr. Bobby in Palm Springs? I am seriously considering surgery and looking for feedback on surgeons.
  3. I amseriously considering having lap band surgery. What is meant by restriction and "sweet spot"?

  4. TR2

    Negotiating the cost of lapband

    I am currently navigating the financing. I have Anthem Blue Cross PPO but unfortunately my employer did not purchase the plan that includes bariatric surgery. I am a nurse and my employer was willing to give me a professional discount for the hospital fees of 10% since I will be a cash patient. When I have my first surgeon visit I intend to ask for a professional discount. The cash price for everything without discount is $17000.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
