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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TR2

  1. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    I just had my first fill on Thurs. I didn't get one on my visit at 6 wks. post op either because I was losing about 2 lbs a week. But for the last couple of weeks I have found myself hungry and have grazed a couple of times--unplanned snacks which is dangerous for me as the floodgates can easily open. I made an appointment with my doctor for a fill and he agreed that it was time. It has helped tremendously--Hunger gone. I need all the help I can get. This is a long journey.
  2. I woke up at 5am and wieghed--ONEDERLAND!!! 199.5. I am thrilled!!!. I had my first fill on Thursday which has really helped the hunger that has been developing the last couple of weeks. Being on full liquids really helps to get the scale moving again. :thumbup:
  3. TR2

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    I am down 35#, with 30 to go. Currently wearing sz. 16 pants which some are a little loose. I am really working on my middle section. My waist is larger than last time I wore 16's. I will NOT give in to menopause!!! :cool2:. I want to stay away from the women's sizes and wear misses. Everyone is doing great! congrats!!!
  4. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    I have lost 34# since the start of the pre-op diet. I have not had a fill and am steadily losing 2# per week. Even though my band is just sitting there with no Fluid my doc says--"don't tamper with what is working." I am pretty faithful with the rules--and am a very satistifed bandster (I'm sure you couldn't tell!! ) Great to hear from everyone!! Elaine
  5. My surgeon said I was doing everything right including following the rules. I was not hungry and was losing 2# a week which is what is expected (1-2# per week) with the band. He didn't want to tamper with what seemed to be already working by doing a fill. I know if I get into trouble before my next appointment in 3 months, I will give him a call.
  6. I went in for my first fill today and didn't get one. I haven't really been hungry and have been losing about two pounds a week. I don't know if it this is the band or me causing the weight loss. I have never tried to eat more than about 1 1/2 c of food so I don't know if I have restriction or not. My doctor said he is not going to try to fix something that is not working. I'll be back to see him in three months.
  7. TR2

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    I am in a 16 too. Down from 1x and 2x and 16W and 18W. Luckily I have some smaller sizes in my closet, haven't had to make any investments yet. I am so so happy.
  8. Surgery date May 26, down 15 lbs since then. Down 26 lbs from start of pre-op diet.
  9. Surgery date May 26,2009. Lost 13#. Since then I'm thrilled~~:thumbup: Elaine
  10. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    I am in my second week of purees. Sunday I start soft foods. Weekly I attend a class conducted by the Bariatric Coordinator at the hospital I had my surgery and weigh at that time. I lost 2 lbs last week and probably will lose the same this week. I am exercising 5-6 days a week doing aeorbic treadmill, elliptical or bike for 45 min. I am steadily increasing the resistence on these machines to maximize the effect. Things are going pretty well. I eat 1/2-2/3 c. of food at a meal. I too slip by finding myself drinking while I am eating or having to tell my self to slow down while I am eating. I seem to just go on auto pilot when I eat and am unconcious as to what I am doing. I have to tell myself "wake up and pay attention" It is really funny!! Elaine:blush:
  11. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    My weight loss has slowed down since I have started purees. I lost 2 lbs. in the last week which is what I expect to lose with the band. My glue and steri strips are still in place but the wounds are healing well. I do get a pain in my stomach when I am eating sometimes. The Bariatric Coordinator at the hospital said it is caused by eating too fast. My goal for the next few days is to eat slower. I will never make it with solid foods if I can't SLOW DOWN!!! I hope everyone else is doing well.
  12. TR2

    Health Exam before Lap Band

    My doctor required a cardiology consult, psych consult, internist consult and pap smear with-in the last year. Additionally lab work, upper GI, chest x-ray, EKG pre-operatively. This was required even though I was a self pay.
  13. I had my first post op visit today. My first fill appt. is 7/15. My doctor told me I may not need a fill, depending on how I am doing. I have rarely felt hungry, am exercising every day and taking in between 600-700 cal a day.
  14. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    I had my post op visit today. Lost 16# since my consult visit. Everything was fine. I start purees on Sunday, then soft in two weeks. My next appointment is July 15 for a fill, if I need it. I am still doing the treadmill 45 min. a day. and feeling great.:redface:
  15. I am convinced that 60g of protein and 64oz of fluids minimum per day helps.
  16. I was banded on the 26th too. My doctor has me taking in at least 60gm of Protein daily and 64 oz. of fluids. I think that is what keeps me from getting hungry. I eat every 2-3 hours while I am awake. Currently on full liquids I have lost 5.3 lbs. since surgery. I started exercising 4 days post op and am up to 45 min. on the treadmill or a combo of weights and treadmill. Doing great!! Elaine
  17. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    I am feeling back to normal too. I went to the gym today and did 20 min. on the treadmill and 10 min of 5lb. weights on my upper body. My husband and I went out to lunch and I had a cup of cream of potatoe and artichoke soup--the best thing I have had in 2 1/2 weeks!! I have lost 14 lbs. since starting the pre-op diet and 3 lbs since surgery.
  18. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    Today was a good day. This was my first day to venture out of the house. I went on a short shopping excursion and to a doctors appointment. My surgeon's office staff called to see how I was doing. I thought that was nice. I am wearing my pedometer to keep my awareness of how much I am walking. I plan to go to the gym tomrrow for the first time to walk on the treadmill. I cannot complain. It is not a piece of cake but not undoable. I am most happy I took 10 days off from work. A week wouldn't have been enough.
  19. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    I was released from the hospital yesterday evening. My worst pain was a headache. I didn't have to take pain meds for my surgical sites. Today I started full liquids. I found some great Soups at trader joes that I mixed a scoop of Protein powder to increase the protein. I sip Water all day. My doc has me writing down my food, cal, protein and fat, as well as exercise. I also bought some Protein shakes at trader joes that I am trying today. I feel tired. No gas. and not enough incisional pain to take pain meds. I tried to get up and walk at least every half hour to prevent blood clots. Last night I slept in our recliner which worked out great when I had to get up. I like having others to communicate about this whole experience!!
  20. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    Best of luck to all the 26er's. I reached my 10 lb. weight loss goal today. Who wouldn't after the bowel prep!! I am excited. My hubby and I have to get up at 4:15 am to be at the hospital by 6:15. I am the first case at 0800.
  21. TR2

    ~Calling all May 26-ers!~

    Christy, thanks for starting this thread. I have been on the the pre-op diet since last Wednesday. My doc says I only need to lose 10 lbs. I was starving. 6 days into the diet, I started counting up the calories in the prepacked food my doctor gave me--only 550 cal a day. He said i could have a lean cuisine if I got hungry so i finally indulged. It was just what I needed to perservere. Tonight I had another one. I had my preop appointment today. I attended a WLS class, bought my full liquid foods and got my perscriptions filled. I am READY to GO! Good luck to all of us. Elaine
  22. Hello! I too have a sore shoulder with limited range of motion. I have an appointment with the ortho doc next week before my lap band surgery on 5/26/09. I don't recall injuring myself so it may just be bursitis. I am currently on the pre-op diet. 800 cal a day. You have all been through this so I can too!! It is nice to know that there are those your age who can still lose wieght. I enjoyed reading your posts. You are a great group Elaine
  23. TR2

    Mayo Bandito's dates only

    I'm thrilled to say that I will officially banded on May 26!!!:scared2:
  24. This is my first post. I got my surgery date yesterday, May 26! I also started my pre-op diet today. Next week is the psych eval. I am a cash patient so this whole process of the ""million dollar work-up" is going fast. It was pretty amazing that yesterday was my last day of the old way of eating. I went through alot of ups and downs emotionally after making my final decision to have surgery. I am now so ready and enthusiastic. Does anyone else have the 26th as their surgery date? :smile2: Cheers!!
  25. i am on the pre-op diet and have to be on clear liquids 2 days prior to surgery. Call your doctor with these kinds of questions. Not all doctors have you do the same things. Believe me, they would rather hear from you before you possibly do the wrong thing. Best of luck EP

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