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LAP-BAND Patients
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About marmac03

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/08/1977

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 32 and have been overweight my entire life. I have reached the point where I cannot seem to lose anything on my own and am at my heighest weight ever. Time for some help.
  • Interests
    Reading, traveling, swimming, photography and our dogs!
  • Occupation
    military wife...is that a real job?
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  1. Hi! Thanks for the picture comment. My weight loss has been a roller coaster ride. After 12 years of marriage and thinking I couldn't have kids my baby girl popped up. I was banded in Mach 2007. Apparently got pregnant a month later but didn't know it. Found out in Aug. 2007 that I was 4 months pregnant. By this time I had already lost 40 lbs. So I actually lost 40 lbs my first 4 months of pregnancy. After I found out I was pregnant I had all my fill removed and was able to eat normal again....YA!

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