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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by marmac03

  1. hey there, was going to add you on facebook as i start to get a group of banders together for support!! couldn't find you on FB though. Give me an add if you are still on there - marianne mcginnity - Chico, CA

  2. did u have any problems getting tricare prime to apporve the band? they are submitting the request next week for me and i am worried that tricare is going to not want to approve lapband....because...you know...its tricare!

  3. Thank you so much for getting back to me! I am so excited for you!! I am nervous that banding will not allow enough weight to come off (i would like to be down at least 80 but more like 100). Keep in touch! I could really use a friend who has gone through banding instead of bypass!

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