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Everything posted by aspenAvery

  1. I was told to do a low carb diet.... I am limited to 20 carbs a day. The nutritionist gave me a packet on the Atkins Diet and told me to follow that for the two weeks. There is a great link on here that helped me understand exactly what that does to shrink your liver. I would still contact your surgeon, but it might be a place to start while you are waiting. Good luck! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f273/how-shrink-your-liver-increase-st-weight-loss-low-carb-pre-op-diet-65020/
  2. aspenAvery

    Weight Watchers?

    That is my question.... How do you know how many points to eat? I don't think I would need to eat the total number of points for my weight.
  3. I am scheduled for May 5th! :cool2:
  4. Hello....That is who I have decided to go with... I was very skeptical at first of going through True Results, especially since I couldn't find a lot of information about the surgeon. I had this idea in my head that it was sort of a chop shop, like they get you in and out as quickly as possible and then drop you. My opinion has completely changed. I did some research here and through Google and the things that I did find on Dr. Esquivel were all positive. I also fell in love with the staff at the clinic. I also like the aftercare and support program that they offer. Everyone that I have encountered at the clinic has been really great and really helpful. They have answered all of my questions and taken as much time with me as I needed. I have scheduled surgery for May 5th and get to meet him on April 28th for my pre-op. At that time, if I do not like him or do not feel comfortable with him then I will cancel my surgery. I don't like the fact that I don't get to meet him until a week before the surgery but hopefully it will be ok. I would love to hear other peoples comments about him if you have them.
  5. aspenAvery

    Doctor Apt yay

    I know how you feel. I feel like this is the only option that I have and that I need help and can't do it on my own. I am 5'4 and 225 my BMI is 38.6 and I was approved for surgery. I am otherwise healthy, except for my weight. It depends on the doctor but at 40 I would think you would be able to get it. It may also depend on your insurance. I am self pay so that could have something to do with it. Good luck!
  6. aspenAvery

    Self-Pay Question

    It is much quicker with self pay. I had my first consultation on March 25th and have my surgery scheduled for May 5th. I met with a physician who told me that I had to have a nutritional consult, a stress test, a sleep study and clearance from my psychiatrist. I could have scheduled it sooner but the sleep study is holding it up. They can't get me in until April 20th. My insurance is paying for all of the pre-surgery testing, they just will not pay for the surgery Good luck! I am very excited!
  7. Hello, I am 5'4 and 225 pounds. I went for my first consultation yesterday and I did get several looks from the people in the office. I had one lady ask me when I had my surgery and how much I had lost.... I shyly told her this was my first visit. I could lose 100 pounds but feel that that will be too small for me but hope to get down to 150. I have high blood pressure and am at risk for diabetes. I want to stop it all before it gets worse. I am excited and nervous and can't wait to get the process started. Good luck!

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