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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by emtsusieq

  1. i was actually lecture about this last week when i went in for my fill. they actually wanted to know why i did not call and get a appt for my fill early since i was not fellin any restriction. they set my appt four to six weeks apart but they told me if i dont feel the restriction to call in and tell them even if its only been a week. thats what they are there for the goal is the prefect restriction in the green each visit. i have had five fills since 8/13 till now
  2. OK first let me start with saying I had a fill yesterday. and no i dont have any special diet after a fill. I have not had restrictions. before this fill except in the morning time. So its been along week with working interviews, packing, and moving. So I got my kids donuts for a quick breAKfast from the local donut shop. well temptation got the best of me and I ate one later on in the afternoon. OMG how it hurt. I had never had anything come back up or been in this pain before... It felt like i swallowed a watermelon in the middle of my chest and then it came up. It was very quick but I dont every want to do that again.. I am gonna take it this fill must have did the trick. Also I did not see my DR but the nurse pract.. instead and so I asked her why my Dr does not tell me how much of a fill I got and she started to tell me it did not matter and I stopped her and told her before she could finish and told her "ITs my right to know and this is my body and I want to know everything that goes on or in it." So she told me my 10 cc band was half full. I am good with that. but I really think the only reason she finally told me was because when she walked in I had scrubs on and she asked what I did. Anyways hopefully we will be finished moving this weekend and I can get thing back on track. when I told her i had not exercised this week she acted as if i had not exercised the whole time. It didnt help that I did not lose anything these last three weeks either.
  3. emtsusieq


    I have not tried them but I have seen it a the Kroger store and at vitamin world
  4. Spicy food always does the trick for me.:thumbdown:.. so if i have not went for a few days I eat some hot pepper and about a hour later my problem is over. fibber has never worked for me. but everyone is different.
  5. I went to the fair last night and rode all the rides. First I called my Doctor and asked if it was ok and he told me yes and to have a great time. I was Banded june 30th. I asked my Dr about the car accident as well, and he said was shocked to hear that. He said he has never had a pt's band slip from a car accidents or riding fair rides. That I should not worry about it and live my life. So after you get your Dr's OK (of course) I hope you have a great time and make the best of your trip with wonderful memories..
  6. OK i do 45 mins on the elliptical and 25 mins on the wii active 30 day challenge seven days a week. I eat only two times a day, not alot my cal intake is around 600 to 800 a day. and i drink unsweet decaf tea and water. thats it nothing. Can anyone tell me WHY am I gaining weight instead of losing weight. I know I am not getting the right amount of protein in but surly that cant be the problem could it. I am doing everything my doctor say except for that. I called Friday and told the nurse I am having trouble getting in the protein and she told me to do the protein shots. My next appt is Sept 10th but I can always get another one before then if need. I have only had one small fill ( my Dr will not tell u how much he puts except for it was a very little amount). Any ideas on what I can do to get this weight to start moving.
  7. emtsusieq

    errr frustrated

    ha ha ha ha I just saw that.. maybe thats where I need to be right now with stressing over not losing any weight.. and my DR when you ask him a question he always goes why do you think you need that or what do you think that way. Like I am the Dr and not him.. come on if i know I wouldn't be asking. anyway i guess spell check only works if you misspell not miss us..
  8. emtsusieq

    errr frustrated

    Muscle milk is a brand of Protein shakes. you can purchase them from wal- mart and Kroger pre made. or I also know that Valium world and GNC sells the powered. It comes in light or reg. I have found this to be one of the only Protein shake I like to drink. There are all kinds of different flavors. Heres a link Muscle Milk
  9. emtsusieq

    errr frustrated

    thanks everyone. I will make it a point to get that protein in. here is todays list morning muscle milk light 15 grams of protein 100 cals, lunch tuna packed in water with a little light mayo 11 grams protein with about five crackers. mid afternoon protein shot with 26 grams of protein. Dinner is tilapia with steam broccoli and carrots. now i am not sure how the cal intake is it still does not seem that high. but the protein is in the range. i know I need to work on the breakfast. I have a hard time eating in the morning. Should I get a protein shack that has more cals in it?
  10. emtsusieq

    BAD fill - Is it possible?? -PLS HELP!

    I have only had one fill but when he injected me with the needle and hit my port, i felt this release of pressure. it was a funny feeling. not sure if this happens every time or if it was because i had nothing in my band.
  11. emtsusieq

    1st fill today

    Thanks, I am going to talk to him about it. Today, I am kinda glad he has not told me the number he put in. Whatever it was it is working so far, I am not hungry at all and it takes very little when I eat to know I am satisfied. Before my I had this fill I had not problems eating whatever I wanted. Now its like when I first had the surg. again. I feel like if he would have told me my mind may have said hey thats not much go ahead eat what you want. Since he has been doing this so long with such a high success rate then maybe that what he is thinking. Most hung. is in our heads anyway.
  12. emtsusieq

    1st fill today

    First of all he was not like this before surg. I have heard nothing but good things about this Dr. I chose him because of his success rate. not his bedside manner. My hubby and my b/f both have worked with this Dr in the OR for years. And believe me I am not the person to just bend over and take it. I have had to stand up to many Dr for my pt in the past 11 years. As for the diet issue every Dr has their on way of handling it. The more I think about it I think he is trying to play head game to see what I will tell him and why I do things. I had a teacher like this once, and I hate but loved it. It made me us my brain more than just asking a question and getting the answer. there are Pt's. out there that will lie and just tell him what he wants to hear so I understand in away what he is doing. I mean it is all about our mind telling us we are hungry and need this or that. BUT I DO THINK HE COULD DO THIS IN A BETTER WAY.... He is a excellent Surg. but like most Dr I Know, I think they have stepped back and let the staff take over and they just are their because of the MD after their name. Thanks for the replies. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks WTF was he thinking...
  13. emtsusieq

    Fat Burners?

    me personally, I don't think i would do the fat burner.... How do they put that unpleasant side effect.. "anal leakage". I mean don't we have enough "unpleasant side effects" to worry about with the band already then adding that one too. oh no not for me..
  14. ok we are going on our summer family camping trip this coming weekend.. We go tent camping and only use the grill and camp fire to cook. So my question is does anyone have any food ideas for me? We will be gone for four days so I really need all the help I can get thinking of stuff to bring.
  15. emtsusieq

    camping food ideas????

    thanks everyone for you ideas. They are helping out alot when planing the menu.... we take coolers so things can stay cold. kroger has pork tenderlion that is already season so we are gonna freeze that and have it on the three day. the kids do smores so I am gonna take some choc pudding low fat graham cracker and some fat free sugar free whip cream and make my smore out of that. If I start to want some when they break them out. thank agian:thumbup:
  16. emtsusieq

    Fun Goals

    I'm with kkoen, I want my girls to say HEY THATS MY MOM!!! the way we look reflects on them too. Middle and high school kids like to be mean and I don't want my girls to have to stand up for there mom or hate to be seen with me...
  17. emtsusieq

    high school

    From the album: family

  18. emtsusieq

    me and heather in high school

    From the album: family

  19. emtsusieq

    susan and justin before weight gain

    From the album: family

  20. emtsusieq

    me and my hubby 2003

    From the album: family

  21. emtsusieq

    my kids

    From the album: family

  22. My doctor told me when I was on mushie I could have whatever my family was eating. I just had to chew it into a mushie in my mouth or blend it in the blender. So chicken can be a mushie if you make it that way. It sould to me like you over ate.
  23. emtsusieq

    surg day 06/30/09

    From the album: family

  24. emtsusieq

    one week after

    From the album: family

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
