On telling people -
I only told a few people. My boyfriend whom i've been with for 6yrs so I had no gripes about telling him and he was excited - said the usually I dont think you need it you are beautiful but if you want it I am ok with it. I had to tell my best friend in the whole world who came with me to almost all of my appointments. She just moved to paris for 6 months so she couldnt be there for my surgery, I was sad but we skyped! [My goal is to lose weight for paris! im going over thanksgiving!!!!:frown: My mom and dad knew of course since Im only 23. My roommate is a pharmacist and I am extremely close with her. I have another roommate but we decided she shouldnt know because she tells her boyfriend everything. its good too because when my eating habits change I can have my roommate there and she wont question anything. She is also very very fit and healthy and is a great work out buddy. Lastly I told my marathon running friend who will be my personal trainer when I get back to school. When I told her she screamed in excitement. My mom had told her best friend whom i was going to tell after which I am ok with because she wont tell anyone and is a really great friend. So Its not like I told EVERYONE but I def picked and chose whom I thought would be the best help for me. For me I need friends to go through this ride with me and I wouldnt change that.
secondly, It has been almost a week since surgery and I can NOT drink anything more than 3 ounces and only sometimes can have a 6 ounce lipton cup of soup. I get ridiculously full. I still feel acidy and gassy. I got gas-x strips and tums quick pak instant dissolve powder which help but I still cant eat/drink more. Is this normal?? It kinda gets me nervous. My port suture is still a wee bit painful it looks pseudo like a hack job haha I hope it doesnt heal ugly.
goood luck meg on your surgery!!!!