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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by xavier

  1. You really carry your weight well. Please dont tell me you are five foot nine!!! I will be thinking of you on your surgery date...Cali

  2. Thanks. You'll get tons of good info and support here...ask us ANYTHING!!! If youre not already following the band_groupie blog, its a good way to get started and learn a lot!

  3. Second day of treadmill this week...walked at 3mph...ran for ONE minute at 4mph!LOL!

  4. Im sure you are busy but I love your blog and wish you blogged more! Hows it going???

  5. WOW! Thanks for the info...glad you were happy with the results...you look phenomenal...hope I'm headed there myself!

  6. Do you have that abdominal binder? That really helped me sleep, especially since I wanted to sleep on my side!

  7. Hey good luck with your replacement. I hope that all goes or went well for you. You have done well and KNOW the power of the band because you saw what happened when it leaked! I am wondering if insurance covers you if you have to have it replaced? Thanks!

  8. Thanks for asking. I'm doing ok...a little plateau because I havent been to the gym but I'm not too worried...how about you?

  9. Welcome...this is such a great site! I think we are very supportive but also brutally honest when its needed! I got my band on May 6th and only wish I had done it sooner. I really decided to do it when somehow it dawned on me that I have been fighting this battle for 20 years and I realized I was losing! Let us know what we can do for you and ask ANYTHING you want...good luck! Cali

  10. I am wondering if you should change your ticker so the Marilyn Monroe pix are taking over for the fat black and whites...i looks like that heavy lady is winning!

  11. Hey! You MUST see tennesseequeens photos!!! They are on the first (last I guess) page under the photos tab at the top...she became a beauty queen!

  12. Half your heads are gray!!! And half are the Marilyn Monroe ones...nice!!

    Time for a new set of the spandex pix!!! (I nag!)

  13. Holey moley you are doing great! I have to be careful to try not to compare myself to you!!! I am going slow but doing ok now with another fill.

  14. PS Did you see Wendytip also is in onederland? I'm nagging her to do some more pix too!

  15. Agree, dont know if anyone told me I could be free of the mind f#$K....but I would have never believed it and would have paid any price to get it...now I have lots of empty space in my head!!!

  16. Dear Allie, I have a question for you that I think you are definitely qualified to answer given what you have accomplished.

    OK, so as we start this out we set a goal of a healthy weight and for me I just took the highest weight that the BMI chart considers normal (145 pounds at 5'4"), But the range for a normal BMI is almost 40 pounds so its impossible from here (getting banded next week) to know what the 'right ' weight would actually be...here's the question, if, in a year, I am feeling like you described in your blog (no longer a food slave and good/normal eating and exercise anre just kind of normal to me) will my body just level off where it should be or do I have to arrive at a mental goal and get there and focus to stay. Will the body just know whats right if I am living right? I have been looking for someone to ask because I havent seen this addressed! Thanks a mil!!! Cali

  17. Miss your blogs!!

  18. Hows it goin'? I have been slacking a bit and now I think I'm back on track...we'll see!!!

  19. I cant really believe that's you in one of your 'before' pix! Now, you look like one of those skinny girls who doesnt even know the word diet! Seriously you are BEAUTIFUL!! You have done great and I'm sure it wasnt easy!!

  20. Wow, your pictures are sooooo impressive! You under-chin area (side views in orange) looks great...it really tightened up and makes you look younger!

  21. I'm dying to know what sizes those three jeans were! Also how tall are you? I look at your pictures all the time for motivation because our starting weights are the same!!! Cali

  22. I got a card in the mail yesterday for a weight loss program. It was weird to look at it and say to myself, "I don't need to lose weight." !

  23. Hey hows it going? Do you have a date yet? Well good luck your weight and goal is basically the same as mine. My weight loss has gone slow but I dont care..as long as its going down and not up! Let us know when you have your surg!

  24. Wow! You have done great without having the band yet...I think the best thing about the band is being able to keep the weight off easily. And not really ever being on a diet!! Good luck, let us know how your surgery goes...AND what happened to the hamsters?

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