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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ItsGottaGo!

  1. ItsGottaGo!

    Help! I'm Addicted To Cheese

    I was doing that too, until I realized I couldn't stop at one, two, three, you get the picture. I think my restriction is definitely gone! I am waiting for the dr.'s office to call me back to make an appointment for another fill.
  2. ItsGottaGo!


    I always lost alot of hair, in the shower it would come out in clumps and even after it was dry, I could run my fingers through my hair and always come out with strands. You should see my hairbrush! The past week I have noticed my hair rolling around the house like hayballs! This morning it was all over my bed. It is definitely falling out even more now. Luckily I have thick hair and lots of it, but I swear I feel a bald spot happening on the top in the back.
  3. I know! I wish though it wasn't happening to me this week. I am going to see a friend of mine this weekend who I haven't seen since 2 months before my surgery. I know I am going to have a gain this week too. This morning I ate a half of a bagel and just last week that would have been impossible, that was after egg whites, 2 boca sausage and cheese. I still wasn't full! This is ridiculous. I know it's TOM, I can feel all the symptoms, but I called to make an appointment for another fill anyway.
  4. I figured it's the hormones, but what I DON"T understand it how it affects how much I can eat while banded with restriction! I don't think I need another fill, but maybe I do. I'll wait and see what happens when TOM goes out of town!
  5. ItsGottaGo!

    My port flipped

    I swear my port flipped last week. I have had bronchitis now for 2-1/2 weeks and have been coughing alot. I layed down on my bed one night and I swear I felt my port flip. It has felt different to me since then, but maybe that's just because I think it flipped. I guess I will find out at my next fill, whenever that is. I'm hoping it didn't, but if not, what was that movement that I felt?
  6. ItsGottaGo!

    Help! I'm Addicted To Cheese

    I did good today, only a tiny piece of feta with my egg whites this morning. Oh, and for lunch I had some pizza, but it wasn't too cheesy. I am really going to try and limit myself, it just goes down so easily for me.
  7. I hear ya' Terri. I feel like I am going insane! The bottomless pit, I hate this feeling. TOM better be coming early because I can't go on like this for another week!
  8. ItsGottaGo!

    No weight loss because I eat too much

    I NEVER thought I would be able to not drink with my meals, but somehow I have done it. I just drink lots before and lots about an hour after. You can do it, it's just a matter of retraining yourself. Now if I could just control head hunger.
  9. ItsGottaGo!

    PB v Slimes

    For me, I will only slime when something is stuck. This has happened twice. The stuck feeling is the worst for me, I cannot tolerate the golfball and the burning that it brings. Both times I touched the back of my mouth with my finger and proceeded to PB. Luckily this did not last for more than 1 minute (the PB), but I had to do it to make the burning go away. The burning and stuck feeling gets me very scared.
  10. On my statement from the hospital, there is still a charge of about $2,900 for "Lap Placement of Gastric Band" that apparently Medicare has not covered. Do they not cover the procedure laparscopically? I am confused. I am going to call tomorrow, but just wondering if anyone has this information tonight. Thank you.
  11. I just went to Medicare website. Actually, it says that it DOES cover laparscopic placement but does NOT cover open placement. I hope I can get this straightened out.
  12. Yes, I did. I specifically went to this facility because they were on the Medicare list for Center of Excellence. They seem to have covered the rest of the procedure, but it looks like they just aren't paying for the laprscopic placement of the band. Maybe they only pay for "open" placement. I will have to call tomorrow and find out what is going on.
  13. ItsGottaGo!

    Do I need another fill?

    I am wondering the same thing because I have the same problem. Some days the same food goes down, other days stuck and slime and PB. And what exactly is that slime and where does it come from??
  14. ItsGottaGo!

    Emotion v Eating

    I have the same problem. But I am very concerned to know if the restricted part of your stomach became inflammed from trying to eat too much or from eating the wrong food? Thanks.
  15. ItsGottaGo!

    September Bandsters

    My first fill was 5.5 cc's in a 10 cc VG band, so it is over half full. I feel like I have really good restrcition most of the time. But this band is fickle. Sometimes I can eat way more of the same food that other times I can only tolerate a few bites.
  16. ItsGottaGo!

    Calling all Vanguard Bandsters...

    My surgeon also ONLY uses the VG band, regardless of stomach size. That being said, my first fill was almost 2 weeks ago with 5.5 cc's and I feel like I have really good restriction so far. Although I do seem to be more opened up later in the evening, but I shouldn't be eating at that time anyway. Good luck to you!
  17. ItsGottaGo!

    Compulsive/ Binge Eating

    You are right, SweetSue!
  18. ItsGottaGo!


    I wondered the same thing before I was banded. I have NO problem with drinking water, as much as I want as fast as I want. I just make sure it is about 1 hour after a meal. Good luck!
  19. ItsGottaGo!

    Compulsive/ Binge Eating

    You know, I always was proud of myself for never becoming addicted to smoking, drinking or drugs. I always said I just didn't have that "addictive personality", never realizing that my addiction was FOOD! And it's funny too, (well not really funny) that the only time I would be able to stop eating out of control and lose weight was when I would decide to smoke cigarettes in place of eating something. I mean, I would smoke cigarettes for dinner instead of food but I was always able to quit after that. I never became addicted to the cigarettes, but the food was another story. Strange huh?
  20. ItsGottaGo!

    September Bandsters

    I saw the book by Dr. Oz in Costco today. Check it out if you have one near you.
  21. ItsGottaGo!

    Compulsive/ Binge Eating

    Even Phentermine didn't kill my appetite.
  22. ItsGottaGo!

    Compulsive/ Binge Eating

    Binge eater here!!! It's terrible feeling so out of control. I never knew what a portion was. When I heard about the band, I knew it was for me. With the fill I just received last Monday, it is impossible for me to overeat. Hoping it continues this way. Good luck to you.
  23. ItsGottaGo!


    Gurgler here too! I was filled last Monday and have been gurgling ever since! I am definitely restricted too.
  24. ItsGottaGo!

    September Bandsters

    BJean, it was definitely the muffin. That's what did it to me. No more tasting muffins.
  25. ItsGottaGo!

    How Much Time Do You Take To Eat ?

    Me too, TrueBlue. Had my first sliming episode today, was stuck and PB'd, but instead of coughing "it" out, it went back down. Thank goodness it only lasted for about 10 minutes, but it hurt! I have restriction with my first fill which was on Monday. I will never make that mistake again, eating too fast, too big bites and not chewing enough. OUCH!

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