I'm getting the third degree from a close friend in Seattle who has had great success with the Lap Band procedure.
...it's not even my vice! LOL! I'll be talking with my wife about this weaning (sp?) off of the soda. Of all the things in this world, she is a Pepsi girl. I am hopeful that she is at that point where she realizes that her health is more important that a sweet kick.
It's funny, the other night I had a swig of her Pepsi...my eyes got all big...I could taste and feel the overwhelming sweetness. It wasn't "bad" per se, just OVERLY sweet. NO mas on the Pepsi! I say this having a bottle of Water next to me.
The culinary degree...Some people call me a chef but I dispise that term, it's so loosely thrown around these days. I'm particularly skilled at grilling and baking. I'm not in the industry anymore, so I'm just a skilled home cook. I'd throw out some of my best recipes but on this forum...I'd be hunted down and strung up. I'll pass on that. On the other hand, I've got some GREAT fresh veggie ideas, recipes, herb and spice usage. I'm completely confident that I can meet my wife's nutritional needs.
One Q though, am I going to need to buy a blender or food processor for her requirements? I actually hope so...I could REALLY use a nice 14 cup Cuisinart processor.
Hey Diablo...Where did you go for all your pre op stuff? I noticed your signature notes.
I am also looking forward to running the Hood To Coast with my wife as soon as she feels ready! This woman has done HTC being in the condition she is now so I ABSOLUTELY know she has the heart!