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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. elcee

    Protein Shake Hard For Me To Do

    If you really can't manage the shakes then just drink milk. It doesn't have as much protein in but it is a healthy nutritious food.
  2. Thanks Denise for posting this. It would be interesting if I had enough of a medical background to understand what they were talking about! I did know that it was possible for the band to slip upwards, in fact initially I thought this was the only type of slip. It took a while on LBT reading lots of threads to realise that the more common kind of slip was "downwards". I am sure that Shirley's band probably did slip upwards but that still makes it hard to understand the chain of events that occurred afterwards.Would an upwards slipping band really cause seizures or did something else happen? What would cause the band to slip so easily - Shirley stated it took one bite? We know that Shirley's band was stitched in place as she mentioned this numerous times. What is the significance of the "2 bands"? Unfortunately we will probably never know and that is what makes these type of events so scary. I understand patient confidentiality but sometimes you would think that a greater good would be served by giving more info to others who are in a similar situation that could benefit from the extra knowledge.
  3. I believe that an infection in or around the port can travel along the tubing to the band and vice versa. Often an infection at the port site can be a sign of erosion. Herewith some info found on another site. How to you tell if you have lap band erosion? Probably the biggest indicator of erosion is weight regain because the band is no longer in place to restrict the food intake. Another one of the signs is redness, swelling and pain around the access port. This is caused by bacteria from the stomach getting into the capsule that forms around the band. The infection simply travels to the outside port along the tubing. Another sign that erosion is happening is that the erosion causes the band to be less restrictive than before so you can eat more than before. A lot more than before. http://all-about-lapband.com/problems/erosion.html
  4. I can feel my port quite easily with my fingers but other than that no.
  5. I am 153cm and was banded at a weight of 70kg( 154lb). I was 74kg before starting the preop diet etc It took me just over 6 months to get to 52kg and I then over the next 2 years lost another 2kg. I have gained slightly and am currently back around 52kg.
  6. Sounds like yet another "miracle" fad.
  7. elcee


    I thought you were talking about your 2nd productive burp!
  8. elcee

    Baked Fish? A Mushy?

    Not really. Fish is flaky. It can causes problems. Mushies are things that can be mashed with a fork. Potato, pumpkin, avocado, veggies etc
  9. elcee

    Gas In Back Of Shoulder

    I can't tell how long it takes for food to pass through my band as when the food is properley chewed etc for me there is no sensation. I can only feel it if I am stuck or if a bite may be too big. What you are aiming for is for the food to pass through slowly as that is what helps the feeling of satiety. However I would say that if you are now having shoulder pain that you didn't have before then the band may indeed be too tight. Part of it is probably rubbing on the diaphragm or the vagus nerve and causing referred pain in the shoulder.It is not gas. I would go back to the Dr and have a tiny bit of fill taken out to hopefully relieve it.
  10. That's great. Keep up the good work
  11. elcee

    How Many Slips?

    If my band slips it slips. Then I shall get it fixed or revise. I don't see either as a major problem. Much better than being obese with all the associated health problems that brings. A sleeve probably has no major issues a couple of years down the line but the initial risks at the time of surgery can be REALLY scary.
  12. elcee

    I So Tired But The Pain

    Sleep is good, it helps you to heal.
  13. elcee

    Low Vitamin D Levels?

    That is correct, it is from avoiding the sun. Because of the concerns about skin cancer there has been a huge increase in vit D deficiency. The best way to get it is through exposure to the sun. So if you can get out when the sun is weak (early morning etc) without sun screen on for about 10 minutes it really is beneficial. In the meantime take your supplements.
  14. elcee

    Getting Stuck?

    Yes I am sure that eating and drinking could be the cause of your pain. Generally eating and drinking together either means that you are washing your food down quicker so you eat more than you should or it can cause you clog up which is very uncomfortable. You have been told not to eat and drink at the same time for a reason, you therefore need to learn to do that. You probably haven't messed anything up but you are quite likely to have less success than if you do what your Dr has told you to do. We all lead stressful lives. We need to learn to deal with our stresses as if we don't then we set ourselves up for failure. It is too easy to eat or drink or not stick to our diet because_______________ we have had a bad day we are sad we are happy we are bored we deseve it whatever! You have to remember what your goals are and why you want to get to them. Often it can be harder than we expected and it seems like an easier option to not do what we should. If you have food stuck then generally you will get pain or discomfort in the centre of your chest , right about where you expect your heart to be. You also can't generally eat or drink anything and you produce extra saliva which you can't swallow so you have to spit it up. So to me it does not sound as though what you had was a fullon stuck episode. You say you now feel fine which is good. Try to stick to what you should do from now on.
  15. elcee

    Starvation Mode

    The thing that always puzzles me about starvation mode is how if it exists there are people that are anorexic or malnourished and starving in Africa. What I do believe is true is that the cycle of dieting/notdieting/dieting again somehow messes up your metabolism. I don't think that you stop losing when eating the restricted amounts but I do think that as soon as you start eating "normally" again you quickly regain the weight that was lost. I think part of this problem may be due to the fact that the less we weigh the less we need to eat to maintain that weight. So as an example a person weighing 200lb might be eating 2500 cal per day. They go on a diet and eventually get down to 120lb by severely restricting calories. Once they have lost the weight the diet is over so they then go back to eating more. They think that if they could maintain their previous weight on 2500cal they can do the same now. What they don't realise is that to maintain the loss they probably need to stick to 1200 cal per day for life.So the weight is quickly regained. This is why the band is such a fantastic tool. Most of us have been able to lose weight before but we have been unable to sustain it. The band assists by enabling us to continue to eat and be satisfied on small quantities of food.
  16. I didn't have any issues like this but I remember my Mum telling me that when she was pregnant everything tasted like she had sprinkled sugar on it.
  17. If you do have extra skin then you can have plastic surgery . Far better to have lost the weight and need the extra surgery than to still be obese with all the healthrisks that brings.
  18. elcee

    Cancer And Lap Band Surgery

    Generally losing weight helps any kind of illness, however this is a question for your Dr.
  19. You may not be ready yet but there is no reason why at some point in the future you won't be able to have a weekly dinner date with your friend. You can still enjoy her company and you will just eat less and drink less. I have 1 bunch of friends that I go out for lunch with once a month. I still enjoy their company I just don't eat as much as them. Yesterday was great because a number of them have just started WW so 1 of my friends decided she didn't want a full meal she would prefer to share. That suited me down to the ground. I got to eat about the same quantity as I normally do but it only cost me half as much!
  20. I think you are being a bit over the top. If I told you to go and jump off a cliff because it had worked for me would you do it? No I doubt it. You have to give people credit. If I said that aspirin worked wonderfully for my pain I also doubt that you would rush out and buy it. You might consider it. Hopefully you would be aware of any issues that you might have with aspirin. If you were already on an anticoagulant e.g warfarin then you would know that you should not take it. You would not need to go to your Dr and ask because you would already be informed.
  21. People do not tell others what to take, generally they tell others what has worked for them. A person can then discuss the options with their Dr. Or the other scenario I see is that someone has been told to take a medication but they are struggling with the form it is in e.g a large tablet, others then give alternatives that are the same active ingredient but in a more easily taken form. If something is an OTC medication then people can go and but the meds themselves anyway, if it is something you need a script for then you will have to discuss it with your Dr.
  22. elcee

    3 Yrs 8 Months Out

    I love it when people share their good experiences. It is so encouraging for others. Well done
  23. People do not start getting problems once their band starts to be filled. The band starts doing it's job once it starts being filled. You should be going to see your Dr and your band should be starting to get filled (or not) based on his advice. If you are losing weight, eating small portions of food and not struggling with hunger in between meals you may not need a fill at this point. But you should not be scared of fills, without them the band does not work the way it is intended(except for a very few rare exceptional cases) The problems occur if the band is filled too much or if the bandster does not stick to the eating rules(chew well, small bites etc)
  24. So you don't get constipated
  25. It is really annoying when people delete their post after others have replied. It then leaves a thread that makes no sense!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
