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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. elcee


    OMG that is forever.
  2. elcee

    Laughing Hurts

    Just hold a pillow over your stomach and then you should be able to laugh, sneeze or cough without too much pain. I remember when I had my daughter , by Caesarean, there was 1 woman on our ward who was a complete comedian. She had us in stitches which is a problem when you have stitches in you!
  3. elcee

    New Member To The Forum!

    I've only been here almost 3 years and it is actually amazing how many people have left. Some that were great and really helpful, others that thought they knew everything and others that you just wonder what happened and how they are doing. Are you new to being banded or only new to the forum?
  4. To have to wait a week and a half is no time at all. I wouldn't stress about it. Just concentrate on eating healthily and not giving in to all the junk in the meantime.
  5. Your band is less than half full so it is quite likely that you do need more fill. But a tip to remember . Restriction is not about being restricted in what you can/can't eat - it is about being able to go for fairly long periods without feeling hungry. You have said that you are getting hungry so you seem to be getting a fill for the right reason.
  6. elcee

    How Long Between Fills?

    Initially I was on a 3 - 4 week schedule. Now I see my Dr about twice a year. Quite a lot of the Dr's have a problem with being overbooked so sometimes it is better to make your next appointment when you go for your fill. If it turns out you don't need it then you can cancel.
  7. Have you considered that if you get your band out and don't revise to another form of WLS then odds are that you will very soon be as fat as you were before you got banded? It might be a tough thing to hear but unfortunately it is true. Very few people maintain their loss once their band is removed. It sounds as though you are either too tight or you have a slip.Both of these can be corrected. If you really want rid of your band why not consider a revision.
  8. I go and cough it up. It hurts too much to wait for it to decide to go down and that can take hours. Besides when something is stuck you start sliming and that doesn't go down either so you have to spit that out.
  9. elcee

    Blending Soup

    Why don't you make your own soups. They have to be 100% better for you than anything that comes out of a tin and they are not hard to make. Boil some veggies in stock, add some kind of lentils or beans or something for protein and blend until smooth. If it's too thick then water it down.
  10. elcee

    I Was Wondering

    I can still eat pizza but only in small quantities. I struggled with it when I was first banded but it has become easier. I would advise you to go with thin crust not deep pan, only have 1 slice and eat it very slowly.
  11. I just ate normal foods. The same type of things that I have always cooked but less of them.
  12. elcee

    I Need Some Advice...

    Excellent advice
  13. That all sounds very odd. You don't normally get leaks with a band that is something that you would expect from sleeve surgery. The band is generally tested before they put it in as they do not want to have do a second surgery to take out because of something that could easily have been checked beforehand. I am also very confused as you say that there was a problem with how/where the liquid was entering your stomach but you haven't said how they rectified it. Yes the liquid diet is horrible and really hard but remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. You can do this.
  14. It is shock. When there is insufficient blood volume or blood pressure to supply the whole body the blood is diverted to the most important organs.Your stomach isn't very important as compared to the others so it is generally one of the first things to be affected. I am surprised you didn't faint(or at least feel faint) as well. Sorry for your bad news.
  15. This statement contradicts itself!
  16. Just reading through some threads on one of LBTs sister sites. I found this one particularly interesting. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28467-gastric-sleeve-surgery-complications-of-every-sort-am-i-nuts-please-help-long-sorry It just verifies for me that all though sometimes we are led to believe that the "grass is always greener on the other side" it is not always so.
  17. elcee

    Headache After Workout

    I would have also said dehydration. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink - drink before , during and after your workout. Plain water is best.
  18. elcee


    This would be really hard. What you have to do now is go on a diet to make sure you don't gain whilst you are waiting to be refilled. There is nothing wrong with eating if you are hungry so long as you choose the right type of foods. Make salads(no cheese or high fat dressings), keep chopped up raw veggies in the fridge, make veggie Soup. These are all fine to snack on between meals. Plan what you are going to eat for the day and include a treat - just make sure you have included the calories. Most importantly DO NOT LET THE CHEESE PUFFS WIN.
  19. elcee

    Long-Term Effects

    I've been taking it for about a month and the situation seems to have improved. But as the problem was something that would bother me periodically and not constantly it is difficult to tell.
  20. elcee

    What Is He Thinking? Don't Read If You're Uptight!

    I think you know the answer yourself already. You have already said it was casual sex. He knows he can have it with you any time he wants it. He probably isn't that keen. He may hook up with you again if he doesn't have a better offer but if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath. Casual sex is exactly that and from your message it is obvious that you are feeling anything but casual about this.
  21. elcee


    Possibly you could have but did you? Presumably not. So even if your weight loss is slow you are still doing better than you were preband.
  22. elcee


    Why are you thanking Alex?
  23. I am so glad that drivers licences here don't have your weight on them. It is bad enough that they have your DOB in numbers so big you could see them from a mile away even if you were shortsighted!
  24. Sounds to me like you are either too tight or you have a slip. Although it does sound weird that you can eat OK once you have thrown up. Are you letting yourself get too hungry or gulping down your food because you are too busy looking after the littlies? If so maybe your initial bites are too big and not chewed properly thus causing you problems. Possibly throwing up reminds you that you need to slow down and you then eat properly afterwards. Whatever - you know this is not healthy and you know that you need to go and see your Dr.
  25. elcee

    Something I Just Had To Share

    Correct the scale can't give you validation and being thin does not make you beautiful BUT A lot of people are blind to how fat they really are. And being overweight is one of the main causes of premature death. Overweight is unhealthy. So beautiful or not people should wake up and take note of that number because if they don't they may find they won't be around for as long as they could be if they did sit up and take notice! And they may not also be able to do a lot of things that they would like to do if they lost some of that excess weight.

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