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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by elcee

  1. elcee

    Acid Reflux When I Get A Fill

    That sounds way too tight to me. You are not eating you are only drinking. If you can't eat solid Protein then the band is too tight. Being this tight is likely to lead to problems such as reflux or a slip. Reflux is actually a sign that your band may have slipped. I think you need to get in to see your Dr and get checked out.
  2. Give up the night weighing. You are likely to be heavier then than in the morning.
  3. elcee

    Protein Shakes

    Just don't forget to add the calories into what you have used for the day.
  4. elcee

    Acid Reflux When I Get A Fill

    You might be too tight and may need a small unfill. How long has the reflux been going on for? Can you link it to a certain food you eat or when you eat or is it constant?
  5. elcee

    Protein Shakes

    I get all the protein I need from the food that I eat. I have never felt the need to supplement with additional shakes.
  6. Wow they do fill quickly in the US. Here in Aus they prefer to do small fills. I think my first was 1.5ml, then 1ml then not sure what. I only have about 5ml in now almost 3 years later. Glad it is going well so far.
  7. Actually if you are a big sweet/candy eater then a bypass rather than the band or sleeve is probably the best option. One of the side effects that many people with a bypass have is dumping syndrome. What happens is that the sugar hits them so quickly that they feel awful. Sweaty, faint, nauseous or the runs are some of the ways it can affect you. Unfortunately you won't know before the op if you are one of the people that this will happen 2. I also believe that it is not permanent - that after a year or 2 sweets no longer have this effect. I would think very seriously before getting the band though. As the others have said it will not affect your ability to eat sweets. You need to do that yourself. if you are unable or unwilling to do your part then it might end up being a very costly mistake.
  8. It is not going to hurt but remember you have 2 weeks of preop then if you are on the normal schedule another 2 weeks of liquids after surgery, then 2 weeks of mushies then 2 weeks of soft foods before you get back to eating "normal" food. Although this is in reality a short period, when you are going through it , it feels like forever. Why make it any longer than you have to?
  9. Well I know that tattoo's can be dangerous but this is the first time I have heard of lapband leakage as a risk! LOL. I have never been a big fan of tatts and now I have another reason not to get one! Glad that he was able to find the apparent cause of your leak and that it now seems to have been fixed.
  10. No I'm in Aus - the land of koalas!
  11. elcee

    Spicy Hot

    There supposedly is a slight increase in metabolism from eating spicy foods but it is so slight that it is not going to make any difference to your weight loss. The exception would be when you have curry that is so hot that you are then forced to sit on the loo for a couple of days afterwards and cannot get off to eat anything.
  12. Also wondering are these allergies or intolerances? Normally a change in the form of the food does not affect an allergy, if you are allergic to lactose it doesn't matter what form it is in you will react whereas if your problem is a food intolerance then you may be able to eat lactose in a modified form. cheese, yogurt instead of milk etc. Wondering because you said you have a problem with RAW fruit/veg
  13. If you have so many allergies then you should be asking your immunologist what you should be eating not us. We don't want to give you advice that could kill you.
  14. I didn't change my meals too much as I have always eaten proper healthy food . What I did do was cut out all the crap in between. Preband I would eat a couple of biscuits(cookies) before Breakfast, probably a few more mid morning. Eat a chocolate bar every day, eat cake, run back and fore to the fridge to nibble on stuff. With the band I stopped all that ( although I wasn't a saint). I would sometimes have a slice of cake for lunch instead of as well as lunch. Unfortunately the longer you have been banded the easier it is to cheat especially as you cannot sustain that initial motivation. I am struggling with an additional kg which has been hanging around on and off since before Christmas. I need to take control again. Going away this weekend for hubby's Birthday didn't help but I now need to stop making excuses.
  15. elcee

    Does Anybody Have Lymphodema?

    I mentioned the beauty salons because if you can't afford to buy the system outright you may be able to pay for the treatment at a salon
  16. elcee

    Does Anybody Have Lymphodema?

    I know the things you are talking about. Some of the beauty salons used to use them years ago, don't know if they still do.
  17. I sleep on both sides with no issue.
  18. Mine was approx 32. It took me approx 6 months to lose 22/23 kg and get to a BMI of around 22. That was almost 2 years ago and I am currently maintaining a loss of between 22 - 24kg.
  19. elcee

    Does Anybody Have Lymphodema?

    They are compression stockings. You should be able to buy some at a pharmacy as they are the same type of things that they recommend people where when they fly long distance.
  20. OMG you have just made me feel old! I am 49 and if a sexy Grandpa found me sexy I would be seriously unnerved. I think I would want to run in the opposite direction. Now if it was a sexy toyboy that would be cool. Maybe I need to face up to how old I REALLY am!
  21. Glad you are Ok. Cocoa I also thought that the band was contraindicated for autoimmune problems. I have just got back from a w/e away for hubby's Birthday and have a million emails etc to catch up on. Will pop back into LBT once the backlog has been cleared.
  22. elcee

    Complications - Vegal Nerve?

    There have been a number of people that have had bands removed as tubing was putting pressure on the vagal nerve and causing shoulder pain that they could not get rid of.A slipped band can put pressure on this nerve and cause left shoulder pain. If you eat too quickly, too big a bite etc then that is often felt as referred pain in the throat which again is something to do with the vagal nerve so I would think that it is possible that damage to the nerve could be causing your problems. I have no idea what to suggest to help but I would certainly keep chasing your Dr's until they come up with some kind of answer. Good luck.
  23. I thought from your initial post that the pains were lower done in the stomach, and you also mentioned constipation which is why I didn't mention any of this. I think a lot of us that have been around for a while just assume that people know more than they do so then we don't repeat it. If what you have found here seems to apply to you then yes the solution is much simpler - watch HOW you eat.
  24. Pain, gas, constipation sound like some kind of food intolerance. Obviously your diet has changed a lot post band , maybe something you are eating does not agree with you. Maybe lactose or it could be soy or some other Protein in one of the shakes that you are probably drinking. I rarely use them but there was 1 I tried that made me feel awful. Stomach pain, foul flatulence etc. Burping is quite normal postband. A lot of bandsters can out burp a sailor. Constipation is probably because you are not getting enough fibre in your diet especially if you are doing the high protein thing. Try changing what you eat and see if it helps.

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