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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maclynn

  1. Just curious. Yesterday I went through a battery of tests and was wondering if every doctor runs you through the same testing. I had blood work, an EKG, ultra-sound of my internal organs, chest x-ray, upper GI (barium, yuck!) and x-rays of my abdomen.
  2. That makes sense because I've read more than a couple have been repaired with the banding. And I sure agree with the barium statement. I dread the thought of more of it. At least it doesn't give me the same reaction as Pepto. That stuff is like an immediate inducer of vomiting for me!
  3. Hey Riane, I didn't have to have the bilateral doppler ultrasound of the legs, clearance from a gynocologist or clearance from a pulmonologist, but went through everything else. I have to have a physical next on the 28th the surgery the following week. Thanks for taking a moment to satisfy my curiosity!
  4. Ah, okay. I wasn't aware of that. It must be my doctor's standard procedure as it was pre-printed on the form they sent.
  5. Hi Amy, I felt exactly that way too! My daughter came with me and she is not overweight, well except for a few baby pounds that haven't come off. I kept feeling that people were wondering why I was there. But after 40 years of diet and gaining. Plus high blood pressure and sure to be other complications if I didn't loose the weight, I was determined to get some help. Best of luck to you!
  6. Thanks, RM. I was a little curious since I've read several times that people had barium post op and seemed surprised by how nasty it was and wondered that they hadn't had it pre-op. I don't know the results of my tests but hope they are normal. I go for a physical with the surgeon's associate on the 28th. The doctor was about to send me for a sleep study to help ensure my insurance coverage when they approved me but I don't think I have sleep apnea. I just wish May 6th was here!
  7. maclynn

    Hi Everyone I'm new

    Hi cydaisy, My visits cost me my co-pay, which is $15 each office visit. But yes, if you don't have insurance, it was the cost of an office visit for all six of my appoinments. Thank you so much for the well wishes. I just had all my pre-op testing done this morning. Almost there!
  8. maclynn

    Hi Everyone I'm new

    Oh, that is me right now. I'm trying so hard to diet and not gain back what I lost but its so hard. I want this to be done yesterday!
  9. maclynn

    Hi Everyone I'm new

    I also had to do the six month supervised diet and excercise. I started last year in July, finished in January. Had my first visit with the surgeon in Feburary and got approved in March with no problem even though I was now under 40 BMI due to the weight loss on the diet. Due to work commitments in April, I am having my surgery on 5/6. Good luck!
  10. Hey Beth, I'm having my surgery on a Wednesday and asked my doctor if I could work from home the following week but he said that he usually wants people off a week since sitting for long periods of time isn't recommended. But reading a lot of the posts on the forums suggested its 50/50. Many are up and about in three or four days and some take as long as two weeks until they recover from the surgery. Everyone is different and you won't know how it will affect you until you have it done. Lucikly I have short term disability coverage and will have a week and a half off since my doctor sees pateints on Fridays. Hope this helps! mac
  11. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    LOL, what a small world. Good luck staying away from the Mexican restaurants. :drool: I see a lot of cooking in my future.
  12. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    Hey TxAmy07, What part of Texas are you from. My mom lives in Frisco so I've been in that part of your state frequently so have had the pleasure of Mexican there. Joe T Garcia, yum! As for Mexican, that is what I did when I successfully lost weight several years ago. Until I stoppped watching everything I ate and gained it all back again.
  13. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    Hallelujah Girl, Mexican is my downfall since I'm a salt,not sweet person. We wil definately have to keep in touch. And while my goal is to lose another 72 lbs, I'd be happy with 50. I have been quite amazed at how many make goal since everthing I'd read said you would lose 50-70% of your excess weight. Here's to making our lives healthier!
  14. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    Rebecca, I worried about going under the BMI but someone told me they take your BMI at your weight when you started your diet. I was under 39.6 BMI with medically controlled high blood pressure, when the doctor submitted the paperwork to the insurance company. SpideyMom, I agree but think I'll treat myself in October when I'm in SF for a girls weekend!
  15. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    Thank you so much, Ann (SpideyMom). You and Cali have made me feel so welcome. This is what I was hoping would happen when I joinded up here. I am happy to be a Mayo Bandito.:thumbup: I'm sorry you got the chace for an earlier date and had to put it off. I was doing so good being pateint for the past eight months and now I just want May 6th to be here!
  16. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    LOL Yes, I am quite short at 4'11". Also would love to connect with you and others for encouragement. Thank so much for saying 'Hi'. Forgot I wanted to say we've not had any billboard here yet advertising. I'm sure it's only a matter of time! mac
  17. maclynn

    Let's get this journey started !!

    Hi Everyone! I too have fought the overweight battle all my life. I have managed to lose weight in the past but always gain back plus extra pounds for my effort. Last June I asked my PC doctor if I qualified for a LapBand. That started my journey. After a seminar held by the Bariatric Center here in Milwaukee and checking with my insurance if they covered bariatric surgery, I made my first appointments. One with the psychologist, one with the dietician and one with my PC doctor. Insurance required six months physcian supervised diet and exercise program. Roll forward to February. Completed my monthly visits with the PC doctor and dietician. Met with the surgeon and they forwarded the documents to my insurance company. Because I lost 18lbs., I was now just under 40 BMI and the doctor had told me the insurance may baulk. I was very concerned but to my surprise I got a call in March that all was approved. They wanted to schedule the surgery for April but I was supposed to be out of town the week of the 20th so got a May 6th date. The trip has since been canceled and I'm a little put out by it. Next week I go for the pre-op procedures at the hospital, meet with the nutritionist on 4/27 and get a physcial from the surgeon's associate on 4/28. No mention of a two week liquid diet and my visits are only a week out. I'm happy to know that there are so many of us and look for to supporting your journeys as well as getting support from all of you!!!!
  18. My Surgery is May 6th also!!!!
  19. maclynn

    Any May dates yet?

    I'm May 6th also! I could have scheduled an April date but I have to be in Seattle the week of April 20th so it didn't work out. My pre-op is the 16th. Best of luck to you!
  20. I am 4'11" and had to be on a six month physician supervised diet. When I started the diet I was 214 and when the six months was up, I was 196, which is what I am right now. My insurance company approved me and I am now scheduled for surgery 5/6. Good luck!
  21. I just found out last Thursday my insurance approved me. Due to being out of town in April for work, I cannot schedule my date until May 6th. I'm equal parts excited and nervous. Good luck!!!
  22. Hello, everyone. I've been reading posts the past few days and decided to join up. The support here seems amazing and I'm excited to begin my new journey. A little about me. I've been overweight all my life. I actually lost 60lbs ten years ago on Atkins and kept most of it off until about three years ago when I let it all come back. A bad cholestrol test, which was subsequently followed by a good one so I don't know if it was a fluke, gave me the wake up call I needed to get serious about losing weight for good. Problem was, it didn't seem to come off as easy as ten years ago. But more than that, I was positive I couldn't keep it off, even if I do lose, without drastic help. After discussing the possiblity of a LapBand with my PC doctor, I got the ball rolling last summer. In June I contacted my insurance company, Humana, and asked if the procedure was covered. The good news was yes! Bad new was one of the qualifications was six months physcial supervised diet and exercise program. I began monthly visits with my PC doc, as well as getting started with visits to the Bariatric Center, which included mothly visits with the nutritionisht. Then I was finally ready to meet with the Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Chua in February. My 18lb weight lost brought me under 40bmi so I was worried that the insurance comany would deny me. Then I received a call this past Thursday to say my insurance company approved my surgery! No battles, just yes. To say I was surprised is an understatement! Because I travel for work, I could not schedule the surgery until May 6th. If anyone has any helpful hints for banders eating frequently on the road, I'm all ears! Thanks for listening to me. And thanks for all the postings since I've learned a lot.
  23. maclynn

    On my way!

    Thank you, Josephine! I used to live in Milw proper but now live in Franklin. My children were both born at St. Mary's and my mom used to live in Euless, but now is in Frisco. I am ready for a life style change and realize that things have to be different. Thanks for the encouragement, I'm sure you'll hear from me again!

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