Ooops, posted this in the wrong place. Let's try again!
Well, yesterday was my surgery. It went very well. DH and I got up at 4:30am in order to get there at 5:30. About 7:30am they wheeled me into the surgery room. The last thing I truly remember was the oxygen mask being placed over my face. Next thing I knew they were calling my name and telling me I was in recovery and everything had gone fabulously. I looked at the clock and it was about 8:45am. They brought DH in to say ‘hi’ before making him go back to the waiting room but let him in because it would be a while before they had a bed for me. In fact it was after 1pm by the time they got me settled into a room.
They gave me some pain meds, I think morphine, before taking me to my room. I didn’t need to ask for any more until about 5pm when they gave me my 4oz of broth and 2 oz of juice. I didn’t get nauseous but my stomach ached a little as if sore from using the muscles. I finally got up to use the bathroom. After another dose of meds and a nap, we walked around the floor. After my walk, they came by with a meter for me to take deep breaths and then cough. That caused me some pain so it was another dose of meds and a bit of napping.
I had the choice of staying overnight or going home. It really didn’t matter that much to me but DH wouldn’t have slept a wink if he went home without me so we left around 8:30pm. We stopped for my liquid hydrocodone and headed home. I noticed that one of my incisions was aggravated by my pants but I’m keeping an eye in it. I was all tucked up in my bed by 11pm. Woke in the middle of the night with a headache which they explained I could get from the gas.
Today I’m only in pain when I shift from lying to sitting to standing and vise versa. Not hungry at all and have only managed one Protein shake so far. I’m on full liquids today and move to pureed foods tomorrow. I’m not walking as much as I’d intended but this is a time for healing so that is what I am going to focus on.