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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maclynn

  1. I'm day nine and have gotten hunger pangs yesterday and today but thankfully the 6 tablespoons of soup or mushies takes care of that.
  2. maclynn

    I week post-op How is everyone?

    Hi All! Today was my follow up with the surgeon's office and then the nutritionist. I have disolving stitches but the PA took the tape off. Still sore around the port area but getting better all the time. They were very happy with my 8lb weight loss. The nutritionist wasn't as fun. I'm still not having luck getting all my Protein in. I'm on mushies for another week. I'm supposed to have 6 tablespoons three times a day. No problem. Keeps the hunger at bay. The problem is the 60-80 grams of carbs. The carb shakes makes me nauseous. Got the unflavored uninjury and make the mistake of trying it in my tomato juice. *shudders* I'll try some fat free chocolate milk tomorrow. Don't think I can do it tonight. I get to start soft foods on the 23rd. The next week will probably seem like forever!
  3. Oh, I can imagine! I probably should have taken mine that night but didn't until the next morning. I had my doctor prescribe me lisinopril 10/12.5 but two pills a day as the genric form of the 20/25 was too big to swallow. Here's to the possiblility that we may be able to leave them behind one day!
  4. I was told to not take my lisinopril HCTZ the day of surgery because of the diuectic when I went in for my pre-op eval.
  5. maclynn

    May 11th Surgery Stories

    I couldn't agree with you more, Hallelujah girl. The head hunger is the worst. Not hungry but just the thought of actually chewing real food that you are not limited to is very hard. Especially when every other commercial on TV is for food. Good luck to all of us!
  6. maclynn

    Banded May 6th

    Well, yesterday was my surgery. It went very well. The DH and I got up at 4:30am in order to get there at 5:30. About 7:30am they wheeled me into the surgery room. The last thing I truly remember was the oxygen mask being placed over my face. Next thing I knew they were calling my name and telling me I was in recovery and everything had gone fabulously. I looked at the clock and it was about 8:45am. They brought my DH in to say ‘hi’ before making him go back to the waiting room but let him in because it would be a while before they had a bed for me. In fact it was after 1pm by the time they got me settled into a room. They gave me some pain meds, I think morphine, before taking me to my room. I didn’t need to ask for any more until about 5pm when they gave me my 4oz of broth and 2 oz of juice. I didn’t get nauseous but my stomach ached a little as if sore from using the muscles. I finally got up to use the bathroom. After another dose of meds and a nap, we walked around the floor. After my walk, they came by with a meter for me to take deep breaths and then cough. That caused me some pain so it was another dose of meds and a bit of napping. I had the choice of staying overnight or going home. It really didn’t matter that much to me but DH wouldn’t have slept a wink if he went home without me so we left around 8:30pm. We stopped for my liquid hydrocodone and headed home. I noticed that one of my incisions was aggravated by my pants but I’m keeping an eye in it. I was all tucked up in my bed by 11pm. Woke in the middle of the night with a headache which they explained I could get from the gas. Today I’m only in pain when I shift from lying to sitting to standing and vise versa. Not hungry at all and have only managed one protein shake so far. I’m on full liquids today and move to pureed foods tomorrow. I’m not walking as much as I’d intended but this is a time for healing so that is what I am going to focus on.
  7. maclynn

    Banded May 6th

    Hey Hallelujah girl, I didn't get the uninjury unflavored powder but ordered some yesterday to do just that and add to creamed Soups. Had some very milked down oatmeal and that was good. I'm not so much a sweet eater so all the flavored Proteins don't do me any good. I have a refrigerator full of low fat puddings not evey touched! And Jennifer, if you can stomach them, I no longer seem able to, the new slimfast low carb shakes have 20 grams of carbs so three of them a day would give you your Protein.
  8. maclynn

    Banded May 6th

    Thanks Naynayto2 and Ann! I think I'll head out for the carnation instant breakfast today. And you're right Ann, I need to find some other options, did the 'lasagna' but used groudbeef in the sauce. It's good but I got tired of it quickly. So, you think scrambled eggs are okay? May try that for lunch.
  9. maclynn

    Banded May 6th

    Hey Ann, Don't be too jealous of mushies. ^.~ Actually I'm a pretty picky eater, don't like cottage cheese and many of the things you'd normally eat for mushies. Some of the stuff I am pureeing doesn't even taste good when all is said and done. I think I liked living off of full liquids a little better! Good luck to you and keep in touch!
  10. maclynn

    Banded May 6th

    Hey Jennifer, I'm doing really good I think. My biggest challenge is the Protein intake. All of a sudden my Protein shakes are making me gag. My diet quickly went to mushies but I will be on them a total of two weeks before two weeks of soft foods. Less than a week out and I am missing normal food. Best of luck tomorrow!
  11. As for exercise, I've been doing walking but it tires me out. Made the hubby take me to the mall to walk yesterday. I don't have to be back to work until next Monday since Dr. Chua's office said to stay off at least a week and I don't have my appoinment until Thursday (was originally scheduled on Friday). Luckily I have STD to cover.

  12. I haven't lost as much. Only about 5# from day of surgery but didn't have as much to lose. Congratulations! I was getting in a protein shake or two but now they make me gag. I'm ordered some unflavored uninjury powder yesterday. I guess I'll be low protein until then.


    I made myself a batch of ground sirloin, italian seasoning, low fat mozzerella and no sugar spagetti sauce. The mixed ricotta cheese with an egg. I then made little casseroles of them to our 6 tablespoons. Have had those for a few meals. Instant mashed potatoes. And mostly liquids. Nothing appeals to me though I am just a little hungry.

  13. I'm sorry you're not feeling good. That really sucks. I'll answer about food in the next post. Oh and here is my email addr if you want to keep in touch better. maclynn @ gmail dot com.


    That sounds like a long day. I wonder if you got my room! O.o We left a little after 8pm. My hubby really wanted me home and it didn't matter, except going from lying down to sitting. That hurt like an SOB!

  14. Best of Luck, Heather! You know when its right for you.
  15. Hey Rosie,

    Are you feeling better yet? I'm sore around the port, especially when I move to/from sitting, standing or laying down. Today I walked a bit but got tired quickly. I haven't be able to get three protein shakes in a day either. Did you stay over night Wednesday or did you go home? Even though my surgery was at 7:15, I didn't get into a room until after 1pm. I finally went home around 8:30 that night.


    Best of luck and keep in touch.



  16. My best advice for that is call your insurance company. I did that and they gave me the area that specializes in bariatric coverage and looked up my policy. She then emailed my my requirements. I followed them to the letter though it took me 11 months to get here. I wish you nothing but sucess in whatever you chose.
  17. Best of Luck to you Holli. I know how you feel. I just wish they'd had something like this when I was in my 20's.
  18. maclynn

    Weight: Life Long Battle.

    Hey Dawn, My story is not new but one that appears here regularly. I have had a weight problem all my life. I mean my mom had me on weight watchers at 9. She looks back and is upset as she seems to feel it set the tone for my life. Which was ups and downs with weight until I finally gave up in my early 30's, figuring I was desinted to always be 'fat'. Then when I was about 38 my sister introduced me to the Atkin's diet. I lost 65 lbs in a year and managed to keep it off for seven. I thought I'd finally found what I needed. Well three years later I had a family emergency which had me stray from the diet. Each day or week was, I'll get back on next day or week until I'd gained every hard lost pound back. Becoming resigned once again to severe obesity, I got a wake up call when my cholesterol and triglycerides came back borderline high. I've had controlled high blood pressure since my 20's but now this. Add to that I had a new granddaughter I felt the need to watch grow up. It's been a long 11 months since I asked my PCP if I qualified for a lap band but it was worth the effort. Here I am a few days post banding and I am ready to get on with my new life.
  19. maclynn

    Happy mother's day !!

    Thank you! And best of luck this week. :tt2:
  20. maclynn

    It's All About You!!

    All About Me :tt2: Where do you live? Milwaukee, WI How old are you? 49 Are you married, dating, significant other, partnered? Happily married for almost 32 years. Any children? One daughter, one son. Grandchildren? A two year old granddaughter. :biggrin: Pets? Not any more. Currant Health Morbidities? High Blood Pressure, borderline high cholesterol and triglycerides. What are your greatest Fears? I worry about LapBand complications. What is your weight loss short term goals and Long term goals? I'd like to lose 30 by the end of this year and 75 overall. List at least one thing you want to do/wear/eat/buy when you reach your goal? Go to girls weekend in Oct '10 and have everyone be surprised.
  21. maclynn

    Help....a little long

    pureed examples, cream Soups, yogurt, surgar free pudding, mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes, strained or pureed meat, poultry or cottage cheese, strained por pureed vegatables, vegatable juice, applesause. Soft, all of above plus moist ground meat, flaked fish, eggs, cottage cheese, Peanut Butter, dry Cereal, potaotes w/o skin, rice or Pasta in sauce, soft crackers, cooked vegatables (no hulls or hard skin like peas/corn), usweetened canned fruit w/o skins. Hope this helps. Also keep up on the Protein drinks in between meals since we're not eating a lot.
  22. maclynn

    Help....a little long

    Every doctor is different. My post op diet is as follows: 1 day (surgery day) Clear liquids 1 day full liquids 2 weeks pureed foods 2 weeks soft foods The pureed foods I am limited to 4-6 total tablespooons three times a day and three Protein shakes per day and 8oz liquid between meals. Its hard getting all that in. I'm not hungry. When I move to soft foods, its 6-8 total tablespoons (3-4 oz). Good luck!
  23. Thank you! I still think I'm doing well, all in all. The port area is probably the most tender and tummy is a little sore when walking. Othere than that, I'm feeling good and not hungry but I know that's mostly due to the trauma to the stomach. Best of luck to you!

  24. maclynn

    May 6th Surgery Stories

    I've also found that if I have gas pains lying down, it helps to roll to my side. It's less painful than the gas and seems to get it moving. Just takes a bit of manuvering to find a comfortable position on my side.
  25. I guess the best advise I have is to follow all the instructions to the letter. And plan on some discomfort. Then if for some reason you're out and about quickly, at least you were prepared if it doesn't work that way. I think I overdid it a bit today and am a bit sore but not in horrible pain.

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