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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by talkalot1981

  1. talkalot1981

    any fill doctors?

    I am in Anchorage as well. I haven't had my band yet but am in the process of doing so. My insurance(Tricare) has referred me to Doctor Todd on Debar. Has anyone else used him as their doc? Thanks Jennifer
  2. talkalot1981

    hello alaska banders

    Hello, I am in Anchorage. I am hoping to be banded in July.. I am going to Doctor Todd.I have to get this 2 month smoke free thing done first before I can continue on my journey.:sneaky: Jennifer
  3. talkalot1981

    Tricare Prime and Lap Band

    I talked to my surgeons office and I have to pay $50 for the seminar and another $200 for something else. I can't quite remember what thats for. I go to the nutritionist on post so I won't have 2 pay for that. I just couldn't remember what the other was for.
  4. talkalot1981

    Tricare Prime and Lap Band

    I was wondering if anyone else that had TriCare if they had any out of pocket expenses? I know people that are retired and have TriCare will have out of pocket but I am wondering about active duty spouses? Thanks Jennifer
  5. talkalot1981

    Pre-op Question about smoking

    I am not sure how your doc does it but I have 2 be smoke free for 2 months before I can even have a consult with him. I know it has been a struggle and I have only been smoke free for 9 days. I still wanna smoke really bad. But the thought of being told I can't have the surgery has made me not even wanna look behind the counter at a gas station. LOL I have to have nicotine tests and everything. I will NOT risk it. Jennifer
  6. My doc told me I can't even come in for a consult until I quit smoking for 2 months. It really upset me because I couldn't even start my process with getting the lap band. The only positive with the docs rule is that I actually have to quit smoking or I WON'T get to have surgery. If I fail that blood test then, I have to wait another 2 months. I don't want to fail myself, so I quit COLD turkey April 6th and haven't had one since then. I will gladly throw 10 years of smoking out the window so I can get my surgery. But I also do know how hard it has been. I think I have gained weight from quitting. LOL Good thing I quit to have WLS....LOL Good luck with quitting. I know how hard it has been.... I just pray everyday I don't give in to my urges... Jennifer
  7. These are the tests my surgeons office requires. Did anyone else have to do so many? Also I have my nutrition classes schedueled. I have to do 4. One a week. Did anyone else have to so many classes? I am actually kind of glad I have all these tests only because I have to wait 2 months. It will make the time go by faster. My doc requires 2 months smoke free first. 9 days and counting...... woohoo Preoperative Workup Our preoperative workup is extensive, consisting of a CXR, EKG, abdominal ultrasound, UGI, CBC, CMP, Free T3, TSH, AM Cortisol (or dexamethasone suppression test), H. pylori IgG, PT/PTT, Tox Screen, PFT’s/ABG, Dietary Consultation, Psychological Evaluation. EGD may be ordered for long standing GERD or for abnormalities seen on UGI. PSG may be ordered for OSA symptoms. Pulmonology and Cardiac consultations may be ordered as indicated. We do consider patients for Echocardiograms if they have a history of 60 days of more of Phen-Fen use, and usually discuss this with the primary care provider. You may wish to start referring patients for the above studies prior to their first appointment with us, but bear in mind that they may incur a significant amount of unnecessary expense should they later not be found to be a candidate for WLS.
  8. talkalot1981

    I'm ALIVE!

    woohoo Good for you. I hope all continues to go well for you. I can't wait to get banded. Congrats, Jennifer
  9. Well I think I literally cried my eyes out. I finally got my referral approved Tuesday to go see an off post surgeon. Wednesday, they faxed all my paperwork to the surgeons office. I called today to make my first consult appointment. Till then everything had gone ok. Well I was talking to the receptionist(sp?) and she gave me a date for the siminar. Everything still OK. Until she asked me if I drank or smoked. Well I don't drink. but Monday I decided that if I was going to change my life and be healthy, I also need to quit smoking. So I did. Cold Turkey. It has been hard as HECK. but I did it. Well when I told her proudly that I quit smoking Monday, she was like... "OHH I am so sorry to tell you that our Doc office has a policy that you have to be smoke free for 2 months, before we can proceed to do anything." I said, "I can't even go to the siminar or have a consult." She was like no. So she said they were going to reject my referral. I was heart broken. I just broke down and cried while she was on the phone. I could hardly even caught my breath. She tried to reasure me that after the 2 months she would help everything go through as quick as possible. I just couldn't quit crying. I told her thanks and hung up as soon as I could. I really wanted to throw my phone. I was actually driving and had to park on the side of the road so I could get control of my self. I drove home as fast as I could. I came running in the house crying and my hubby really freaked out thinking something REALLY bad happened. I flopped on the couch and just cried. He did try to tell me everything would be fine, but I just felt so disappointed in myself. At first I blamed my PCM for not telling me this surgeon required this, because I first saw him about the LB exactly 2 months ago. NOW I was going to have to wait another 2 months. But then I quickly realized that it was all my fault for smoking in the first place. Well I remembered I left my phone in the truck so I went and got it. I had a missed call. It was from the surgeon's office. They left a voice mail saying they decided not to throw out my referral and to call them Monday. So, I am still a little depressed about the whole thing because I don't know what they will tell my monday. If they still can't help, I am going to see if TriWest can refer me to another surgeon. I just felt so defeated. Anyway, just wanted to tell someone my ordeal and there is no one here in Alaska I know that would actually understand. Thanks for listening....LOL Jennifer
  10. talkalot1981

    So Disappointed!!!

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I did talk to the surgeon's office yesterday. Well I still have to be 2 months smoke free. I was really freaking out about it all weekend but decided I would rather wait the 2 months then not have it at all. The nurses suggested I get all my test and everything done ahead of time so I won't have to wait on them later. I still have not smoked and I plan never to start it again. I quit COLD turkey when I was pregnant with both of my children, I still to this day, don't realize why I started again. I am glad to say my hubby is on board with quitting smoking with me. I just hope we can stick with it forever. Jennifer
  11. I am super excited. I had my appt. with my PCM today. He put me in for a referral. I will have to have my surgery off post(hubby is Army). I am just waiting for the surgeon's office to call so we can set up an appointment. I went ahead and had all my lab work done today as well. I can't wait. The only thing is my PCM said the surgeon might want me to have GB. I don't really want that because I am onnly about 95lbs over weight. Me personally I don't think I really qualify for GB. My mom is having GB next month ans she is a little over 500lbs. I thought it was up to me to decided which procedure I wanted done. Anyway, I just wanted to share my good new. I just hope TriCare approves it. If not I will be devistated. Jennifer
  12. talkalot1981

    What do you tell your kids?

    Well I have 2 boys 4 and 8. My 4 year old will be 5 in August. Well I haven't told my 8 year old yet because I don't know really how to explain it to him. He acts very mature for his age. But I have said something to my 4 year old. All I told him was that the doctor was going to make mommy healthier and to not be so chubby. We don't use the word FAT in our house.. LOL He said "So you will get to play with me more" I almost cried. I said YES and then I said "Mommy will be skinnier too" He looked at me wierd and said he didn't want me to change. OHHH my baby, I actually did cry then. Of course, I grabbed him and hugged and started kissing him, then in a matter of fact tone he said " Mom quit it, I am not a baby" I had to laugh as he rolled his eyes at me and walked to him room. I am glad I talked to him about it. I will talk to my 8 year old tonight. You will be so suprised how much your children will understand. I don't like lying to my children, so what ever question they have I will answer it to the best of my ability. Jennifer
  13. talkalot1981

    BMI 30, going for it

    I am kind of suprised you actually qualify for the surgery. But that aside, I hope all goes well for you. I hope to be banded in June.
  14. talkalot1981

    Set back in the plan....

    Hey sorry to hear that you have to wait 4 months. If I were you I would call the surgeons office almost everyday to see if any appoinments open up. People cancel appointments all the time. I have Tricare also and was really suprised to have my approval so quick. I just hope this is not going to discourage you from having the surgery. My mom is having GB and has been waiting over a year. She is still gung hoe about it. Just remember everything happens for a reason. Good luck on your journey. Jennifer
  15. I am so sorry. I know what it is like to lose my dog also. She was a fawn and black pug named Pugeta. She was my baby. That was 5 years ago and still to this day I have not gotten another pug. It would just be to painfull. I hope all gets better for and that you find this time in your life pleasent, even with the sadness. Jennifer
  16. talkalot1981

    I got a referral!!!!

    OK So I just found out that I did get my referral approved. YIPPEEEE :smile: But I called the surgeons office to make my appointment and they told me my PCM hasn't faxed over an of my paperwork. So they said I can't even make an appoinment. I was upset. I called my PCM's office and they said he hasn't sent them any of my paperwork because he sisn't think it would get approved so quickly. (they were excpecting it to take 1-2 weeks, when it actually 1 day) So The receptionist said she will let my PCM know and it could take up to 3 days. I was so excited to see it took only 1 day for it to get approved, but now I am down in the dumps because I have to wait. I know 3 days isn't alot to wait but I am a person who likes to everything done ASAP. I know I am really anal about stuff like that but thats just me. I dunno I guess I will just wait 3 days. Probably not, I will probably call again tomorrow, and the next and the next untill it is done. LOL Anyway, I just wanted to vent. I am still excited to have finally started the process. Jennifer
  17. talkalot1981

    I need advice!!! Please help!!!

    I had my appointment today. The doc said they hives are most likely from switching dosages because it was such a difference. He said even with me still having hives I can still go forward in getting the lapband. So, WOOHOO my appointment is the 6th and I can't wait. So I am continueing in my journey and couldn't be any happier. I will let everyone know how my appointment goes on the 6th. Jennifer
  18. OK So March 2nd I went to the doctor to get another refill on my depression/anxiety meds. He had to up my dosage because I was starting to get hives from the anxiety. Well I also discussed the LapBand. He told me I had to wait a month so I could get used to taking the higher dosage of my meds. Well my appointment for my meds evaluation is tomorrow. Then my appiontment to talk to him about the lapband is the 6th. Well I am still having trouble with getting hives from the anxiety but I am affraid to say anything because I might have to wait another month to discuss the lapband. What should I do? Should I just keep quiet about it for now so I can get started on proceeding with the lapband? The hives are not as bad but they were supposed to be eliminated with the dosage increase. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!:smile2:
  19. talkalot1981

    I need advice!!! Please help!!!

    My appointment to talk to the doc about my meds are tomorrow. I will talk to him about it. RestlessMonkey, the reason I had to wait a month was because he said we had to get my meds under control. Plus my appointment last month was to talk about meds. They are military docs and only will deal with one issue at a time. I am hoping all goes well tomorrow and we can still proceed with my appointment on the 6th. OH OH I hope this all goes well. I will let everyone know about it tomorrow. Jennifer
  20. When I first thought of getting the band, I called my mom. She has always known that I have struggled with my weight because so has she. She is getting GBP at the end of April and I couldn't be happier for her. She is 48 and is a little over 500 lbs. I have always thought of having a weight lose surgery to be for people who are at a weight like my mom. But then I realized my mom has not been 500 lbs her whole life. She has always been heavy like me. But how do I know I won't be 500 lbs in the next 20 years. I love my mom more than anything and if she can finally admit she needs help, then I need to do the same thing. She has supported me through this whole thing. Just like I have done for her. I have told my husband of course and he is happy for me. Not happy I will loose weight but happy that I will finally be happy. I told another person that I thought was a friend because I was just so happy and excited. Well the first words out of her mouth was "OMG, How over weight do you have to be to have the surgery? " It was kind of a slap in the face. I didn't want to tell her how much I actually weighed but it is quite obvious that I am over weight. I have decided I am not telling anyone, anymore. I have to take off of work and if they ask, I will tell them I have to have surgery. They don't have the right to ask me what kind of surgery. When someone asks how I am losing weight, I will just tell them I am dieting and excercising. Which will be the truth. I can't wait till I get my band, so I can have a healthy and wonderful life with my children and husband. :biggrin:
  21. talkalot1981

    Loose Skin Worry?

    I am also worried about this. I am 5'3" and weigh 230 lbs. I am bigger at the bottom than at the top. I have a doc appointment for Apr. 6th to talk to my PCM about the lapband. I have talked to him about it before and he said I would get approved. I had to wait a month to get a referral because I had to up my dosage on my Effixor. (depression/anxiety med) So I am very excited about my Apr 6th appointment. I can't wait....:biggrin:
  22. I know I hate it when that happens. I have even had a pair of my pants rip right in my inner thigh because the pants got so thin from rubbing together and I was out to dinner with my husband. I really hated that.... I felt bad for my hubby.
  23. talkalot1981


    I am so happy for you. My appt to talk to my doc about the lapband is Apr. 8th. I am so excited. I am hoping I don't have to wait the 6 months. I would like to have my surgery before the summer while my kids are still in school. All I can do is just pray it works out for me. Good Luck... :rolleyes2:
  24. When I was a sophmore in high school, I was so excited cause a Senior boy asked me to be his girlfriend. About 2 weeks after us dating, he met me at my locker. Well the boy that had a locker beside mine saw my boyfriend with his arm around my waist. The boy next to us made the comment "Good Lord Alex your arm can't even fit around her waist. I can't believe your dating her FAT A**" I was so embarressed I didn't even knnow what to say. The kicker was the guy that said that was probably 300lbs himself. Well at the end of school that day Alex left a note in my locker and broke up with me. The problem is I never thought of myself that fat in school until that day. :rolleyes2: I am actually happy for the guy who made fun of me because by the end of our senior year he was about 400lbs, he had the lapband 2 years ago and is about 180 lbs. I am happy that he decided to make a change. Now I am happily married for 9 years and have 2 beautiful boys. Anyway, another one is to have my 4 year old tell me that my belly is bog because I ate to much lunch. :scared2: another my hubby came home from Iraq for 2 weeks and well our first night of *togetherness* he thought he was going to be all romantic and carry my over his shoulder to bed, well his poor knees buckled under the pressure and we both fell. I ended up putting a whole in the wall with my shoulder. I was so embarressed I was not in the mood anymore. But quickly realized I hadn't seen my hubby in 7 months. LOL:tt1: I have an appointment Apr. 8th to talk to my doc about the lapband. My last appointment he said that I was a good candidate and my insurance does pay for it. So I am totally excited. My husband being in the military has to live a fit and healthy life, and I want that too. He is 6'2" 182 lbs and I am 5'4" 232lbs. I really need a change.
  25. Hello. This is the first time I have been on this site. A friends told me about it. I have been contemplating having the surgery. I have an appointment April 8th to talk to my doctor. Anyway, a little bit about me. I am married to a United States Soldier and we are stationed in Alaska. We have been married for 9 years. I have 2 beautiful boys. Joshua is 8 and Karson is 4. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and I can't wait to talk to my doc. Jennifer

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