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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 31andnew

  1. I am only 5'1" and weigh 200 lbs. Hoping to hear some stories from bandsters that needed to drop less than 100 lbs. to reach a healthy BMI. Hoping to be banded in April!!
  2. Hey Lady, how is it going? I'm scheduled for the 20th and this 2 week pre-op diet is killing me. Its tough to stick to.

  3. 31andnew

    Day 5 of Pre-Op

    :):sad: This pre-op diet really has me rethinking my decision for this surgery. I have a 2 week liquid diet, no fruit, no veggies, nothing. My assistant told me today that I am a bit on edge and I know its from the hunger and frustration of this strict diet. I started Monday and have lost 2 pounds each day. I have been weak and have had headaches. Don't know if I can stick with it for another 10 days. Why are there so many variations, I would kill just to have something to chew and swallow.
  4. 31andnew

    April Bandsters?

    I am being banded on April 20th too!! On my 2 week pre-op diet and have become quite mean as a result.
  5. I am 5'2" and weigh 200 lbs. I will be banded on April 20th. Your starting stats are almost identical to mine. What was your surgery day like?

  6. 31andnew

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Hi everyone, I am scheduled for Lapband surgery (outpatient) on April 20th. I have a 2 week pre-op diet to follow which is mostly liquids and a little dairy, no sugar or carbs. This is my first surgery EVER so needless to say I am worried. Others tell me that nothing is as difficult as child birth but I can't relate b/c I don't have any kids!! The worst part is that I have a really aggressive needle phobia but being overweight is much more frightening. If anyone has in tips to help me prepare my mind for this journey, please share. Thanks.
  7. When are you hving your surgery? I hope I will be banded in April. I am concerned about hair loss. I already have a relaxer and am nervous about loosing even more.

  8. Hi Nonnie1956. Most surgeons seem to look at your BMI, body mass index, to determine your eligibility. I'm short at 200 pounds and my BMI was 36-37. With your symptoms, you should have no problem being a candidate. Visit www.lapband.com to find a surgeon in your area and to calculate your BMI. I am self-pay so the process is moving rather quickly for me. Depending on your insurance requirements, you may have to be on a doctor supervised weightloss program for up to 6 months. Don't get discouraged, just look at all of the wonderful "Before and After" photos and think that one of them could be you!! Good Luck, do your research and you will be fine.
  9. Hey 39andholding, let me know if you'd like to chat sometime and maybe coach each other! I'm hoping to be banded in April because I am self pay and the process moves a lot faster.
  10. Thanks for all of the input. Glad to know that I have band twins out there. I posted in another section to ask if folks with lower BMIs have quick weightloss like those with higher BMIs. The other bandsters say that lower BMIs drop weight quickly if not quicker than those with high BMIs and make it to their goal weight faster. Now I'm no rocket scientist and I can't attest to the validity of the statements but it sure did sound good when I was reading. Makes me more excited to get going. Confession: I can't wait to wear sexy work out gear and start power walking again!! Been a while since I turned heads, I think I can get used to it again
  11. My BMI is 36. Wondering if I should expect such large success in as short of period of time as those with higher BMI's. Will an increase in my exercise routine kick-start my weight loss? Thanks.
  12. 31andnew

    Before Pictures..

    If you go to the "Photos" link, some of the bandsters have posted post-op photos so you can see the size of the incisions.
  13. TXmomof4 - Looks like we are kindred bandsters!
  14. Yes I think it is well worth it. If you add up the costs of diet programs, gym memberships, pills and supplements for the last few years, I think you will be surprised how much you've invested into your goal weight. If I am investing thousands of dollars into a procedure, you'd better believe that I am sticking with it, tooth and nail!! I feel like I'm at the end of my rope, been dieting since 2000 and still can't shake the size 14/16 body. I've never had any kids, I think my body hates me for some reason. This is a race that I won't just finish, but one that I will win!
  15. Hi everyone. I started the thread b/c I went to the weightloss seminar and appeared to be the smallest in the room. Everyone was friendly but I noticed a few people looking me over. When out with my friends, I am normally the largest in the group so this was a unique situation. I then wondered if everyone thought that I didn't need the surgery. I love looking at everyone's success photos but since I am starting the journey at a lower BMI than a majority of the group I wanted to see if I had any twins out there so I could inquire about everyone's progress. Please share. Thanks.
  16. 31andnew

    Tampa Doctor?

    I work in Tampa but was self-pay. Sorry I can't suggest a surgeon but if you decide to not use insurance, I can refer you to a great self-pay surgeon. Go to www.lapband.com to search by city or start with your BCBS provider directory. Good Luck.
  17. I am self-pay as well and it has moved quickly. I went to the weightloss seminar on March 17th, my psych exam is tomorrow the 26th and my consult is on the 31st. I have to follow a 2 week pre-op diet and the surgery will probably be scheduled 1 week later. I see all of the great before and after pictures but haven't seen too many folks with my beginning stats so I am glad to see that there are many others like myself in the LBT community.
  18. 31andnew

    Negotiating the cost of lapband

    I would like to know if that has worked too. I think cash would bring you a second look. I know that when you finance thru one of the health/surgical finance companies, your surgeon still pays a fee to the lending company. Now I would think that if you had cash, ultimately eliminating the financing company, you may have a firm leg to stand on. Keep me posted.
  19. 31andnew

    Self pay help!!!!!

    Hi All, Well I applied for Capital One credit and was denied. I have a good beacon score, in the mid- 700's, but my debt to equity is high because I have two mortgages that I am paying although I have a tenant in one. The disadvantage is that when they pull an inquiry on your credit, it doesn't offer you the chance to explain the circumstances. It still generates a small income but because of the current economy, large loans regardless of the type are still a huge risk. The irony is that I was easily able to schedule my psych and consult but this is the largest road block. My doctor does not accept care credit b/c of their fees. I am so discouraged. Everything just kinda fell in line until the financing. I'm a single woman that makes a comfortable salary and have no late pays on any of my credit history. I don't want to ask anyone to co-sign b/c I have never had to do that before and no one in my family thinks that I should even have the procedure. I welcome any suggestions on some creative ways to come up with financing. Thanks.
  20. I did the 6WBM a few years ago. Its effective but the food was bland. It eliminates salt and sugar from your diet. I lost 22 pounds the first month but as soon as I added a little salt, the weight came back. Most of the loss is from cutting fried foods and again, sodium. I don't eat a lot of sodium but after a few months, I incorporated some low sodium products back into my diet and slowly began to gain. The inch loss is very recognizable within the first 2 weeks. You have to plan your meals because you can't use any frozen foods. Everything has to be prepared fresh to avoid the preservatives. Now it helps if you cook a lot and store each of your meals in little Glad lock containers but you do have to eat at least 6 small meals/snacks per day. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
  21. 31andnew

    Newbie in Florida

    I am in Riverview, FL right outside Tampa. I thought about going to Mexico but have found that most doctors in the states won't treat you for post-op. I found a doctor in Colorado that will do it for $9950 and a doctor in Bradenton that will do it for $12000. Most of the prices in the Tampa area are $15,000 - $17,000. I am a self-pay so I shopped around. I just scheduled my psychological exam and am hoping to start the pre-op diet within the next week. I've heard mixed reviews on Mexico but if you decide, make sure you arrange for your after care with a US doctor BEFORE you cross the border.
  22. Hi, I have been thinking about Lap Band surgery for the last year. A dear friend had the surgery and loves her results. I am in the beginning steps. I am self-pay and am nervous about the large financial obligation but I've spent more money in weightloss products over the last 9 years. I've never had a surgery or incision a day in my life. I'm am freaking out b/c my boyfriend doesn't seem to support me at all. Not sure if its insecurity or lack of knowledge about the process but its troubling nonetheless. If anyone can give me an idea of what to expect the first week, that would be great. Thanks.

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