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Posts posted by jenniebmomof3

  1. I know that this isn't a cure all and I'll always have to have an eating plan in place. I knew someone who had it done in Mexico and is happy with the results. People don't realize that this is our last resort, so to speak, and that we wouldn't choose this if the weight we've lost from the 20 o0ther diets we've been on stayed off. I too can lose weight only to gain all plus more as soon as I have one mishap. I just want to be healthy and be able to control what I eat instead of food having such control over me.

  2. Hi, this is my first post, well almost I was in the wrong forum so this is my edit. Anyway, I have not been banded but am seriously considering it. The nutritionist says that if I can get control of my emotional eating the wt. would come off naturally. I am so tired of losing and gaining the same 40 lbs. over and over, not to mention the other 60, I'd be happy if I could lose an extra 40. But I digress, I guess what I'm asking is should I go on this journey or sit through another Weight Watchers meeting and talk about how this is everyone's 6th time being on WW? Help!

  3. Hi this is my first post, I hope I'm doing it right. I have not been banded but am highly considering it. the nutritionist at the sugeons office said that if I could get control of my emotional eating my weight would come off naturally. But, I am so tired of losing and gaining the same 40 lbs. and that's not incloding the other 60 that I need to lose. I know you still have to work at it, my saving grace is that I exercise, so that's a plus, but I don't know if should go through this pain and something so drastic or if I should sit through another WW meeting and hear how this is everyone's 5th or 6th time on WW. Any advice?

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