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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Momto3redheads

  1. Congrats! Are you planning on coming to the support group meetings at St Francis? They are second sat of the month at 10am..I started going a few months ago and really enjoy it. :) Good luck on your journey!

  2. Good luck with your surgery! I am on 3/23 - I am getting excited! I can't wait to start watching the scales move! Keep in touch!

  3. Hello! Sorry I haven't been on the computer at all - my baby has had a horrid cold....UGH! I am doing really well - eating real food and feeling great! I have lost 19 lbs in all now. :-) I hope you are feeling better. I found that drinking too much of the shakes was making my gas TONS worse - I can only tolerate one a day apparently. I do love the Atkins Advantage ones as the protein tides me over for hours. Keep me posted how you are doing!

  4. I am up and around - still really sore especially in my shoulders from the gas...but other than that I am doing good. How are you?

  5. I check in at 6:30am central time - my tubal is at 7:30 and lapband at 8! My kids are the reason I am doing this - I want to be able to keep up with them! Good luck and I will see you on the other side on the losers bench!!!

  6. Sorry I haven't been on here in forever.....life is chaos with three girls and being a working mom! How are you doing now? I just broke 56 lbs, so I am happy with that.

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