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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. You look great! I know what you mean about people saying you don't look like you weigh ___....I hear that a lot, too, as I am tall I can carry more weight and hide it better, I guess. LOL Keep up the good work!
  2. Momto3redheads

    Is it true

    Yeppirs...that scale is an odd thing! It can stay completely still and yet I can see the inches disappearing...and I don't work out, BTW...tho I need to! I am not sure what the trick is...if someone figures it out I think they'd be rich!
  3. Momto3redheads

    Banded but don't work out

    I hear ya...as a mother I think our tendancy is to take care of everyone else first....which is how I got into the shape I was in the first place! But it is hard to find time to do things just for me...and I have to decide what is more important....can I bounce on the trampoline with the girls for ten minutes and create memories one evening instead of unloading the dishwasher or folding clothes? MUCH funner to play with the girls! So I just try and do as much as I can...whenever I can.
  4. Momto3redheads

    Alternative to plastic surgery??

    Are you asking about the It Works or the Body Magic? I did just buy a sample It Works wrap to try as I was curious based on this post...will post my results when I get a chance to use it! These grandma wings are outta control....LOL
  5. OUCH...I have federal BCBS Basic and I paid $100 for the surgeon and $100 for the facility.......and then $100 for each fill. (pre op visits were $35) Course that was all in 2009...and prior to the sleep apnea testing, etc, that I hear they require now. I am very thankful to have my gov't insurance as I was able to get my tubes tied and a hernia repaired at the same time as my lapband and it only cost me an extra $100 for the OBGYN to be there. Woot woot! Being a federal employee has it's perks!
  6. Momto3redheads

    Filling, long-lasting foods

    I found the best food for me is chili - Beans and meat and lotsa Protein seems to do the trick. I could live on chili...LOL I also like sloppy joe meat with some shredded cheese on it....YUMMO! Seems like the more protein I can pack into a meal the better I do....I rarely have any room for anything else after the protein.
  7. Momto3redheads

    Last night...

    Hang in there - we have ALL been there! It's no fun...but it is all part of the learning curve.
  8. Momto3redheads

    No Motivation =(

    Hang in there -- make sure you are getting a lot of protein....when I wasn't getting as much my weight loss was NOT moving at all....and then once I hit restriction it has been great ever since. Just be patient and you will get there - unfortunately it doesn't happen as quickly as we would like, but 35 lbs is an awesome weight loss! Keep up the good work!
  9. Momto3redheads

    Banded but don't work out

    Boy you are going to make us fess up, eh? LOL I was banded in March 2009 and I have yet to formally work out....being a full time working mother to three young children I haven't found time to carve out for myself on a regular basis....BUT I am quite busy and on the go a lot, so I think that helps. (cleaning house, carrying laundry up the stairs daily, etc) I think working out would definately help with this fantabulous skin issue that some of us get....I am NOT liking my grandma wings at all!!! All said and done I really wish I did work out some/more....but my lifestyle hasn't permitted much...and my sleep is too precious to give it up. (everyone says "just get up twenty minutes earlier" - um...no, not when I already get up at 5am...oh well)
  10. Momto3redheads

    Not losing much on Pre op diet

    It varies from what I have seen/experienced - some people drop a lot of weight while others (like me) don't....I think I lost maybe 6 lbs or so..it was ridiculous....but I have done well post surgery - it takes time, though, the first probably 4 months or so I didn't lost a lot...but once I hit restriction it has been great ever since. Just be patient - and post op you are letting your body heal for at least 6 weeks anyway - so you don't want to deprive it what it needs to recover....I probably had an extra milkshake or two post op as I wasn't stressing over it. Above all - don't compare your loss/rate to anyone else's....everyone is different. That is probably the hardest thing to grasp - as we want to do as well or as quickly as everyone else....but you will get there - just be patient!:smile:
  11. Momto3redheads

    Non meat Protein

    I don't eat a lot of meat - hamburger seems to be a problem for me at times....but I DO like to eat lean lunch meat, chili, chicken and turkey....
  12. I am the same way - can't handle real food in the mornings.....just a protein shake for me...and I can eat solids by around noonish...but even then I am not real hungry. It's wierd...but seems to be the norm once you hit the sweet spot!
  13. Momto3redheads

    curious with kids

    I drank a lot of cafeine free diet coke on my pre op diet to keep me sane. I have three girls, too - but luckily for me during the week they get most of their meals at the sitters...so that saved me. But after the first few days I found I wasn't hungry anymore - so then it was easier to keep to it...that and my fear of having a fatty liver and the doc getting in there and having to back out and reschedule kept me on the straight and narrow! LOL It's hard as now my girls comment on how "skinny" I am and that they want to be like me when they grow up...I try and focus on being "healthy" and not being "skinny" - as they are 20 mos, 6 and 8 yrs old and very impressionable. I am big boned and tall and I explain to them that when you are tall and muscular you will weigh more - they aren't ever going to be stick thin as they are built like me. (though I was a lot chunkier as a child as I was not as active) I don't want to send my kids the wrong message and have them worrying about their weight in grade school! (though the 6 yr old had a rotten girl call her fat on the playground...I am telling you kids are just horrid to one another!) Anyway...you will make it through - keep your eyes on the prize! Kim
  14. Momto3redheads

    PLEASE HELP I'm Concerned!

    I had my surgery when my youngest was 6 weeks old - so she was lightweight, thankfully, but I do remember that after a week or so it did seem like my port was really tender....it took the longest to heal of the sites. I had my tubes tied and a hernia repaired at the same time, though, so I wasn't sure how much was tied to what! Talk to your doc - or nurse - the practice I go to is great about questions like that....do you go to a support group? that's another fabulous place to talk to others and get feedback. Good luck on your journey - you will do great!
  15. I think having the band affects your taste buds, too...don't you? I like some things now a lot more than before...and others not at all. Very wierd!
  16. Momto3redheads

    getting enough protein.......

    70? I guess different doctors recommend different amounts? My doctor said to shoot for 45 grams for non menstruating women and 55 for those who are menstruating. I eat a lot of chili - thats great protein! (large chili at wendy's has 28 grams) Also you can buy non flavored Protein powder at walmart and put it in anything...applesauce, yogurt, shakes, etc. I like to make a choc Peanut Butter shake with my herbalife choc mix, a tablespoon PB2 (powdered peanut butter - can use regular lowfat) and then add extra protein - it is like a heavenly chocolate dessert and I feel like I am getting something fabulous like dairy queen. LOL I use the vanilla herbalife shake and put in frozen fruit, skim milk, and extra Protein Powder, too. I know they tell us not to drink a lot of our protein - but I cannot eat more than a cup at a time and even then sometimes I can't eat much - so this is the only way I can get in my protein....and since I hit my "sweet spot" I am never hungry anyway... Good luck to you! Kim
  17. Momto3redheads

    given up

    I would worry that the band has slipped...? I thought I had read somewhere that those types of problems could be an indicator? I am so sorry to hear of your struggles and I hope and pray that you find some relief soon. Hang in there! Kim
  18. Momto3redheads

    Stress and anxiety medicine

    I am on zoloft - without any problems.....the entire time I have been banded. Maybe you need to try a different med?
  19. Yipee! Congrats!! Way to go!!!
  20. Momto3redheads

    Four Weeks Post-op and Hungry!!

    Hang in there...that's why they call it bandster hell...you are hungry and miserable until you get to your "sweet spot". I actually gained a couple pounds post op before my first fill at 6 weeks post op. But after my second fill things were trucking and it has been great ever since..you will get there, just hang in there!
  21. Oops - my website is www.ardysslife.com/figuresforfamilies ignore the prices as those are retail, though!
  22. I am an ultra picky eater too ---- won't touch a green veggie with a ten foot pole. :yesnod: But you adapt and find foods that you can eat - I have found Wendy's chili to be my favorite food of choice...some packed Protein there. LOL As for sweets the one thing that has totally cut my sweet tooth is called LEVive by Ardyss -- it composed of natural fruit antioxidants and it boosts your immune system, helps with blood sugars, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc...you have to order thru a distributor, tho...which is why I signed up to be one, so my friends and family could get it at the wholesale cost. My whole family is on it - and we have all been off our allergy meds ever since....we are SO much healthier - and it gives you energy and makes you not hungry. I didn't believe it until I tried it. :smile: Anyhow - if you are interested I can order it for you at wholesale and have it shipped to your door...just PM me. Kim
  23. It felt like a diet until I hit my "sweet spot" --- hence the term prior to that they call it bandster hell! Once you get the restriction you need it makes it easier - as you don't get hungry all the time and feel like you are depriving yourself....and really I find I don't miss the Pasta and bread at all....I mean they can bring in Krispy Kreme's at work and they have absolutely NO pull at all...I would've never believed it before now! LOL Hang in there....it will become second nature to you...just make good food choices and get LOTS of protein! Kim
  24. Momto3redheads

    Posture problems?

    It's a fabulous garment that has literally changed my life...sounds so cheesy and I definately wouldn't have believed it until I tried it. I had lost about 75 lbs when I heard about them and I started researching them online - they are made by Ardyss International...as I am in kansas there aren't any distributors here to buy from. (well there weren't then anyway!) The garment literally reshapes your body while correcting your posture and supporting your back...so it is good for skinny folks with back troubles, too. LOL They way they explain it is that fat is like Jello in a mold - so by wearing this at least 4 hrs a day 5 days a week your body will begin to mold to the shape....and I have found the compression on my torso helps to support my back and posture while sitting at a desk all day, as well as makes me not hungry. My hubby wears the mens tank and said when he has it on he isn't hungry - so the compression definately has something to do with that even for folks without a lapband. Anyhow -- I started wearing mine in march - and since then I am down 25 lbs and am in my 6th smaller sized body magic! (that's ten inches!) I had pretty much plateaued at the time I started wearing it - so I give it props for helping me get through the stagnant time....as well as shaping me so I feel better in clothes! I still weigh a bit more than when I got married, but am in a smaller sized clothes b/c of the shaping it has done. I love it. My website is www.ardysslife.com/figuresforfamilies and you can check out the garment there....the prices on there are retail, though, so if you are interested please PM me and I can order for you at the wholesale price, stright to your door. (for example the body magic is $84 plus taxes, shipping and handling) I know it sounds like a sales pitch...which isn't really me at all, I just totally believe in thsi product as it has helped me and a lot of my friends SO much. I became a distributor so my friends, family and i could get the products at a cheaper price....and I am happy to help others do so as well! just give me a holler! Kim

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
