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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. Momto3redheads

    What am I doing wrong!!?

    I didn't read everyone's advice (am short on time this morning), but I definately don't think you are getting enough Protein....my mom went through the same type of thing you are going thru - she was not eating a lot and she was working out tons, but not seeing results....but then when she upped her protein (not focusing on calories as much as making sure she got more protein) she started to lose again. I don't think a cheat day is a big deal, but I guess that depends on how much you "cheat". I guess I am more lax with myself and don't have a specific day set to cheat, but when the opportunity arises to go to my favorite mexican restaraunt or to get frozen yogurt with the family I let myself. Everyone is different, but for me I cannot hyperfocus on calories and every bite I eat - it causes me more issues....so I keep a general amount I stick to, trying to keep all my choices healthy and as unprocessed as possible, and it has worked for me. Talk to your doctor....my weight loss was slow starting - the first 6 weeks I didn't worry about weight loss and instead let my body heal from surgery...so I really didn't start seeing ANY weight loss until after my first fill at 6 weeks, when I started being more agressive. It was slow going until I found my sweet spot (about 5 months after surgery) and then it has been trucking along ever since...hang in there, you will get there! I think we tend to want results quickly and forget this is a journey and will take time! Kim
  2. Momto3redheads

    very exciting!

    Way to go! Keep up the good work! I can't eat solids in the mornings...so I go the smoothie route. My favorite is the varieties of Herbalife shakes --- we have a store here in town that sells it and gives out fabulous recipes for them, too.... I take 2 scoops of the tropical shake mix, about 6 oz OJ, some flavorless Protein powder, 1 tbs of vanilla SF pudding, a handfull of frozen fruit and about 3 oz ice....blend it all up and it is a fabulously yummy shake! (you could prolly use a vanilla shake mix, too - just add fruit, etc, as you desire) My daughters favorite is the PB Choc --- take 2 scoops choc shake, extra Protein Powder, 1 tbs PB2 (powdered Peanut butter) or 1tbs real Peanut Butter, 1 tbs SF choc pudding, and 6 oz ice.....it ends up thick like a milkshake and yummy like a hershey's PB cup!! They have flavorless protein powder at walmart, I am told - that you can add 3 scoops for like 25 grams protein - so I am going to get some of that......will make it easier to hit my protein grams for the day as I can't eat much quanity at a time and it is hard to get it in. Hope that helps! Kim
  3. Momto3redheads

    Bummed i have only lost 25 pounds in 3 yrs

    Hang in there --- I hit a plateau in Feb and it was so frustrating...I was stuck at 75 lbs and not moving. I started wearing an Ardyss Body Magic and taking LeVive and started losing again without changing a thing - as well as I have never felt better as I am of my allergy meds - I don't wanna keep sounding like a commercial so if you want more information just PM me. Have you tried changing up your diet - making sure you are getting tons of Protein in? I know a gal who was having problems with a plateau and her doc found her thyriod was actually part of the problem as she was borderline - so once she got on meds for that it helped her get going again. Don't give up - hopefully something will get ya moving again soon! I wish there was a magic answer... Kim
  4. Momto3redheads

    Calling any parents: are you afraid your child will be obese?

    It is hard to be a parent and not worry...my oldest is me reincarnated - she is a picky eater and hates veggies with a passion...BUT unlike me as a youngster she is very althletic and into sports...so my goal is to keep her active and making as many healthy choices as we can without putting too much emphasis on weight. Obviously genetics are against some of us - as the middle one eats the same and is just as active, yet is not as solid. The baby is only 21 mos - so who knows where she will fall...I think the best we can do is encourage healthy habits, by modelling them as well, and trying to keep them active and off the couch. I definately don't want to make it worse and give them a complex more than they already have............kids can be so mean. Kim
  5. Momto3redheads

    Celebrate with me!

    Just had to share the news - I am the daughter of a published author!!! Our local paper did an article on my mom today - it was on the front page of the paper : http://cjonline.com/life/2010-10-03/book_details_alcoholism_marriage Her book is shown here: Our Marriage, Sue Pruett, Book - Barnes & Noble Just wanted to share -- I am sooooo excited for her as this is a dream come true. Kim
  6. Yea your body is in healing phase - for the first 6 weeks I was told not to worry about weight loss, to focus on healing and letting my body adjust to the band. I walked at the mall a bit a few days after surgery, but be careful to not overdo it!
  7. Momto3redheads

    Best machines for belly, arm, thigh excess skin please!

    Well dang...I am "young" (34) and I have skin issues....LOL I would much rather have them, though, than to have to deal with the health problems I was headed for in being overweight!!!! I have found that my body magic has helped a lot in shaping my torso and legs as I lose weight -- so I am hoping the new "comfort bra" which Ardyss has coming out will help with my arms - as they are my biggest issue right now...the loose skin isn't going anywhere and I would have to become a body builder with HUGE arms to fill that skin with muscle. ha ha Let us know if you find some exercises, etc, that helps - I am game to keep trying anything! Kim
  8. Momto3redheads

    Update anyone?

    Hey there! How are you other March 2009 Bandsters doing? I was most excited as I finally hit the 100 lbs lost gang! :biggrin: Seemed like it took me forever to get there...and hopefully eventually my mind will catch up with my body. (clothes shopping is really difficult - as I cannot judge sizes and have to try everything on!) I was just curious how everyone else was doing...I still want to get my pannus removed (isn't that what it is called?) as I have a horrid rash from it, though wearing my body magic has really helped in shaping my figure as I lose the weight....and the "grandma wings" leave something to be desired, but I am still very happy I went the route that I did....who knows where I would be now had I not had surgery! Hope everyone is doing well!!! Kim
  9. Momto3redheads

    Update anyone?

    Wow you have done great! I signed on to be a distributor as I am in Kansas and I couldn't find one to buy from LOL So I can order you one at wholesale cost if you want --- shipped directly to your door. (I figured by being a distributor I can help friends and family get the wholesale pricing -and feel as great as i do!) Let me know if you want one...with taxes and shipping it usually ends up being around $110...but it depends on where you live. You can view them on my website -- www.ardysslife.com/figuresforfamilies but ignore the retail pricing on the website! I thot it seemed pricey at first, but this thing has literally changed my life....I feel so much better about myself and LOVE the results. I think it really helped me to get over the plateau I hit. keep up the good work! Kim
  10. Momto3redheads

    Alternative to plastic surgery??

    Actually that isn't true....I did not have an hourglass shaped figure ever in my entire life - I am built more like a block --- and now, at a few lbs bigger than I was when I got married, I am wearing a size smaller clothes than I EVER have....so the reshaping definately works. It's like Jello in a mold - it will conform to the shape it is in....so by wearing the body magic at least 4 hrs a day 5 days a week it molds your body. Not only that - the garment actually helps you to lose weight - as when I started wearing it I was at a total standstill in my weight loss....I began wearing it, didn't change a thing in my diet or exercise, and I lost an additional 23 lbs. with ease. It corrects my posture and supports my back - and makes me feel so much better when I am wearing it - THAT is the magic. My friends who haven't had surgery are getting similar results - losing weight and gaining an awesome shape, too. I don't care if you believe me or not - *I* am the walking proof it works. It has literally changed my body - which has helped with the loose skin issue. :smile2: Kim
  11. Momto3redheads

    Alternative to plastic surgery??

    You can view the body magic on my website --- www.ardysslife.com/figuresforfamilies --- please ignore the pricing and PM me if you want one as I can get it for you at wholesale price instead of the retail that is on there. I don't have any pics to show of me in one...since they are lingerie-ish! LOL but I have other pics are in my profile from my journey. Good luck! Kim
  12. Momto3redheads

    Drinking while eating???

    My doctor said we can drink up until the minute we take the first bite - so that helped me....as I would drink some Water beforehand....you don't wanna drink during eating, especially pop, as you will hear the gurgling as it goes through if you have good restriction....and once I hit restriction I really didn't miss the liquids while eating as much either. Hang in there - you'll make it!
  13. Momto3redheads

    c me new me

    Yep walk walk walk...will help you in the healing process! And keep hydrated! Welcome and Good luck as you start your new journey! Kim
  14. Yes you think you did a bad thing...but really in the scheme of things, what is a little butter? I always lick the PB off the knife after making my girls sandwiches and I don't think a thing about it - gives me a boost of Protein and a few calories, nothing big....you have to have SOME fat in your diet, too! Just try and get a lot of foods you DO enjoy - that are band-workable into your diet - some special treats like sugar free fudgicles or fruit popcicles are fabulous for me as they taste SOOO good and it is a nice treat at the end of a long day. BE creative with your smoothie recipes - that is my new fun pastime....I LOVE herbalife shakes...take the choc flavor, add in extra protein, some PB2 (powdered peanut butter), skim milk, ice...toss it in the magic bullet and it is just as thick and yummy as a milkshake! I think getting a variety of foods and not getting stuck and bored with the same one really helps..... But take it easy on yourself - your first 6 weeks you are in healing phase - DON'T focus on weight loss is what my doctor said....you starve a body trying to heal itself and recover from surgery and you will create a mess....so make sure you are getting enough protein and nutrients. I didn't lose a thing that first month or so, I think I even gained a lb, but I really didn't care....as I was focused on the future and getting my banded life off on the right foot! Kim
  15. Momto3redheads

    Hair loss - Anyone?

    Yep, mine was thinning too...I could tell as more was coming out when I brushed it. Doc said that can be sign of not getting enough Protein - which I don't think that I was.....so I have been more careful about watching that and it has helped a lot. (course you can loose hair from other things too - like stress!) Hang in there - you aren't alone! If it is from lack of protein - walmart and GNC have flavorless protein that you can add to anything to up the protein content......without any flavor change.
  16. Momto3redheads

    How will Lap Band Help?

    So my questions: 1. How will the LAP-BAND® help me lose weight? There is something magical that once you hit your "sweet spot" you can only eat about a cup of food at a sitting - and your body stays satisfied with that - thinking it is full....I find I don't crave sweets or junk food...bread has NO pull at all as my body craves the Protein that it needs to function well. I would've NEVER believed that pre op - as i was a carbaholic! 2. What kind of diet needs to be kept after the LAP-BAND® is installed? Like she said - you first eat your protein - as I found if you aren't getting enough protein your hair will start to fall out...not cool! You will find that once you have eaten your protein you haven't room for much else! But if you want to eat a scoop of frozen yogurt or something as a treat you can, and it is no big deal...you just have to be careful at the "slider" foods that go through the band and don't leave you feeling satisfied. I shoot for more solid protein that will stay with me longer. 3. If I/We/anyone can’t maintain a diet regiment before the LAP-BAND®, how can we expect that it would be any different after the LAP-BAND®? You still have to work on WHY you overeat -or make the choices that you do...it isn't an easy fix, which folks seem to think it is. (common misconsception) If you are prone to turn to food when upset - you still will even with the band, and you can "eat around" the band by overeating with slider type foods that go right through....and thus circumventing the band. So it isn't a cure all - but it helps you control your portions of foods and you can still eat "real food" - it just takes a LOT less to satisfy your body. 4. Are there medications or supplements that need to be taken after the LAP-BAND® is installed? I just take my gummy Vitamin - some docs recommend a Calcium supplement, too.....your doctor will go over what they recommend. It isn't like the gastric bypass, though, where you have to take a lot of things for the rest of your life. (or so I am told by others...) 5. If insurance covers the procedure (I am investigating that with my insurance right now), and there is a problem with the device such as a leaky port, who covers the expense of fixing it? My mom's friend had to have her lapband replaced as it sprung a leak - her insurance covered it...I think typically if they cover putting it in, they would cover anything else that had to be done...but I would definately check with your insurance company. 6. Are there other manufacturing defect problems that can occur with the LAP-BAND®, and if so who absorbs the cost of repair? Haven't heard of anything on this either....... 7. I am noticing the number one side effect of the LAP-BAND® is nausea and vomiting. Is that a temporary problem or an ongoing problem? Can be ongoing depending on what you are trying to eat! If you are sticking to the right types of foods (protein - not breads and things that get stuck) then you won't have any trouble with PB'ing (which reminds me of a baby spitting up -just a burp) - but once you hit your sweet spot and have good restriction you will find that you have to eat slow and chew well ---- or else you can still struggle a lot with the "vomiting". I struggled the first 4 months or so...but then everything became habit and I haven't had any problems for a long time. 8. Is there any restriction on drinking alcohol when you have a LAP-BAND®? Not that I know of - course you wouldn't want to drink too much since it is empty calories.... Good luck! Kim
  17. Momto3redheads

    First stuck episode I think...

    Yep - tiny tiny bites helps a LOT...chicken can be one of the hardest for me....as well as hamburger patties for some reason! I find I have to go really slowly and chew chew chew. I use a tiny bit of ketchup or BBQ sauce with my chicken (whatever I have handy) - or sometimes some salsa! Anything to make it less dry is the key.
  18. Momto3redheads

    yes's and no's

    I think a lot of people struggle with the decision - as folks seem to think weight loss surgery is the easy way out....little do they know it is FAR FROM EASY! It is a tool - which can help you lose weight sucessfully and keep it off, or not. I have friends who have done well with theirs - and others who are struggling - which I can see is closely related to whether or not they get fills and follow up with their doctor. It is YOUR level of committment to the process that matters - and you are the one who will live with your decision. That being said, I was 33 and 300 lbs - I was miserable and didn't have the energy to keep up with my daughters...I didn't want that for myself, or for them....I wanted to have energy to do things with them, to set a better example for them, and above all to keep ME healthy and alive! So I opted for the lapband, since it was less invasive - and I haven't regretted it once. YEs I have skin on my belly - but it is much better to tuck that into my body magic every morning and be on my merry way, than to weigh 300 lbs and be a heart attack waiting to happen! (the body magic has done wonders at helping to reshape my figure as I am losing the weight, too-an added bonus!) And since I do have insurance I am documenting the rashes, etc, from the skin so I might be able to get it removed down the line. But truly - who cares about skin? I am not looking to wear a bikini!!! You need to do some soul searching - make a pro and con list - decide what is most important to you. Hopefully your friends and family will respect that. Good luck in your journey! Kim
  19. Momto3redheads

    Coming off Birth control

    As someone who had a minimally invasive procedure (for endometriosis) years ago and ended up with 2 blood clots in my lungs and one in my legs...yes I would say it is important as I could've died. (I was on a birth control pill at the time) They told me when I got the clots that it was like a one in a million chance that it could occur - they were surprised - but lucky me it did....so now every time I got pregnant or have surgery it is a big ordeal to be ultra careful....so if I were you I would be better safe than sorry....I got lucky and lived through mine, but many people don't.:drool:
  20. Momto3redheads

    One Week Post Op

    Yep - I would definately call your doc...when I was lightheaded and worn out it was from not getting enough Protein...........I was "bad" and started on those Soup at hands with the mini star noodles after a few days post op as I really needed something solid - it made a world of difference in how I felt. Hope you find relief soon! Kim
  21. Momto3redheads

    1 month post op

    You will find when you are at restriction that you don't want bread at all...like ever! I have NO DESIRE for bread as I cannot eat much and so what I do eat I want Protein - I crave it! So crazy as I was literally a carbaholic before surgery! YAHOO! You are doing wonderfully - keep up the good work! I love this forum as everyone has different experiences, ideas, and advice....it is very helpful and encouraging! Kim
  22. Momto3redheads

    help!!!!! feeling like a failure already....

    Your first 6 weeks post op you are to focus on HEALING, not losing weight! Don't stress over the scale - if you starve your poor body when it is trying to recover from surgery you will create an even bigger mess....I just focused on making healthy choices and trying to let my body heal, and not worry about losing weight - so what if you don't lose a lb in those 6 weeks? If you let your body heal and get off to a great start you will not regret it later, trust me! WHen I went for my first fill at 6 weeks post op I hadn't hardly lost a thing, I might've even been up a lb if I remember correctly. (I should've journalled as I forget these things easily!) Weight loss was SO SLOW from MArch when I had surgery to about July/Aug - but then I got good restriction and it has been great ever since! You just have to be patient, don't try and rush things, and above all don't compare yourself to anyone else! Everyone loses weight and gets to restriction at a different time....don't get discouraged, just keep focused on your journey to health and weight loss! Keep up the good work!!! Kim
  23. Momto3redheads

    Hernia Surgery

    Hmm....I had a hernia repaired when they put my lapband in (and tied my tubes) but I am not sure offhand...just ask them when you go in - or call and ask the nurse at the office to ease your mind....my doctor's office was great about questions like that. Don't let it get you down, I am sure it wouldn't be a dealbreaker!
  24. Momto3redheads

    re-constructive surgery after the band

    I know older folks who didn't have skin issues and I know younger ones that did....I think it depends on each person and whether or not you are working out at the same time as I think that helps, too. (not that I have been working out like I should, mind you, as I am 34 and have the skin issues with my pannus) Hope you get some feedback from some younger folks on here!
  25. Yep Protein and Water - are you losing hair? That's when I knew I wasn't getting enough in....my hair was thinning! ACK! Hang in there --- you'll find your happy medium -- it takes time and persistence....as they say "it's a tool and not a quick fix"....so it takes us a bit sometimes to figure out how to best use the tool. Be patient with yourself!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
