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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. It IS very wierd, isn't it? I am the same way.......when I wake up I have NO hunger at all....so I guess it is a good thing I can drink a shake or else I prolly wouldn't get any nutrients for hours!
  2. Momto3redheads

    Diet Soda... good or evil??

    From what I have read, heard at the meetings, and from my doctor I think it is most important to stay away from carbonated drinks for at least 3 months after surgery - this gives your band time to heal and then there is no worry that the gas can move the band, etc. (also keeping you hydrated is VERY important!) After that, though, it is a do what works for you type of thing....me, I HAVE to have a pop in the morning - diet caffeine free - as it is the flavor I love, not the caffeine. I am not able to drink a pop while eating and I don't really miss drinking with my meals at all... I guess you just have to test it out and see how you do - but definately make sure you are at least 3 months out....and talk to your doctor to get their take on it! (seems they all differ in slight ways!) Blessings, Kim
  3. Momto3redheads

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    I use the unjury unflavored - it smells nasty nasty nasty, but once it is mixed in a shake I can't taste it at all. Heck, I have even mixed it in ice cream shakes when I was home sick with a sore throat....it was a fabulous treat. LOL I like it as it has so much more Protein in it than the other stuff I have found....and I can get it pretty reasonably priced on amazon.
  4. Momto3redheads

    Caffeine anyone???

    Hmm...I had never heard no alcohol before. I know they don't want you to drink a lot - as it is empty calories, but I have never heard it is a big no no. I don't drink but maybe once or twice a year...as far as alcohol goes. I am too cheap! As far as caffeine I know post op they discourage it as the carbonation can cause your band to slip - not to mention it will make you gassy. (literally bubbles in your throat - it is wierd!) But after about three months I tried some caffeine free diet pop (I am addicted to the flavor, not the caffeine) and I am OK with it....I can't drink pop with meals or anytime near when I am eating....but I enjoy having a pop in the morning and one at night....that's my splurge! You will find, by reading posts etc, that everyone is different in their lapband journey! Some folks can drink pop again without problem and others say they can't at all....some can eat eggs, other can't ever again.....you will just have to find what works for you! Good luck! Kim
  5. Momto3redheads

    stress does make the band tight

    HOLY SMOKE! And here I thot I was losing it....I had scheduled a fill as I had been getting hungry between meals, etc....and then the last week I had been sooooo tight I called and cancelled as I figured I would be stupid to waste the money. Stress would be the key - thanks so much for posting this!!!! Kim
  6. Momto3redheads

    I need some butt kicking!

    Don't be too hard on yourself....this is a learning journey we are on...we will stumble, but if we get back up and keep our focus forward you will be fine! I found very quickly that all of the crap foods are easy to eat....I think that is why when people get "too tight" they end up gaining weight as they fall back on what is easy....so be careful of that too! Everyone is different on what they can tolerate - and that may change for you after each fill, too! I can eat homemade scrambled eggs without a problem if I am careful and chew, but give me a fast food egg and I am dead meat as they come right back up! I cannot eat any bread or buns at all, but can tolerate a few bites of thin crust pizza when I get a craving, but my friend can eat a hamburger with the bottom bun without a problem. Everyone is different --- it is so wierd! Stress eating is what got me overweight to begin with...it's a habit that you have to work to change. I think everyone should be required to remain in therapy after surgery as it would probably help tremendously! We have to find a new way to channel those feelings - lately my best way (due to the extreme cold outside!) has been to curl up with a good book...and have some ME time, forgetting about the bills, laundry, dishes, etc, that need my attention. When the weather is nice it helps me to go outside and play with my girls or take the dog and go for a walk - exercise really is a fabulous way to burn off stress....if I can take the first step to do it! Make sure you are getting tons of Protein in every day - I have found that when I am able to get at least 60 or so grams in that I am NOT hungry at all and it makes stress eating a lot less desireable....as if I do start I end up throwing it up after a few bites. It's a learning process....hang in there, it will get easier!! In the meantime, we are here for you!!! God Bless, Kimmy
  7. Momto3redheads

    Never Got Onboard

    Oh my goodness - please don't beat yourself up so much!! You are doing fine - this is a new journey for you and not one you will master in only a few months. Don't compare yourself to others or worry about what you "should" be doing...just take everything day by day and do the best, not looking back, but looking forward! You will do fine. My doctor stressed to me the importance of letting my body heal the first 6 weeks after surgery - so I didn't lose a thing, I think I actually gained a lb or two! But I really didn't care, as I was focused on the long term, not the short term. I knew I wasn't going to be a beauty queen in a few months time, so I didn't let it stress me out. (stress affects your weight loss too!) Once I started to feel restriction and wasn't getting hungry between meals - it was like magic....I truly wouldn't have believed it after chilling in "Bandster Hell" for those months....where I was hungry and sure that this band wasn't going to work for me, either! I didn't excerise at all the first year....I am a working mom of three and had a 6 week old when I had the surgery - so time for myself was next to nothing...and truly it wasn't a priority for me...I was focused on enjoying my last baby! I lost about 80 lbs the first year - and since then have lost another 20...though I seem to be bouncing up and down a few lbs thanks to the holidays! I would like to lose more, but I know I will have to get serious and exercise to see real results - I actually kinda feel like I got lucky losing as much as I did without exercising....but maybe chasing the kids and going up and down the stairs constantly with laundry did the trick!! LOL As for cravings.....they may not entirely go away....but they do get less intense, I think. Last night my hubby made mini hamburgers and so I thot I would eat one with a bottom bun, since it was thin....nope, the bread was not going to happen! Yet I have friends who have the lapband that CAN manage some bread....but what is funny is that I don't miss the bread, fries, etc, at all...I just miss the convienence! My current addiction is Wendy's chili - it is sooooooo good and full of Protein...it makes me feel full the longest. I make my own smoothies at home with Herbalife Protein powder and then add some extra unjury protein powder --- the more protein you are getting the less hungry you will be....try to just beef up your protein in the day, don't stress over a journal as it won't help you if you are obsessing over it...just take baby steps and make small changes....and the results will come! Hang in there - I hope that you go to a support meeting as those are helpful....you can see others in the same boat as you and get ideas and encouragement. It is priceless! blessings, Kim
  8. Yea, I do think everyone is different and has a different pain level threshold. I have a high threshold, myself. I only used the pain meds for one day after surgery - I had a 6 week old at home and didn't wanna be totally out of it as I totally zonk out with that stuff. I had my tubes tied and a hernia repair along with my lapband - but most of my pain for the first week was the gas pain in my shoulders....that always is when I have surgery. Heating pad helped tons, as did the Gas X and walking around. The more I walked the better it seemed to get. I never did really have any port pain - though I have friends who did say theirs was tender for a few months afterwards. I think everyone is different - so it isn't realistic to base your own experience or your own weight loss time frame on anyone else's.....that is the biggest thing I have learned. I can't look at someone else and say "OK three months out they lost X lbs...." and assume that I would be the same. Hang in there - once you get through this hard part and learning to chew everything it all becomes second nature.....I still have to be careful to eat slow when I am out with friends and talking a lot, otherwise I won't chew as well, but I never have to count or be hyperfocused on it. You'll get the hang of it! Good luck on your journey! Kim
  9. Momto3redheads

    Question about chicken pot pie!!!

    I love love love chicken pot pie, too! I am not big into cooking, tho.....but I would try any low calorie/healthy recipes you all can come up with as it would be good for my family, too. Usually I end up going thru Boston Market on the way home - I don't eat the crust anyway, just about half the inside.........I guess I figure as long as I haven't had 1000 calories the rest of the day I can splurge every once in awhile.
  10. Congrats on your journey! You are doing great! I agree with the comments on the mental part...it IS hard to adjust your thinking....and I am still not there yet. As for pumpkin pie calling your name --- well I have found when something like that calls my name it is only one or two bites and I am satisfied...so I like that nothing is completely off limits forever. My best part is that I am now venturing over to the regular misses sizes...that is a scary place, interestingly enough, as I haven't been there for many moons and I feel like an intruder! I don't like to try on clothes - takes too much time and I am usually in a rush with a toddler in tow - but when I get home and find that a regular XL top fits perfect or is slightly large? That is priceless :blushing: as before I was in a 3X. Keep up the good work! Kim
  11. Momto3redheads

    Can you see your port?

    You can't see mine, but you can feel it if you press around....it isn't uncomfortable for me and I forget it is there.
  12. Momto3redheads

    Fake it till you make it!?!

    I didn't lose anything the first 6 weeks post op - you need to focus on letting your body heal and adjust to the band, not losing a lot of weight. I am thankful that my doctor stressed that to the max with me - as it gave me a good start on my journey. I think I even gained a lb or two post op before my first fill....then I got the first fill and felt NO change....after the second I have been at great restriction for over a yr, but am going to try and get back in for a small fill next month as I am finding I am starting to get hungry between meals, even with good food choices. Hang in there - it doesn't happen overnight - you are in it for the long haul....at almost 9 mos out I had only lost 60 lbs...but I wasn't unhappy with that....and then now I am at 100 and feel that my slow track has done fine for me. I haven't suffered or been miserable. Keep your chin up! Kim
  13. Make sure you are eating good solid protein - they say that if you are drinking your protein or eating things that will move thru too quickly that you will get hungry quickly afterwards...if you are still having problems being hungry then it sounds like you would need a tiny fill. I would talk to your doctor - or their nurse!
  14. Momto3redheads

    Problems Eating Certain Foods

    I can't do eggs most of the time, either....haven't bothered with Cereal, really. I usually drink a smoothie for Breakfast --- OJ, tropical fruit herbalife, sugar free frozen yogurt, and extra Protein = heaven I love it! You can make it with skim milk instead of OJ, too....and you can add a few frozen fruit pieces...and use ice to thicken it....I play around with it. Kim
  15. Momto3redheads

    lap-band the second time

    I am so sorry you are having the problems that you are with your band. I know it has to be frustrating! I remember when I first had my band put in that when I would eat I would get some pressure in my chest that told me I was full - but I didn't have to throw up as I stopped eating then. But over time that went away - and I just had to learn to eat the right amount as when I ate to much then I ended up sliming or throwing up, neither of which I liked. I think you have to just start fresh - as if this was your first time with the band...you need to make the right choices and eat things that will give you the Protein you need and won't make you throw up. Throwing up a lot will cause your band to slip again - and I am sure you don't want that. I know you are probably so frustrated and I hope that you seek out a counselor or someone that you can talk to about your feelings and get a handle on things. We are here to listen and help any way we can, too! Kim
  16. Momto3redheads

    Need Help With Removal Options

    Oh you poor thing! That is horrible! Stay strong and keep at them until you can get it taken care of!!! A slippage is nothing to ignore. Call your insurance company and let them know what is going on - you should be able to go to any other bariatric doctor and get it taken care of....hang in there!
  17. I have had surgery - had a lump removed from my neck....didn't have anything changed with my band --- it didn't affect mine at all.
  18. Momto3redheads

    Omg....flappy arms

    I agree - I am going to try these wraps by "It Works" as I have heard they help with grandma wings....and my flappy skin has reached an all time ICK! But I agree it is better than having chunky arms! I found some awesome "short sleeved" shirts at Avenue that are not quite 3/4 but they cover the wings quite well....so I bought them in like every color! LOL I know folks who have exercised 3-4 times a week in the gym with a trainer and it didn't get rid of their grandma wings....so I am not too hopeful that this skin will go anywhere anytime soon....unless Oprah does a show and gives free wing clips to WLS guests! Hmm....maybe we should all start writing her inquiring about that....to do a show on us lapband talk friends who need our wings clipped?????
  19. Hang in there - from reading on the boards it seems that a lot of folks whose doctor's pre fill them have trouble....I don't know why they do that? I didn't get a fill until 6 weeks post surgery as my doc stresses that you are to heal heal heal in those 6 weeks - not lose a million lbs. If you aren't able to eat enough Protein your body won't be able to heal itself well. I felt horrid the first 3 weeks or so after surgery - and I, too, wondered what the heck I had done to myself! But after time you start feeling better and learn your new eating behaviors...and everything starts to fall into place. Don't stress over the weight loss - work on feeling better! I would focus on getting enough food - and call your doc as there are things they do for folks who struggle with acid reflux. I am not one of them, so I am no help in that area! Keep your chin up - you'll do great! It is a journey, not a quick trip, unfortunately! Kim
  20. Momto3redheads

    What am I doing wrong?? :-(

    Yes that pain is familiar to me - I remember it too well! After surgery I found I had the hardest time in trying to take small bites and chew chew chew chew....and when I didn't, I got a pain in my chest and it hurt like heck...usually that meant that I ate too much or it was too large of a bite. Also, remember you are in bandster hell....for awhile after surgery until you find your sweet spot you will be hungry between meals and you might not see a steady weight loss. It took me 5 months post op to find my sweet spot and until then I wasn't losing much and I was SOOOOOOOOOO frustrated! Hang in there ---- this is a journey...you will do fine! Kim
  21. I know what you mean....it seems like I would be much happier with seeing the numbers dropping, but then again I am happier to finally be in a size of jeans I haven't seen in my adult life ever, you know???? Take the small victories and try not to distress over the scale. (easier said than done, I know) Muscle does weigh more than fat - which means if you are working out a ton and not losing weight you are probably building muscle - but make sure you are getting enough calories and Protein in, too, or you won't lose....my friend did that as she worked out with a trainer and ate the right stuff didn't lose AT ALL! Come to find out, when we calculated the amounts of calories and protein she was eating it was NOT ENOUGH! So you have to be careful or your body won't let go of an ounce. Hope you get over the plateau soon - I know itis frustrating! Upping my protein has really helped me along with wearing my body magic - it is reshaping my figure which is priceless as I still weigh more now than when we got married, but am in a size smaller clothes! YAHOO!!! Kim
  22. Hmm....I hope your doctor is able to help you figure out what is going on with you. All we can do is tell you what we have experienced - and everyone is different!!! For the first 6 weeks after surgery I didn't focus on weight loss - as I was told to worry about letting my body heal....not to say I didn't try and make good choices, but I knew I needed to get enough calories to let my body heal itself and get off to the right start. I remember feeling "hurty" in my chest whenever I had crossed the line and taken one bite too many...I was full. I did get hungry between meals a LOT...that's part of bandster hell, too. You shouldn't be able to only eat a few bites of food at a sitting, I wouldn't think - but I guess it depends on how big your bites are? About a cup of food is normal - though I cannot sit and eat a cup of chicken...usually the size of one or two chicken tenders and I am stuffed. But I can sit and eat a large chili from wendy's if I haven't eaten anything solid prior that day...which is a good 28 grams of Protein and leaves me full forever. I found the key was eating good solid protein - to stay full the longest...especially until you are at your "sweet spot" and not experiencing hunger between meals. (now I am rarely ever hungry - my band is at the right spot and I have to remind myself to eat) New problems come with the sweet spot, tho, as you still have to remember to make good choices....now with all this haloween candy around at work it is easy to eat a mini candy bar here and there and the problem with that is that then I haven't any desire for my real food as I am not hungry! So it is a journey...and I don't think it ends with losing the weight you wanted to lose - you still have to continue to make good decisions and eat right or else you will start gaining....like the failure stories everyone likes to tell us about. It took me a good 5 months before I was at my sweet spot and losing steadily....was it frustrating? YES! But then the next thing I knew it was coming off every week and things got easier with time....hang in there - you can do it!!!! Best wishes, Kim
  23. Momto3redheads

    Protein Shake Ideas

    If it is the fat free sugar free packet then it wasn't completely bad :smile: I use a tbs of sugar free pudding mix to add to my Protein shakes (I like herbalife) and add extra flavorless protein powder ---- my favorite is to do choc shake mix and add a tbs of PB2 (powdered peanut butter) or lotfat Peanut Butter - then 6 oz skim milk and about 6 oz ice...makes a yummy thick peanut butter chocolately shake with lotsa protein!! Your best bet is to be creative....there are tons of yummy sugar free pudding mixes and it only takes 1 tbs to a shake to add great flavoring...I like the cheesecake pudding with choc shakes, too.
  24. I like reading everyone's reasons behind their decisions....I applaud each of you for taking the journey regardless of whether or not you want anyone to know! I have no poker face and cannot lie worth a darn, so I am in the tell all camp. I told my friends and family - and anyone who asks me how I lost the weight as I am not about to lie or deny having surgery. I DO however tell them that when I plateaued at about a year post op I found a garment that helped me to reshape my figure, thus putting me in smaller clothes and changing my appearance, and that helped me lose the additional 25 lbs....as I have to give the Body Magic credit for getting me over the plateau! Today I was able to wear a size of jeans I haven't ever ever ever seen in my adult life - from the misses section! YAHOO! What a feeling! Keep up the good work guys and gals! Kim
  25. Momto3redheads


    They say to go back to the liquid diet after a fill because a lot of folks experience swelling and are tight for a bit.....my first fill I felt nothing....my second I did notice it was significantly tighter for 2-3 days afterwards and I did stick to mostly shakes and Soups...just take it easy and slowly - don't try and drink too fast. I read on another post that hot liquids help....? My doc won't do fills unless you aren't losing well or you feel you are able to eat the right amount of food and still be hungry between meals.....you want to be careful and not fill too fast and then have to take it out....talk to the doc, they know lots more on the subject than we do! Good luck!

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