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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. Momto3redheads

    Arm Lipo in the morning

    Wowsers - I am soooooo curious to see pics, too! I don't care about having a flat stomach or the insides of my legs being perfect, but man oh man these wings have GOT TO GO! Thanks for sharing your info!
  2. Momto3redheads

    My doc is closing shop..financial question

    Read your contract and contact your state insurance commissioner if you have any problems...they should be able to help you - or point you in the right direction!
  3. Momto3redheads

    Fill was OK...now months later cannot eat

    It's the phlegm --- my friend just went through this.....she actually went and got some fo her fill taken out and regrets it, as if you get on allergy meds or cold meds (depending on what is causing your phlegm) it should help cure it....most of us don't want to pay to have some taken out to then need it put back in shortly thereafter! There are a lot of things that will affect how tight your band it -- stress, hormones (time of the month esp), sickness, not being hydrated enough, humidity, stress....so sometimes you have to just pay close attention to what is going on if you seem really tight all of a sudden. Good luck!
  4. Momto3redheads

    Do you ever get to where you don't feel like a fat person?

    It appears that some come through surgery and weight loss with flying colors and their self esteem abounds to heights unknown...and others who still struggle with their self image and how they view themselves, even when their bodies are no longer what they used to be. I fall into the latter category. Folks tell me how great I look and I can now buy clothes in the non-plus sized section of the store....but in my head I still think like a fat girl. I am insecure and uncomfortable when I am in the spotlight or someone is complimenting me - and I don't feel skinny and pretty. So I think it is a process to change your self image - which takes longer than it does to change your physical self, in some cases. But it is a journey - and we will get there!!! THat is why I think going to counseling really helps as you go through your lapband journey - to help you process your thoughts and patterns and see things from another perspective. Kim
  5. Momto3redheads

    Body Image

    I think this is completely normal....I am the same way! I have lost 100 lbs and even though I can buy "normal" clothes I feel more comfortable shopping in the plus size....which is silly as those clothes are too big, but that is the comfort zone I have lived in for so long. It's wierd to try on clothes...but eventually I think you start to enjoy it, even if you don't "feel skinny" yet. That takes time and therapy, I think! The support groups definately help, in my experience, as the others are on the same journey you are - and at different places in it so they can give advice, etc. Hang in there!
  6. Momto3redheads

    To Fill or Not to Fill

    OK I didn't read all of the posts as I didn't wanna trudge through it...but I completely know where you are coming from. One week after my first fill I knew there was no change at all - and my doc scheduled me for another one....I have never had it take time for a fill to set in - if anything it goes the other direction as when you get a fill it can irritate you and cause swelling - and you can be tighter at first and then it settles down a bit...which is why they tell us to go on liquids and mushies afterwards. As far as when to fill or when not to fill - that is a personal decision....and only you will know when you reach your "sweet spot", where you are not getting hungry between meals, you are losing weight, and everything is cruising along....for some it takes 5 fills and some it takes zero - we can't tell you how many or how often as that is between you and your doctor. Don't let other people's input/opinions upset you....that is one thing I have learned from this board....what folks say doesn't bother me anymore! Now my own experience is that it seems like 2 weeks out of the month I am a lot tighter - the week before and the week I am on my period.......stupid hormones do mess with the band! But I also notice that if I am not drinking enough Water or it is really really hot and humid outside that makes me really tight too....so it is hard to know when to opt for another fill! I am scheduled next tues and I keep debating about whether or not to go - due to that very reason! This is a journey - not a destination - so we just have to keep moving! Hang in there!
  7. Momto3redheads

    Pros and Cons

    OK lemme think on that..... Pro's are easy ---- weight loss, more energy, clothes are fun again, "eat to live instead of live to eat" mentality is great Cons....well it was really hard at first - had to focus to learn to chew chew chew and eat the rights foods that wouldn't get stuck....I find it annoying when people would say "well you had surgery ___ months ago, why haven't you lost more?" as folks think the lapband is like the gastric bypass and you should get skinny in no time....but really, other than the occassional day that I feel ultra tight (which happens due to high humidity, female hormones, being dehydrated...) and I cannot manage to eat much, most of the time everything is great now, as I don't have to focus so much on chewing, etc. It IS different for everyone, though.....no two people are exactly alike....so you have to choose what is best for you. You will need to be diligent in eating the right foods, exercising, and getting your fills in order for it to work for you. Good luck! Kim
  8. Momto3redheads

    over 2 years since last fill

    Well I haven't had a fill in quite awhile, either....am scheduled for one on tuesday as I know I need one as I am getting hungry between meals again....but I have read if you start having trouble out of the blue with vomitting and reflux it can be a sign of a slipped band, so I would call your doc and go in to see them. That is serious and needs to be taken care of! Hang in there! Kim
  9. Momto3redheads

    Starting to give up!!

    You are still a relatively new bandster, too --- have you gotten any fills? The first 6 weeks after surgery is for healing - not losing - so really you haven't been in the start -to-focus-on-losing-weight phase for all that long....it takes time and effort to learn how to utilize your band. Talk to your doctor's office about how much Protein you should be getting and what types of foods they suggest - they will best be able to guide you. Above all - don't give up - it is a journey, not a destination! Kim
  10. Momto3redheads

    Tight band in the mornings....

    Yeppirs - I can't have food in the mornings, either....but it works to stick to a shake for breakfast! I am addicted to Wendy's chili -- YUM - my favorite lunch on the go! Kim
  11. Are you getting any Protein in? I know I get skullsplitting headaches when I haven't gotten enough nutrients in - particularly protein. It feels as if my head will explode! (and I normally don't get many headaches) Hope you are feeling better soon! Kim
  12. That's your cue you are full! I remember post surgery I thot that was so wierd, but it was a way that I knew when I needed to stop! It is hard to learn to feel when you are full - you will in time. Even now, though, if I eat something too fast I get that pain - it is like something is stuck there. No fun! Kim
  13. It's a journey, for sure...I do think the majority of people only post when they are struggling or having some sort of trouble with their band...so it makes it LOOK a bit different than it really is. Like my doctor said, the reason the stats are lower for weight loss with the band versus gastric bypass is b/c a lot of times the band folks don't follow up - either they lost the weight and didn't need to follow up (I haven't been back to my doc in over a yr as they told me to come back when I needed a fill) or they started gaining and didn't work the band with their doctor's help...etc. So everyone is different! My experience has been positive overall for sure! There were ups and downs - it was an adjustment, learning to eat in a new way....but by now it is second nature and I don't have to consciously focus on chewing a zillion times, etc. I would do it again in a heartbeat! Good luck to you - we are here to support you on your journey! YOu can get fabulous ideas and input from the folks on this forum! Kim
  14. Momto3redheads

    sparkling water

    Until you are healed from surgery the consensus amongst most doctors is NO carbonation (2-3 months)........after that it seems to vary...I drink a diet cafeine free pop a day and I did actually buy some sparkling Water this weekend...my doctor said it is OK as long as you aren't drinking empty calories. Also you can't drink carbonation with food - OUCH! Kim
  15. Momto3redheads

    waste of 16 thousand dollars

    I am so sorry you have had so many problems....I don't know what the answer is, but I can only imagine your frustration. I hope you get some relief soon --- and find another way to continue your journey to wellness. Kim
  16. I can eat thin crust - usually just part of a piece if it is a large slice...and then I eat the toppings. I am a firm believer in adjusting my diet to my lifestyle - so the first sunday of every month when our church goes out for pizza I join them...it is a cheap all you can eat buffet, which is a complete waste for me who eats barely anything, but I don't stress about eating pizza...it's a nice treat! Just be sure to chew chew chew!! Kim
  17. Momto3redheads

    Struggling Big Time

    Losing weight is better than gaining - think of where you might be without the band!!! You said you have restriction, but can eat whatever you want? How does that work? I have restriction, but I cannot eat whatever I want...and definately not the quanitiies I was used to! You may not be at your "sweet spot" yet - b/c you shouldn't be able to eat whatever you want. I definately agree that a nutritionist mught be able to help guide you in the right direction - if you aren't getting a lot of Protein in and staying away from sugar and carbs then you won't see results as well. I have found I can't tolerate solid foods first thing in the morning - so I use Breakfast to drink a protein packed shake - starts my day out right and keeps me from getting hungry until lunchtime. Hang in there - you are NOT a failure...the band is a lifestyle and a tool, we have to work it for it to work for us....you can start afresh now and focus and get it working for you again! We are here to cheer you along! Kim
  18. Momto3redheads

    troubles with lapband while flying

    I have flown a few times, too, and never had any problems.....didn't notice any change as far as the band was concerned. I notice more of a change when the weather changes ---when it is really hot and humid I am a lot tighter....so summertime I know I will feel more restriction. Also hormones affect my band...the PMS week it seems looser and my cravings are crazy. ARGH! Kim
  19. Momto3redheads

    avoid caffeine/ and carbonation

    It does seem that different docs say different things...but the consensus between the docs in my town seem to be that caffeine and carbonation are OK at least 6 weeks post op (giving your body time to heal) and as tolerated....some people have a lot of trouble with carbonation (I can't drink it after food) and others don't have any. I have at least one caffeine free diet pop a day - that is my treat! Kim
  20. Momto3redheads

    Antidepressants and Lapband

    I take Vyvanse for ADD and Zoloft for depression....without any problems. I don't seem to have any trouble with pills for the most part - just take them in the AM before any food.
  21. Momto3redheads

    Foof gets stuck??

    At first it is a chore...you are new to the lifestyle and have to consciously THINK to chew chew chew....and you are adjusting to the band as well....but after about 6 months I found it was second nature, I no longer had to focus totally on chewing, etc. Now there are still foods that will get stuck and I have to kinda burp to throw it up as it just sits there and hurts...usually that is the stuff we are to avoid anyway - a bite of donut is SO not worth it when it caused that pain! Also I have trouble with rubbery eggs like at mcdonalds and breads.....I can tolerate a slice of thin crust pizza OK, but anything more doughy is a problem. You will find out what you can tolerate as you go along ---- I have no trouble with chicken...my friend eats steak without a problem as long as she take teeny bites and chews well..... It is a process - learning this new lifestyle..it will get better! Kim
  22. Momto3redheads

    Diet Soda

    Oh goodness...this is one of those big debates....personally my doctor is OK with diet soda (not regular as it is empty calories) It is the carbonation that I love so I drink diet caffeine free....usually one a day, definately NOT with food! I think this is one of those things you have to go with what your doctor and you decide - as everyone has a different opinion on caffeine and artificial sweetners, etc. For me....I would rather treat myself with a pop than other things I could think of Kim
  23. I don't think I could've not told.....as oftentimes when I am eating out I have had trouble with getting stuck....so if you are going to hide it be careful what you eat! Stick to things that you know are safe - chili, soup, stuff like that I know I never will have trouble with....steak, chicken, hamburger patties I know I can have trouble with! Nothing is worse than having to go to the bathroom to burp up some stuck food...especially if you are trying to hide it. I understand why you want to hide it - many do! Kim
  24. Momto3redheads


    I wear my Ardyss Body Magic - it smooths everything out, while reshaping the fat (like Jello in a mold) to give me the hourglass figure I never had. You can't buy them in stores, but there are folks that are distributors all over....or you can buy them on ebay! (I became a dealer so I could buy mine at cost) They are priceless - definately worth the money as they make your clothes fit better and support your back and improve your posture. I tell people wearing it makes me feel like a rock star LOL Sounds silly, but it is true. I don't leave home without it! Kim
  25. Momto3redheads

    Unjury protein powders

    I just put the unflavored in my Herbalife shake - as I prefer the taste of theirs.....you can always add some sugarfree pudding to the unflavored, not sure if that would be enough flavoring for me, though? I add a tbs of the cheesecake pudding to my choc herbalife shakes to add variety...YUM! They key for me is not doing the same thing all of the time...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
