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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. Momto3redheads

    Vitamins & The Lap Band

    I take the gummy princess vitamins They are yummy. But I do take pills and even when I am at good restriction I haven't had any problem with swallowing them....
  2. Momto3redheads

    Allergies and the band

    I have always struggled some with my allergies, but this year they are HORRIBLE! I had to go and have 2 cc's taken out of my band as I wasn't able to eat hardly anything solid for weeks on end...I am currently on week 4 trying to battle a nasty sinus infection, so things spiralled outta control for me, unfortunately. But prior to this I was taking Allegra and Mucinex and it WAS helping a bit...though I still felt slightly tight off and on due to the drainage. It is definately NO FUN! Hang in there! Kim
  3. Momto3redheads

    My Lap Band caused Esophageal Cancer

    So sorry to hear about your complications! One encouraging note - I have a close friend who has the same medical condition you do, though she has never had a lapband, and she has been doing wonderfully for years...they check the cells yearly and everything has been fine. So I hope it goes as smoothly for you too! Kim
  4. Momto3redheads

    Eating like a vacuum cleaner!

    I hear ya...I can always tell when it is "that time" as I feel like I need a chocolate IV to keep my sanity! When I am being good I try to stick to fat free fudcicles and pudding...so I feel like I am still getting that craving fulfilled...but other times I do give in and eat whatever isn't nailed down. It's a bummer, for sure! I don't know if there is a surefire fix for that one....other than willpower..... Kim
  5. Momto3redheads

    What's up? My weight! That's what.

    I probably sound like a broken record...but the first SIX WEEKS post surgery are for healing - your body needs the Protein and calories to heal itself from the trauma of a major surgery, NOT to lose weight. I gained weight in those 6 wks, I forget how much now, but I wasn't worried about it - I focused on getting in as much good protein as I could and trying to stay hydrated as I found I wasn't really very thirsty. THe majority of folks don't start seeing steady weight loss until after a fill, OR TWO...or more....it can be months after surgery before you can see the decline stay steady, so don't get discouraged now! We are in it for the long haul - it is a marathon, not a race. Don't stress over the weight - and DON'T restrict your calories....or you will defeat the journey. You need to let your body heal - make sure to drink lotsa Water, too! Hang in there - you will do fine! Kim
  6. Momto3redheads

    getting used to the gastric band

    I am glad you found the site for support and to ask questions - there are NO stupid questions so feel free to pick our brains anytime --- that is what we are all here for...to help one another along this journey. You will find that nobody's journey is exactly the same - some folks have more trouble than others, etc, so don't let anything you read scare you. The first 6 weeks after surgery is for healing - NOT weight loss. You will most likely feel hungry during the time, feel frustrated as you aren't losing weight, be tired as your body heals from major surgery, and most of us have second thoughts and wonder what in the world we have gotten ourselves into....this is all completely normal! You need to focus on getting enough Protein and calories in your diet right now so your body has what it needs to heal, heal, heal....now is not the time to be restricting (dieting) or worrying about weight loss...you need your body to heal well so you can kick off your journey on a positive note. I have noticed that it seems that some folks doctor's don't seem to stress this much with their patients - but mine did and I am ever so grateful as it helped me with my expectations and to not get discouraged early on. Actually I think I gained a couple of lbs during that first 6 weeks....but it was no biggie.... Once you get your first fill - don't expect a miracle...for most of us the first fill doesn't seem to do a thing. Most doctors will make you wait at least a week after that first fill to call back and let them know you still are getting hungry between meals, etc, and think you need another fill...usually they will schedule it sooner rather than later, I have found, so you don't have to wait another 6 weeks. Once you find your "sweet spot" you will find that you are not able to eat much more than a cupfull of food at a time - you need to focus on getting in your protein as that is VERY important - so a cup of solid protein and you will find you don't have room for anything else! AND it will hold you until your next meal.....and your weight loss will become a steady, SLOW, loss...nothing drastic like we are used to seeing on the gastric bypass folks...I think that is what tends to upset folks as they have surgery and expect to be skinny right away --- but for most of us the real weight loss doesn't start happening for months afterwards...this is a marathon, not a sprint. Hang in there --- get plenty of rest as your body went through a huge trauma and now has to adjust. Are you able to walk a bit every day to get some exercise in? That always seemed to help me build up my energy faster after surgery, if I was able to start exercising a bit and get out and about. We are here if you have any questions - just holler!!! Good luck! Kim
  7. Momto3redheads

    getting unfilled

    I know how you feel - I think one day that maybe I need a fill as I am so hungry...but then the next day I can't hardly eat anything! This went on for about 6 months....and yesterday I decided to call and make an appt with my surgeon to have my band checked as within the last month I constantly can barely eat any solid Protein - really, like 2 chicken nuggets and I am feeling like I ate too much....this was NOT normal for me and I have had my band awhile...no recent fills...haven't been sick....I thought for a bit it might be the horrid high humidity we have had lately and blamed it on that...but noticed that even when it cools down I am still feeling awful tight. So then I read on here about bands slipping and erosions and decided to get it checked out to make sure everything is OK....I can't get in until next tuesday, though. I just know that I have been sticking to the slider foods - mostly chili - but lately I can't eat much in quanity of those either....so something is up. Hang in there - this is just a bump in our journey- we will prevail! Kim
  8. Momto3redheads

    Does the lap band really work????

    As you can see everyone is different! I think the first 5 months or so post op were the hardest - as the first 6 weeks you are in healing mode (NOT losing mode) and then you start getting fills to find your ever desired "sweet spot". Some find it sooner than others, and from what I read, others don't seem to ever find it. I am not sure why that is? I know that the humidity, hormones, and sickness all affect me and how tight my band is at any given time - which makes it hard to know when you need a fill....but it is a tool, as everyone says, and either you work with it or it will work against you. I have probably slimed a handfull of times....and thrown up a dozen or so...mostly it was in the beginning as I was learning what to eat and how to eat....but every once in awhile I do something stupid like grab a bite of my daughter's donut or a roll at dinner....and if you don't chew it into oblivion it will get stuck and come back up. Live and learn! I would do it again in a heartbeat - as nothing else was working to lose weight. I have 6 friends who have the band - some are doing well working it, others are stuck and not doing so well, and one has gained all her weight back....the latter was from making poor food choices and not getting fills. It IS a tool....and it will take some willpower, but once you find your sweet spot you really do lose the desire for junk food, etc, and are satisfied with a Protein packed small meal....it is amazing! It takes patience and perserverance. Good luck! Kim
  9. Momto3redheads

    How many fills before this thing starts working?! :)

    Wow I couldn't eat three pieces of pizza if I wanted to - without throwing it back up immediately....ouch! I have definately been there when I have eaten too much when I was hungry or in a hurry without thinking about it...and I was miserable afterwards. In the beginning of the journey with the band we tend to be a lot more tentative with eating - it IS scary....you are learning a new way to eat and it will take time for it to be second nature to you. But if you can't take some solid Protein, say half a chicken breast or half a hamburger patty...and take SMALL bites and chew chew chew and be able to keep it down...then you are definately too full and need some taken out. You shouldn't have to stick to soft slider foods - and in the long run you will gain weight doing that.... Hang in there - it takes time to work the band and figure out where is right for you....it can be frustrating, but it is worth it! Kim
  10. I haven't had any problems, either..........most of the people on the site have either just gotten their lapband or are struggling and looking for help....once you start living the life and things are going well you tend to drift away from the boards....I try and get on every few days to keep up, but it can be hard. You have to make the decision that is right for you - we can't make it for you....and everyone's journey with the lapband is different. Good luck!!! Kim
  11. Momto3redheads

    Anybody's PMS get worse after banding?

    Yeppirs....I have had the ablasion surgery so I don't have real regular "flows", but my hormones surge and my face breaks out like a teenagers and I need a chocolate IV...it is the pits....but such is life!
  12. Momto3redheads

    Please help

    Yes, welcome to bandster hell...it is such a miserable place to be, but we have ALL been there! You have to be diligent with getting your fills and you WILL get out of there, I promise! I have found if you call your doctor's office 4-5 days after a fill and tell them you have no change in restriction a lot of times they will schedule you to come in sooner for another one....don't be shy in asking for what you need to! Unfortunately until you get to a place where you feel true restriction you will feel as if this is a diet and it is SO not fun....but please know we are here to support you, anger, frustration...we have ALL been there and understand what you are feeling! I am "only" 10 lbs or so from my goal....but I have been going up and down 2-3 lbs for months now...which has totally frustrated me to no end! But I know it is the choices I am making in my foods and splurging too much with birthdays, etc...so I have to buckle down and get to exercising, too! Do what you can to make small changes....they will add up!
  13. I think most of us have emotional ties to food, too, which does make it harder....I struggle with that off and on, the band is definately not a cure -all and contrary to popular belief it is NOT the easy way out! You have to work with it and the first part of the journey was the hardest for me - first the pre op diet when I felt so tired and lethargic and just wanted to CHEW something. (I did mine back when we didn't get to EAT anything but yogurt, shakes, etc -- most folks get lean meat once a day now...that would've been HEAVENLY!)...then post op when you don't feel a darn bit of restriction after the initial swelling from the surgery subsides and you are hungry but can't just eat anything you want....you are trying to be "good" but it feels like a diet as you are still hungry between meals. Those first 6 weeks post op are for HEALING, not losing....I think that is one of the huge misconceptions I see on the boards - folks are like "I am two weeks out and haven't lost much" and they need to understand that those first 6 weeks are to let your body heal and adjust....you HAVE to get lots of Protein and Water in - your body needs it - and not worry about weight. That is easier said than done, since you just went through this major surgery and want to be skinny as of yesterday....and most have seen folks with the gastric bypass that start dropping weight SO fast....the lapband is NOT like that at all. After your 6 weeks most folks get their first fill --- if you are like the majority, this doesn't seem to do a whole lot for us...it depends on how much your doc puts in as they vary. But if after 4 days or so you don't feel a change I would call your doc and ask for another fill --- no sense waiting another month....you have to be patient and diligent with getting your fills - what is really hard is to know when you have hit your "sweet spot" --- this is the magical place where you are only able to eat about 1 cup of food at a sitting and feel completely satisfied with that - don't get hungry between meals - and the weight begins to drop....SLOWLY....2-4 lbs a week is probably average. Some weeks are better than others. I think for me, with the mental part, I had to make sure I wasn't completely depriving myself of anything.....so if I craved chocolate I was able to have something sweet --- I LOVE the Herbalife shakes --- you can do soooo many things with them....but the chocolate one with skim milk, ice, and either a bit of real PB or PB2 (powdered Peanut Butter at health stores) makes a thick shake if you use lotsa ice that is TO DIE for! I would rather have this for dinner (add in some extra protein) than anything in the summertime when it is HOT and food doesn't look good....I make a tropical fruit shake every morning for Breakfast - using some OJ, ice water, and ice and a scoop of frozen yogurt and extra protein....it is YUMMY! You can do a million different things with your shakes so you don't get bored with them --- I cannot eat anything solid until 11am or so, so I always start out the day with a shake....you can add a tbsp of sugar free pudding to any shake flavor to spice it up --- they have cheesecake pudding, choc, etc....be creative and make it fun! It definately helps. The other thing is to realize that snacking when bored will WAY sabotage your weight loss....I have trouble at work with that and have to bring things I can snack on that are healthy - yogurt, beef Jerky, peanuts....bring portioned out so you don't eat a whole bag. And drink lotsa water - add crystal light or something to it if you need to - when you are dehydrated your band is tighter, I have found...also that time of the month, when you are under stress, if you are sick with allergies or sinuses...there are a lot of things that affect the band. Definately get into counseling prior to surgery --- and stay with it....it will help you along your journey to learn more about yourself and have someone neutral to help you in that process....sometimes just having someone to talk to, that you kow won't judge you, really helps....everyone has a "life coach" these days, it is the cool thing...ha ha I guess I kinda rambled there...hope I answered your question some....the lapband is a tool and not a solution....but it DOES help to trick your mind into thinking you are not hungry, which is fabulous, and as long as you don't eat milkshakes and junk food for every meal you will lose weight....but there IS some work involved, too! I got my surgery when my third was 9 weeks old - so going home to a newborn after surgery was a bit difficult, but not too bad overall....and it helped me to lose the weight while I was busy with the kids and didn't have a lot of time to focus on ME...which is something we mother's struggle with! I wanted to have energy to be able to keep up with my kids - and this has definately done that for me - I feel TONS better! Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions I didn't address!! ps my friend that had the gastric bypass a few months before I got my lapband and I were both at around the same weight loss at our one year point -- she has lost a bit more than me now, but she had more to lose...this just goes to say that you want to look at your goals down the line...a 3-4 months out from surgery you may not feel like you have lost much....but over the long haul once you get to working the band it WILL come off!
  14. Momto3redheads

    Last Fill/Complete Blockage

    You know, there are certain foods that I have trouble with that do that....no matter how I chew or how slow I eat, I tend to struggle with them. Thankfully I have never been completely blocked, tho. Have you tried the papaya pills? You can buy them over the counter at the drugstore and they help for when you have food stuck - I have used them and it helps a lot! I make BBQ chicken in the crock pot and then shred it up - and even as tender and juicy as it is I can have trouble after only a few bites of it being stuck.....I think stringy types of foods can do that. I tend to stick with what I know is safe...LOL I LOVE LOVE LOVE chili (especially from Wendy's!) and tuna salad....and I buy those 100 calorie packaged lunchmeats and take for lunch with some string cheese.... What you can and can't eat will vary....and how tight your band is can vary based on whether or not you are dehydrated and not drinking enough Water, if it's that time of the month, if you are sick (allergies and phlegm), stress.....they all can make you tighter....which makes it hard to determine what is causing our problems at times! You might try a Protein shake to give you a protein boost - I like the herbalife ones a lot as with skim milk and ice they are like a milkshake...and I just add some unjury protein to them....I LOVE them as they taste like a treat. You shouldn't be hungry between meals....but you have to make sure you are eating good protein at every meal...that helps to carry you through between meals...and drink water between meals when you do get hungry...sometimes we think we are hungry and we are really thirsty. Hang in there!
  15. Momto3redheads

    Need inpiration and encouragement

    I am sorry you have had so much trouble with your band - I have a friend who struggled with hers, too, and had to have some Fluid taken out....what varies from person to person is what affects your band - stress, sickness (like allergies and phlegm), time of the month, dehydration....everything can make a difference. Are you drinking plenty of liquids/water? I know that when I am not drinking enough I find myself tons tighter and throwing up more....so I have to be conscious to get enough Water in, especially in the summertime when I feel tighter anyway. When they took some fluid out did they take just a teeny bit or the whole fill? It sounds like you might need to go the route of itty bitty fills when you get yours - which is what my friend did - in order to avoid the horrid overfill feeling. Also it takes her over a week after the fill to not be miserably tight as she must swell a lot when she gets hers....so she stays on liquids for at least a week. What types of food are you eating? Certain things give me trouble no matter what...like steak or any types of bread. I tend to stay with what I know will not bother me - tuna salad, shredded BBQ chicken, chili...things I can make up in advance and stock the fridge for the week to take for lunches. I try to eat high Protein so that it keeps me satisfied. I drink a Protein shake every morning - as before about 11am I cannot eat anything solid - that is another thing, mornings most people find they are too tight to eat, too..... Hang in there - you are in a rough spot, but this is a journey and not a destination...you can get through this! We are here for you!
  16. Don't worry about it!!! I didn't lose hardly anything pre op --- and post op fir the first 6 weeks when I was in the healing phase I think I gained a lb or two.....this is NOT the time to focus on weight loss...just be sure to be getting in what your doctor advises along with plenty of water.....and remember that this is the hardest part of the journey, the pre op and then the first 6 week post op phase....which, I repeat, is NOT for weight loss! Some folks drop lots during that time, others nothing....it doesn't mean anything,.....your body will go thru shock and have to adjust to your new lifestyle....just be patient and you will do fine!
  17. Momto3redheads

    Diet and Band Failures

    The band can't do it for you....it sounds like you gave up on the process, though. It is a journey, not a destination. Getting the band unfortunately won't make us eat 100% right and drop all the weight right away - we will still struggle with the things that got us overweight in the first place, but it is a tool to help us along the way. I know most people think that we get the band and then we coast and the weight drops off without any work and that couldn't be further from the truth! To me it sounds like you need to start over - go back to your doctor and get back on track....you might need a fill and to attend some support groups to get your enthusiasm back for the band and to get back on board? I know when I am struggling the last thing I want to do is go hear folks who are doing great -- but that is exactly what we need! Hang in there - you can turn this around....the band is still there, waiting to be utilized! We are here to encourage you, too! You can do it!
  18. Momto3redheads

    trouble eating in the morning

    I can't eat anything in the morning, either....that is when I have my Protein shake to start the day....and if i don't sip it SLOWLY I end up hic-upping a storm and miserable....so slow is definately the key. I would not be eating ice cream prior to meals - usually they say that a warm drink loosens things up, not cold? Have you tried that? Like a few sips of hot tea? Just curious...if you do need something cold then I would do ice Water or iced tea, you want low calories. If you can't eat solid food by the end of the day without ice cream first it would seem there is a problem...I would talk to your doctor....as if your band isn't working FOR you it is going to be working against you and you don't want that! Being too tight is just as bad as being too loose....
  19. Momto3redheads

    Considering Brachioplasty - advice?

    Have you heard of Liposculpture? I had read some stuff online about it and wondered if it was a cheaper/less painful way of getting rid of the flapping wings....? Just curious....my arms are the bane of my existance and I would LOVE to be able to afford to get rid of them! ( Here's the website where I was reading about it -- http://www.pacificlipo.com/liposuction-faqs.htm - I had actually read a post of someone who had it done at this place...and then went to the website to check it out)
  20. Momto3redheads

    Day 4 after surgery HELP

    might want to get sthe gasX strips - they helped me a lot post surgery....your body will be adjusting to your new diet so you might see some changes....be sure to be drinking LOTS of Water...it is hard as you won't necessarily feel really thirsty, but it is very important. (You will find later that if you are dehydrated it affects how your band feels - mine feels really tight when I am) Depending on if you are lactose intolerant the shakes can bother you, too.... hang in there, this too shall pass!
  21. Momto3redheads

    Stop me, please!

    It does sound like you might need a fill....I went through that and then scheduled my fill --- and literally two days before it was scheduled for my allergies kicked in and I was tighter than ever...so I had to cancel....but I know as soon as my allergies are under control again (this fall, prolly) I will be back in your shoes...it stinks! hang in there!
  22. Momto3redheads

    Hubby's Comment

    Don't expect others to understand....I have run into that a lot. You won't be on liquids for 6 weeks post op, more than likely tho....it varies between surgeons, but I don't know anyone that had to go that long. You don't get a fill until your 6 week post op appt most of the time, it seems, and so most people do experience the bandster hell, where you are getting hungry between meals and feel like you are on a diet....but just focus on the future and know that it will pass. It might take more than one fill to get out of bandster hell, though, so don't get frustrated....just remember that this is a journey and will take time to change your behaviors and patterns. Don't worry about what other people think/say....it can really get you down if you do. They just don't understand the struggles we have. Hang in there - we are here to support you!
  23. Momto3redheads

    Blood Clots & Surgery

    I had two clots in my lungs and one in my legs after an endometrial surgery years ago thanks to being on birth control - which meant every time I got pregnant I had to inject the lovenox shots in my stomach the entire pregnancy....and whenever I have surgery they are quick to give me a shot of it afterwards....but I didn't have to be on it for long after the lapband surgery, as with the lapband you are up and about rather soon. It is when laying down and not moving around that you have the highest risk of getting another clot....so just be careful to get up and move around a lot and I am sure you will be fine!
  24. Momto3redheads

    Sugar free gummi bears or worms?

    I know what you mean - the liquid diet is the pits! I finally broke down and went and bought those Soup in a Hand with the chicken and teeny star noodles....it had made me sick to not have anything real, I was so weak and miserable. I did fine with that and felt much better - luckily I didn't have to stay on liquids for long. This too shall pass!
  25. Momto3redheads

    Advice -Not losing

    You aren't supposed to be losing the first 6 weeks post surgery ---- it is time to let your body heal and adjust to the band.....don't worry about weight, instead focus on eating healthy and getting a lot of good Protein. You will feel like you are on a diet since you probably will be getting hungry in between meals..it is the pits, "bandster hell". Hang in there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
