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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. Momto3redheads

    Surgery March 23rd

    You are doing great Randi! I have only lost 31 in all - and haven't been exercising as I would like to...it is hard with three kids as during the week my hubby is out of town...so by the time I get the girls to bed and the baby asleep I am BEAT! I work ten hour days, too. I am hoping now that school is out things will get into a better routine... I have had one fill - and noticied I am starting to get hungry again more often. I go back on the 4th.
  2. I go in for my first fill on Monday the 4th - am excited and nervous, I too, hope mine goes as smoothly! (as I have read some scary posts on other threads...LOL) Glad everyone is doing well!!!! Keep up the good work!
  3. Wow - I can totally relate. The swelling post surgery definately made things easier -- as there was restriction! Now I am starting to feel really hungry a lot - I stop and think whether I am really hungry or bored...and I am hungry! So I focus on protein and wait ever-so-patiently for my 6 weeks appt when I get my first fill. I am glad we have this forum to support one another. (not judge one another) We are all in this together and need to use our experiences to help each other - not tear each other down. No matter how much research or how many friends you have with the band - nothing prepared me to go from feeling a LOT of restriction post op to absolutely nothing a few weeks later...wierd! But I am in it for the long haul - and know that we will get our fills and stick with it and things will change....patience...not my favorite virtue by far!
  4. Momto3redheads

    did i do something stupid.

    I noticed that I was sore like that - I think it is an "I overdid it" type of ache, you know? I had to carry my new baby post op and she was 13 lbs at the time...I noticed I would get sore after awhile. (luckily I had a lot of help and didn't have to carry her a lot!) hang in there!
  5. Momto3redheads

    Diet coke :)

    Interesting - I have many friends who drink one every now and then and don't have any problems with it...they said maybe a little gas, but nothing too bad. I am only 2 1/2 weeks post op and even though they told me I can have carbonated drinks at 2 weeks I haven't yet - as my gas pains post op (from lotsa dairy in the liquids) were miserable...I wonder if people just tolerate it differently?
  6. Hello! Sorry I haven't been on the computer at all - my baby has had a horrid cold....UGH! I am doing really well - eating real food and feeling great! I have lost 19 lbs in all now. :-) I hope you are feeling better. I found that drinking too much of the shakes was making my gas TONS worse - I can only tolerate one a day apparently. I do love the Atkins Advantage ones as the protein tides me over for hours. Keep me posted how you are doing!

  7. I am the same way - this is day 5 for me and my shoulders are still really sore from the gas....the gas X strips seems to help me get the gas moving downward (if you know what I mean) but the pain is still there, tho dwindling. My doc said to walk and to rock in a rocking chair as it helps move the gas, too......this too shall pass! Hang in there!
  8. I am up and around - still really sore especially in my shoulders from the gas...but other than that I am doing good. How are you?

  9. Momto3redheads


    I love spanx! I have found they are mighty snug....so I won't be trying mine on for a bit yet as my tummy is still really sore.
  10. I check in at 6:30am central time - my tubal is at 7:30 and lapband at 8! My kids are the reason I am doing this - I want to be able to keep up with them! Good luck and I will see you on the other side on the losers bench!!!

  11. Yipee! I am having surgery monday the 23rd as well! Good luck and keep us posted on how you do!
  12. Good luck with your surgery! I am on 3/23 - I am getting excited! I can't wait to start watching the scales move! Keep in touch!

  13. Momto3redheads

    Saige, me, and Mallory 2008

    From the album: Me and my fam

  14. Momto3redheads


    From the album: Me and my fam

  15. Momto3redheads

    This was my family in the fall of 2007

    From the album: Me and my fam

  16. Momto3redheads

    Pre-Op Diet

    I am on my pre op diet, too --- mostly yogurt, sf jello, and protein shakes. I like the Atkins Advantage, tho, so I don't mind them - and they stave off the hunger well. We can do it - just focus on your goal! My friends who have had the surgery said the pre op diet is the worst part of the whole process.
  17. Momto3redheads


    Even diet pop? I know regular pop has lotsa sugar...so that I understand... My doc said pre op we can have all the diet pop we want...which is what is helping me get through this stinking pre op diet! I DO like the atkins shakes, tho, and they only have 1 sugar and 2 carbs...
  18. Momto3redheads

    Banded March 18th!!!

    Congrats! Glad everything went OK - my mom got her band in Dec and I remember her saying that the only thing that was really sore for awhile afterwards was where the port is...I am getting mine on Monday (23rd) and am having a tubal at the same time (kill two birds with one stone!) and will have on extra incision due to that, but it shouldn't be a big deal. I was also told by folks that have had it that as you recuperate the next few days a little walking will definately make you feel better - even when you feel too tired to do it...nothing strenuous, of course! I think it takes awhile before you are released for hard core exercising? Have a great day - get some rest!
  19. Momto3redheads


    My mom is three months out from her lapband and was told not to drink it for 6 months b/c of the carbonation can affect the pouch size....she said she really doesn't miss it. Not sure *I* will be the same way, but I hope so. We have the same surgeon so I will get told the same thing. Interesting that everyone has different things.........there must not be any hard data on it or something to cause the varying opinions? (kinda like the different pre op diets?)
  20. Momto3redheads

    Pre Op diet- a Top to Bottom Affair

    I am in day 5 of my ten day pre op diet. It is interesting that some people are able to eat lean meat and veggies, while others of us are on pretty much all liquid/yogurt/sf jello/sf popcicles....I think I would give my right arm for a chicken breast about now. LOL I just wanna chew something, I think. I am really not that hungry as I love the Atkins shakes - all of the flavors are good, I think. They have them at Sams Club the cheapest. I am new to the group -- can't wait to get to know everyone and hear how everyone is doing!!
  21. My date is March 23rd! I am excited!
  22. Momto3redheads

    P/O Diet More Than I Thought

    OK my surgery is MArch 23rd, too, but my pre op diet bites the big one. LOL I can have 2 Atkins shakes, up to 3 lite yogurts, 2 servings fruit, up to 3 sugar free fudgecicles, and all the sugar free Jello and sugar free popcicles I want...along with crystal lite, Water, and diet pop I want. Today is day 5 and I am not doing too badly...but miss being able to chew something! how silly.......... Kim

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
