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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. Momto3redheads

    Another Disability Question

    Well for me I have a desk job - I just had my surgeon fill out FMLA paperwork for the time I was going to be off work. Most folks I know are off work at least a week, some two.....I had my tubes tied and a hernia repaired, too, but I was still OK to carry my baby and do most things after a week or two. I would just ask your doctor what they recommend. The diet didn't upset my stomach, but I don't tend to be really suceptible to that sort of thing, either. Drinking chicken broth helped me avoid getting dairy overload with Protein shakes...evened it out a bit. Good luck!
  2. I didn't know what forum to put this post under....I just wanted to know if anyone else had used the Ardyss Body Magic? I have been wearing mine since March as my weight loss was stalled - and it totally helped me get moving again...and literally has reshaped my body in the process. I wouldn't believe it had I not experienced it myself. :thumbup: So I was just wondering if anyone else had tried it - it is pricey (as a distributor I get mine cheaper than the retail) but I am finding it well worth the investment. I have lost 15 lbs and 6 inches wearing mine - I am on my fourth smaller size now. Just wanted to know if others who have had surgery have similar results....as I get asked about that a lot. I just started wearing the Angel bra, too...am hoping it reshapes the side fat into my chest as it promises! Anyone else have results with it? I just like to hear real people stories, you know? It is very encouraging! Now if I can find a surefire answer to these grandma wings I am sporting thanks to my weight loss..... Thanks for your input! Kim
  3. I am over a year out....but I can pretty much eat anything except bread. I have had two fills, so the quanity I can eat is limited...but I find that I mostly crave Protein when I get hungry, so I try and stick to mostly protein stuff. I eat yogurt, string cheese, smoothies, am addicted to Wendy's chili, chick fil a nuggets....as I have kids sometimes I have to be creative when we are out and about - so eating the meat and cheese off a small cheeseburger is a good alternative at places like mcdonalds - tho I love their fruit parfait, too! You will quickly find what you can and cannot eat....go slowly and don't stress too much....make sure to get in enough protein and take your vitamins! Good luck on your journey! :thumbup: Kim
  4. Momto3redheads

    Feeling Shame about gain

    Hang in there - this is just a little pothole in your journey, you can climb right out and get going again! Variety is definately the key....I find sometimes I get really into a rut eating the "safe" foods....so I have to look for something different and exciting. Good part for you is that summer is here and with it comes lotsa fresh fruits and veggies! Try making some yummy smoothies with fresh fruit --- they taste like a dessert and not a healthy breakfast! Hang in there --- you can do it....your band is still there waiting to help you out. I wouldn't be ashamed to go in for a fill --- you figure the docs have seen it all, they would rather you come in and get back on track....rather than put it off, I would think? Good luck! Kim
  5. Momto3redheads

    is it ok to not eat when you arent hungry?

    I find I am rarely ever hungry, too.....but I make sure to get some protein at least 4 times a day....even if it is string cheese and a yogurt for lunch, I know I am getting what I need. We have to be careful as if we don't eat anything then our bodies will go into starvation mode and that will counteract our weight loss! Hang in there - you will find a good balance!
  6. Momto3redheads

    Ardyss Body Magic or Angel Bra?

    I wear mine about 14-16 hrs a day - they say you HAVE to wear it at least 4 hrs a day 5 days a week in order to see results...you can wear it more or less, depending on what you prefer. I wear mine all day every day as I love how it makes me feel and helps my posture and back - carrying around a 27 lb one yr old I need all the help I can get! I will PM you....
  7. Momto3redheads

    Ardyss Body Magic or Angel Bra?

    LOL - I completely understand. Yes, the first time you put it on your will need help - as it is very snug when you put it on that first time....but after that you can do it yourself. The way I know is that I am doing everything the same that I was prior to wearing it, yet I am losing weight, but more importantly I am losing inches. When I took my spanx off my body had not changed -- at all...yet now I can take my body magic off and still wear my skinny jeans...I weigh more now than I did when I got married, yet I am in a smaller size than I was when I got married. None of my other girdles has ever molded my body into an hourglass before, not to mention they were uncomfortable and didn't boost my self esteem like this one does...have yours? My back and shoulders have support and my posture is fabulous - it is crazy how this changes how you feel about yourself just by affecting how you carry yourself. I put mine on every day, by myself - in less than a minute....and my newfound shape is there long after I take it off....I tell ya, I wouldn't believe it had I not seen it with my own eyes! :thumbup: It truly is magic!
  8. Momto3redheads

    Me and my big one yr old!

    From the album: Me and my fam

  9. Momto3redheads


    From the album: Me and my fam

  10. Momto3redheads


    From the album: Me and my fam

  11. I had my surgery over a year ago - and I have had a wonderful experience with Tallgrass and with Dr. Dunshee. Actually I haven't heard anything bad about any of the docs there as I know folks who had surgeries with the others, too. This has given me a new start on life - I feel so much better and have so much more energy!
  12. Momto3redheads


    Yea that is the pits you have to wait so long for your first fill! My first one was 6 weeks out, and then I had my second about a month later....(the first didn't do hardly anything for me) I remember all too well the feeling of not losing weight and wondering what in the world to do! Hang in there -- this too will pass!!! Once you hit your sweet spot you will be amazed at how much easier it goes.....press on!
  13. Momto3redheads

    Frustrated and need encouragement

    Hang in there! I remember all too well what it was like to not yet be at your sweet spot....talk about frustrating! I had my first fill which didn't seem to do a darn thing and then a month later got my second -- and have been doing great ever since! I had started to think that the whole sweet spot thing was a myth - that I wasn't going to be able to do it....but lo and behold once I got the right restriction it was SOOOOOO much easier! SO hang in there - be sure to tell you doctor if your fills don't seem to be helping....some of the docs here will let you come in earlier and not make you wait a month until the next one if after a few days you feel no change. Good luck - you can do it! :thumbup:
  14. Momto3redheads

    Anyone else March 24, 2009??

    I was banded the 23rd last yr....time sure flies as sometimes it seems like just yesterday! I had two fills...I forgot to document the second one so I forget when it was....I think May...but my restriction has been perfect ever since. I can't eat much at a meal - but get satisfied easily as long as I am getting in my Protein. I kinda fell off following the forums for awhile...things got busy! But I am back and enjoying catching up and seeing how everyone is doing. :thumbup: Kim
  15. Momto3redheads

    federal employee program BCBS

    I have federal BCBS...as does my mom...we were both approved within 6 weeks from the psych eval being sent in....keep at it! Good luck!
  16. Momto3redheads

    Not Sure What To Think

    I didn't lose anything after surgery before my first fill - so I think you are doing great. The first 6 weeks is healing - don't worry about losing - your body has to heal first! My doctor kept harping on that to me, so I guess I got it ingrained and it didn't worry me....it wasn't until after my fill that I started losing steadily....and continued to do so until about the yr mark. THen I plateaued until I started wearing my Body MAgic - which has totally helped reshape me and get my weight loss moving again. :-) Good luck!
  17. You know, when the doctor told me that the first 6 weeks post surgery wasn't for losing weight, but was to heal, I didn't believe him...but went ahead and changed my mindset anyway...and I am so glad that I did! I didn't focus on trying to count calories or worry about losing weight and instead tried to eat what was allowed as far as consistency of foods -- and keep my protein intake high so that I had energy to heal....and truly it went better that way. I know the tendancy is to want to jump in and get thin fast - like they do with gastric bypass - but our tool works differently and a lot of folks don't understand that but then again who cares? I just focus on meeting my goals and becoming healthier as I lose weight...if you are really really hungry after drinking one protein shake, then I would wait 45 min or so and drink another one. Your body needs energy to heal - and it is in shock from this whole change, too. Good luck!
  18. Momto3redheads

    Missing food, but not the weight

    I completely understand! What is wierd for me, though, is that if someone brings cake to work and I see a big yummy slice of choc cake I will cut a piece off and have every intention of splurging and eating it....and after about two bites I don't even want it. I just needed that taste and to know that I can have it, you know what I mean? I don't miss bread too much - sometimes I can eat a small burger from McDonald's with only the bottom bun....sometimes not, it's wierd. Thus far I haven't found anything that I cannot somehow eat a few bites of to take care of my head craving - as my body doesn't seem to crave much of anything anymore, thankfully! Especially sugar - how nice it is to not have sugar having a hold of me! Hang in there - we are on a journey --- and it is most definately worth every trial and temptation we have to endure along the way! Keep up the good work!
  19. Momto3redheads

    Can everyone PLEASE post

    I was banded 3/23 and am currently down around 56 lbs...I have had two fills. I need to bump up the exercise now - which will be easier to do now that it isn't so hot out!
  20. Momto3redheads

    Im sad and frustrated

    35-40 lbs must be a common stall spot...my mom stalled there too....I was stuck at 38 lbs for what seemed like forever to me, was probably only 2-3 weeks, and then it started dropping off. I think it helps me to vary what I eat - one day I may eat 1400 calories and the next I may only be able to eat 900...it seems like the yo yo helps kick my metabolism into groove somehow. Wierd, I know! I just try to make sure to get as much protein in as I can and not stress too much as if I pick up a 50 lbs weight I am immediately thankful I am no longer carrying that around everyday! Focus on the positive and sometimes that helps, too...hang in there!
  21. Momto3redheads

    frothing it happens 2 the best of us

    I hear ya - just when I think maybe I am able to eat too much food...then I have another day where I don't want to eat hardly anything....so as long as I am still loosing the doc said not to worry about coming back for a fill. (which is fine by me as it costs me a co pay every time I walk thru his doors) I hate the sliming, tho...it happens to me once in awhile, too.
  22. Momto3redheads

    OK Ladies....update time

    Wow - you guys are doing great! I haven't been on the board in months....busy busy with three girls keeping me hopping. I am glad to read about how everyone is doing, though! I have had two fills....I have to dig up when the last one was as it has been awhile, but I cannot for the life of me remember when it was. I think I am at my sweet spot as I am slowly losing still and am not able to eat a whole lot most of the time. I feel great! I have lost just over 55 lbs now and am down 3 jeans sizes!
  23. Sorry I haven't been on here in forever.....life is chaos with three girls and being a working mom! How are you doing now? I just broke 56 lbs, so I am happy with that.

  24. Momto3redheads

    Surgery March 23rd

    Morning! I had surgery yesterday (3/23). I had my tubal at 7:30am and then the lapband at 8am -- they also found a hernia and fixed that while they were in there. I was pretty sore last nite - the gas pains in my shoulders royally sucked, but today I am only mildly sore. I think the pain meds help a lot! I am not really one to do broth so I am thinking after two days on this clear liquid diet I should be either totally exhausted or totally skinny. I am excited to start this journey with you guys!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
