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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momto3redheads

  1. I agree it could depend on the child...and on the situation. I personally know that I wouldn't have been sucessful at 14 - I wasn't mature enough to make the lifestyle changes needed and would've "eaten around" the band...now I am old enough to realize that it wasn't a cure all and it won't lose the weight for me. Does that mean I don't still have days of failure where I eat too much chocolate or ice cream (darn hormones)? :smile2: Nope, but I am old enough and mature enough to know that we aren't perfect and every day won't be a perfect day...so tomorrow I get up and start over again! I love the Biggest Loser as I think it is awesome to watch those folks change their lives, even if it is not realistic as we normal folk can't exercise 12 hrs a day...it is still motivational. It would be nice if the ones who had WLS talked about how it wasn't a cure - as it seems like most folks who don't do well with the band or gain it all back can attribute that to an event in their life - death, loss of job, etc...so it is the emotional triggers that can sabotage the surgery from being an effective tool - sometimes those triggers paralyze us and we don't use the tool. But contrary to popular belief WLS is sooooooooooooooooooo not the eay way out. I hate it when folks think that.....
  2. Hmm...it shouldn't hurt to eat solid food. I can eat solid foods without problem, but if I try and eat bread or Pasta I struggle and it can get stuck....but you have to be really careful when eating and make sure to chew really well - otherwise EVERYTHING will hurt when you try and swallow. (kinda like right after surgery - I remember it hurt in my chest when I ate and didn't chew well) I eat a lot of chili now - it is high Protein and has lotsa good stuff in it.....and I can get it at Wendy's quick and cheap when I need something in a jiffy. I hope you can get things turned around - if you need help with anything this forum is great and I would be willing to assist in any way I can, as well! Good luck! Kim
  3. Momto3redheads

    How You Doing?

    Hang in there guys -- I am a March 2009 Bandster....and I remember being in your shoes last yr at this time...it was tough! But if you hang in there and keep getting fills until you are at your sweet spot you will best utilize your band - I didn't believe there was such a thing (sweet spot, that is) until I finally hit it and was never hungry or uncomfortable anymore....now I have to remind myself to eat! YAHOO! Anyway - just wanted to encourage you guys! You are doing great! Kim
  4. Momto3redheads

    Breakfast Ideas

    I find I cannot eat solids in the mornings....so I stick to smoothies, myself. Eggs and oatmeal, and just about anything solid at all, tends to get stuck first thing in the morning for me....
  5. Momto3redheads

    Flying to Japan

    Hmmm....that is interesting as I have flown more than once since getting my band (only a few hours each time) and had no problems...even drank and ate the Snacks they gave out. Maybe on a longer one it could be a problem? I would love to hear others experiences with that! Are you not able to take regular tylenol? I don't take any meds in liquid...never have other than the pain meds right after surgery and that was only a few days for me. I hate liquid meds. I can see where the liquid restrictions might make things tricky.....I wonder if a doctor's note might work? I have heard they will let you take bottles of Water and powdered formula for babies -- so surely you could take shakes? Hope you get some answers - and have a great trip!
  6. Momto3redheads

    The grass really IS greener in Onederville!!!

    Congrats!!! I just hit 100 lbs lost last weekend - it feels amazing!
  7. Momto3redheads

    Posture problems?

    I am now 100 lbs down - and I noticed my posture issue at around 45 lbs or so down....it got worse, but I found that wearing my Body Magic really helps as it corrects my posture and supports my back. (all the while reshaping my figure) It has definately helped me a lot....even when I am not wearing it I naturally have better posture now.
  8. Momto3redheads

    Family photo - Sep 2010

    From the album: Me and my fam

  9. Have you tried a Body Magic? They are medical grade and a lot of folks say they work wonderfully. I wear mine all the time and it has done wonders in shaping my body - even without surgery. (my website is www.ardysslife.com/figuresforfamilies - but if you are interested PM me and I can give you the wholesale prices as those on the website are retail - I would be happy to help folks get them at wholesale prices as I am not in the company to make millions)
  10. Will insurance ever pay for arms? I figured they wouldn't since I don't get any rashes or anything from them....just TONS of annoyance. ARGH!
  11. Momto3redheads

    Question about protein powders

    Walmart has an unflavored protein powder....
  12. Momto3redheads

    Excess Skin fears!

    My "grandma wings" are my HUGEST point of disatisfaction for me....but I have had them for ages....and now that I have lost so much weight they are horrid. I don't think any amount of pumping weight is going to get rid of it - I don't wanna build up THAT much muscle to fill it out and look like a body builder - but I read something about body wraps by It Works....am thinking about trying that. Anything non surgical would definately be preferred! As far as my pannus - wearing my Body Magic has really helped in reshaping my body and getting things back to where they are supposed to be...so I am happy about that, at least! Just gotta work on these grandma wings..........
  13. Momto3redheads

    I need Lunch Ideas Please

    I like to buy those packets of light meat (like 59 cents at the grocery store?) and then take a slice of cheese and roll it up inside and nuke it a bit - make a lil' meat burritoe - or even eat it cold...it's hard if you don't have access to a microwave at lunch. I am addicted to Wendy's chili - lotsa Protein....and it is filling and I don't have trouble with it like I do some other meats. Sometimes being creative is THE hardest part about the band - as I am a busy mom and don't have a lot of time to create!
  14. Momto3redheads

    vitamins and meds

    I use the Princess Gummy Vitamins from Walmart....not too expensive and there are usually $1 off coupons to be had. LOL I can swallow most pills - the only one I had any trouble with was my allegra-D as it is a larger one...but regular sized capsules I have never had any problem with. I think it might vary on your restriction, tho.
  15. Momto3redheads

    holy shit!

    Yipee! Congrats! I am right there with ya....haven't lost in awhile, need to focus on the 100 goal and maybe that will motivate me more! I have decided I need another fill (it's been over a yr) but I have to wait until I have the money as they make ya pay when you walk in the door. Again - CONGRATS on your weight loss! Kim
  16. Momto3redheads

    Breakfast Problems

    I TOTALLY know what you mean! First thing in the morning I can barely eat anything....I kinda have gotten myself addicted to smoothies as I can get one on the way to work and sip on it....gives me yogurt and protein anyway! And I have noticed that when the humidity is really high here and it is so stinking hot that I seem tons tighter then, too. Crazy!
  17. Momto3redheads

    Gained a pound.... sigh - week 4

    Don't fret - it happens to all of us! I can always tell when my TOM is coming as I will gain a few lbs (which I cannot justify by what I have eaten!) and then afterwards it goes back....sure can freak you out at the time, though!
  18. Hang in there ----- it was about 6 months into my journey before I started losing well.....that's why they call it bandster hell! I am addicted to Wendy's chili - a large has about 28 grams of Protein and fills me up. I am not good at eating a huge variety of foods, though....my busy schedule keeps me pretty well on a routine of what I know I can eat without a problem. Hang in there - this too shall pass!
  19. Momto3redheads

    Alternative to plastic surgery??

    Thanks for the information - will have to check it out! I have been wearing my Body Magic and lost 8 inches since April and about 23 lbs....course everyone is skeptical when you tell them about things, my friends were about the Body MAgic until they saw the results on me, too. THanks again! Kim
  20. Momto3redheads

    Coke drinking poll

    I drink diet caffeine free Dr pepper....never had any trouble with it, but can't drink pop with food at all. (you can hear it gurgling!) It is my treat --- it is the flavor and carbonation I love, not the caffeine.....
  21. Momto3redheads

    Help....Can't stop bingeing

    I find that once a month I am like that....since I have had the ablasion surgery I don't get regular periods, but obviously my hormones and body still "cycle" as I feel bloated a get choc cravings like no other. But sometimes once you start eating junk like that you can't stop - be it a mental thing (using it for comfort) or a physical thing (a sugar addiction)....you just have to cut yourself some slack when you fail and pick yourself up again. Make sure you are getting lots of good protein - which will help you feel fuller longer....and before you binge try and stop and ask yourself why you are reaching for ____...is it for comfort, boredom, etc. Sometimes if I catch myself and stop and think - I realize I don't really want whatever it is that I was going to eat....I am just bored or looking for comfort. Hang in there!
  22. Momto3redheads

    Banded & Gaining!

    Hang in there --- the first few months are the worst...as your body heals and you adjust to life with the band....until you hit your "sweet spot" you won't see the weight loss and struggle with feeling hungry between meals, etc....it is truly a nightmare, but remember at the end of the tunnel there is a light! Be careful with testing the limits as if you eat too much before you are healed you risk your band slipping and ending back up in surgery....that alone was enough to make me behave as I didn't wanna go through that again. You will get there, hang in there!
  23. Momto3redheads

    are gummy vitamins ok?

    I take the princess gummy vitamins -- they have them cheapest at walmart. I never have any problems with them. THey are yummy! (my kids take them too!)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
