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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. I may have to try that! We are on the Do-not-call-list, and that has helped, but charities are of course exempt. We used to be fine, I didn't answer calls that were marked "Unknown" on the caller ID. Well, we've had 3 now that were marked "Private" which before was always my mom. They are getting sneaky.
  2. More then once, I've said that I'm glad that I don't have a genetic relationship to my family. Usually as a joke when they are being weird, but also seriously as there are some serious health issues there on both sides. Granted, I don't know what I did inheirate(sp?) but I know what I missed. Have you read Augusten Burrough's books? In one, he talks about visiting the Vandervilt(I think) home, and deciding that he was their son, and lived there until his parents kidknapped him.
  3. Yeah, why is it that so many sit-coms needed to have a "Was I adopted and how horrible that would be" story line at one point or another!? My purely gut-level, emotional reaction to open adoptions is negative. Maybe because mine wasn't. I see too many chances for issues to come up, but then closed adoptions have their own issues. I would wonder about confusion about why my birth mother gave me up, but still wanted to be in touch. And I would worry as the adoptive parent that she might want too much influence in the kids life. But then, I also believe that there isn't such a thing as too many loving people in a kid's life. So, like so many other things, for me this comes down to the individuals involved. Good - I agree, we miss so much in just having the words on a screen, ok and a smilie or too!:cursing:
  4. I am VERY sorry, I honestly didn't mean any sort of attack at all. I don't remember now why I put that in quotes, but it wasn't meant in any way shape or form to be any sort of attack. I am honestly curious about how other adoptees feel, I am very aware there is a huge range of emotions. My brother, also adopted from different birth parents then mine, doesn't talk about it, doesn't like to discuss it. I find it so interesting that for some of us, this matters very much, for me it just doesn't. Shows what a great variety of people we all are. I have talked to people who found their birth families, and for some it wasn't a good experience. They didn't like the families they came from, so perhaps that's part of it for me. I don't want to risk being dissapointed, if that makes sense. Again, I didn't mean to make light. But yes, I believe I am as well-adjusted as anyone I know. I feel like my family was pretty much normal, not perfect, not horrible. Much like the families of my friends who weren't adopted. One thing that I think helped is that I always knew I was adopted. I don't remember any one time being told, it's just what I grew up knowing. There was no sense of shame or that it was some big secret. I even had a cousin tell me in a fight, "well, you're just adopted". My response "My parents picked me, yours had to take what they got". :smile:
  5. What kind of scars do you "feel"? I ask because I was adopted as an infant 44 years ago, and I honestly don't feel like I have any scars or anything. The only thing I'd like to know that I don't know is more about family medical history then I do. But otherwise, I don't think much about it, and have no desire to meet my birth parents. I'm gratefull they made the choice they did, but other then that I don't feel a connection to them at all. My DH had a son before we started dating that they gave up for adoption, I'm fully in support of him looking for DH someday as I realize some people want that connection. Forgive me if you've covered this, I came back to this thread late and have skimmed some. What rights would you as an adoptee like to have? As I said, I'd like more complete medical history, and one site where both adoptee and birth parent can register so that if, and only if, both want to they can meet. Thanks!
  6. lisah25

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    That was one of the best Survivor moments ever! And then JFP had to whine about how mean that was. Give me a break. I'm glad he's gone. I wasn't looking foward to watching him at all and his silly games.
  7. lisah25

    Funny people you see in Wal-mart.

    Ok, I have to confess I like Wal-mart, for clothes now when my size is changing(or I hope it changes). And for a few other things. But I do have admit some of my fellow shoppers are surprising, I don't see people like them in other stores in the area. It's entertaining at least...
  8. Well, yes I suppose some people can just eat smaller portions, but I realized that after 30 some years of battling to do just that, I realized I'm not one of them. :regular_smile: There are very real physical things a band does for/to your body. It does make you feel fuller/satisfied on smaller portions, which for me is key. I needed that in order to eat less and stay on track. I find it dims my appetite and while I still struggle with making good choices, it's doable more often with the band then not. Does that answer your question?
  9. lisah25

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    I heard a rumor/spoiler for tonight's ep. Highlight: Johnny Fairplay is the first person voted off. No idea if it's true or not, but I would be thrilled!
  10. lisah25

    REALLY?! (an ode to beer)

    I can't do beer, and I do miss it. I've tried twice now(slow learner I guess) and both times a few sips caused me to feel really uncomfortable. But, overall I'll trade beer for the jeans I'm wearing today fitting!
  11. lisah25

    not losing fast enough

    I was told to expect an average of 1-2 pounds a week. If I understand, you've been banded about 11 weeks? And you've lost 28 pounds? It sounds to me like you are doing better then my doctor would expect. I know it's frustrating, but this does take some time.
  12. lisah25

    Eating Out of Boredom

    On the eating part, look for things that are no-cal. For me, that is usually a cup of herbal tea. There are some great flavors out there, and it seems to satisfiy the "I'm bored and want flavor" urge. Have you tried any hobbies? Not only to fill time, but to keep you hands busy?
  13. lisah25

    Favorite Superbowl Commercial

    My all-time favorite is the "herding cats" one, I think it was for EDS? I work in IT, I have been the herder and the herdee at various times.
  14. lisah25


    Yum, that sounds good! If I'm down that way, I'll have to stop in.
  15. lisah25


    They have 3 locations now in and around Seattle WA. I think the concept is in other areas also, different names. There is a name for the type of resturant, I'll look for it and post it, you could search on that for your area?
  16. I know this is a REALLY frustrating time, there's a reason the phrase "bandster hell" was coined for it. This is VERY common. It was drummed into my head by my doctor and his staff that the first 6 weeks were all about healing and getting set up to use my band. That if I happened to loose any weight, that was great but not expected. Think of it this way, you have a tool now, it's just not plugged in yet. Once it is(via one or more fills) you'll be on your way.
  17. Me too. I like catching them up in their own "logic". Kind of like a good place to sharpen the claws.:wink2:
  18. lisah25

    lapbanders called cheats

    I am - I missed you all and got over feeling guilty that I haven't lost like I wanted to and came back! :biggrin: Bravo - you said what I was thinking (again!)
  19. lisah25

    The Bandsters' Constitution

    I believe we have the right to bash, beat or otherwise harm anyone who tells us we have "Taken the easy way out".
  20. lisah25

    lapbanders called cheats

    Those comments make me laugh at this point. I know how hard this is even banded. This isn't a moral issue where one method is superior to another, it's a medical issue.
  21. lisah25

    Where's the gang?

    Assuming you mean me - I'm back! I was gone for a while due to a combination of family issues(mainly the health of my in-laws) and feeling embarassed because my weight loss wasn't going as well as I wanted. I'm getting back on track, and being here helps. I also missed the discussions not related to LB. I'm glad you are back among the living!
  22. lisah25

    Now I'm getting nervous ...

    Like others have said, you will get a skewed view from reading here in some ways, because people come here looking for advice. The worst(and only real) complication I've had was an esophagus spasm that did send me to the ER, only because the symptoms felt like those I'd heard go with a heart attack. I was fine a few hours later, and it was a clear signal to me that my band was indeed too tight. I knew it was, but was liking the fast weight loss. I guess I needed a reminder that it wasn't a good thing!
  23. lisah25


    We have a new Sushi place called the Blue C. It's one of those that has a conveyer belt that runs around the place with plates of different things you can take, then when you are done they total up the plates, prices vary based on the color of the plate. It's a bandsters dream IMHO. They have seared Tuna, edamame, Nigiri with a small amount of rice in proportion to the fish, and other yummy things. The servings are small, two pieces of nigri, or 3 slices of tuna, and I love that I can have just a little, not have a bunch of leftovers to pay for and it's healthy and fun.
  24. I would go in. You may or may not end up getting a fill, but talking to one of them can help you decide. I let it go for a month, then another, and finally realized I hadn't lost in 9 months, and regained about 15 pounds. Got a fill, and a reminder of the guidelines, and am down 10 of those now.
  25. lisah25

    Does this sound like the band?

    That sounds like what my husband went through, turns out he had stretched his esophagus(sp?) by overeating, and got a lot of those symptoms. They unfilled him for two weeks, then put back some of the fill. Going to your doctor sounds like a good idea. Ours says that heartburn/reflux is something we need to talk to him about.

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