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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Secret Stuff You Never Knew About Women

    Sending this to hubby now!
  2. lisah25

    Questions for Cpap users

    LOL-I still get "Luke, I am your father" jokes from mine, 9 months into my CPAP use. Be carefull what you wish for :-)
  3. lisah25

    I'm to tight and miserable

    Oh, I'm glad you are feeling better!!
  4. lisah25

    I'm without a paddle! HELP

    I second the idea of tracking what you are eating. I've been doing that this week and it's making a difference getting my scale to move again.
  5. lisah25

    Is this a slow start??

    I was told that the time before my first fill was first and formost for allowing my body to heal, to set me up for better results later. Any weight at lost during that time was to be seen as a bonus. So I think you are doing great. Think of it this way, yes they gave you a great tool. It's just not turned on yet.
  6. lisah25

    Am I doing the right thing?

    I think you are. Tempting though it is to stay tight, thinking it will lead to better weight loss, it won't. And you can cause yourself problems by doing so (says the woman who spent last Sunday morning in the ER with a esophegeal spasm we think was triggered by being too tight). You need to be able to eat healthy solid food for the band to do it's best. I got .2 taken out Monday, and dropped a few pounds even though I was eating again. SOOOO worth it.
  7. Congrats! Both of you being banded will be helpful, you can be each other's support. My DH laughs when I go through the things he did, but then again he understands it better then anyone else I know, he already was there.
  8. lisah25

    New to LBT

    Welcome to LBT and Lapland both!
  9. lisah25

    People Magazine - 1/2 Their Size Issues

    I didn't like the fact they had "Gimmick" and "Surgery" as the same. And I do wish these people well, but I too would like to see a follow-up of them in a few years.
  10. lisah25

    Esophageal spasm

    So, who knew that these can have the same symptoms as a heart attack, right down to responding to nitroglycerne? And that doctors and nurses and your mother will yell at you for having your husband drive you to the ER instead of calling 911? I learned that Sunday morning. Had chest pain that woke me up about 5:30 AM. Pain, pressure, nausea, clammy feeling, back pain and jaw pain. Realized quickly that something was going on that I should get checked. Went to the ER(see above). People move very fast there at the words "chest pain". I found myself hooked up to monitors and having blood drawn very quickly. The tests were coming back showing my heart was OK, except for an irregular heartbeat I'd found out about a few months ago. They had me drink a mixture of antacid and lidocaine, to numb my gastric system to try and isolate the pain. Didn't do much, but a shot of nitro did. So, they decided I needed to do a stress test, which thank God came back clear, my heart is just fine. So, we figure it was a spasm, esp. since I knew I was a little to tight. Not a fun thing to go through, but I'm fine now. I promised the ER people and my mom that if it happens again, I will call 911 and not just shrug it off as a spasm, they said it needs to be checked. I'm wondering how all has had one of these, and what the changes are of a repeat?
  11. lisah25

    Esophageal spasm

    They weren't totally sure, but think that the tight band at least contributed. DH has been to tight also, never had one. Mine lasted about 3 hours. From waking me up at 5:30 to about 8:30 when they did the nitro. I don't know how long it would have been on it's own.
  12. lisah25

    I'm to tight and miserable

    Oh, that does suck! DH had a similar experience on vacation last year, and when we did get home and talk to our doctor, they suggested that if it ever happens again, to call their office and they would send us to someone local for an unfill.
  13. lisah25

    Donating to LBT?

    I agree with that. I would donate if keeping the ads was going to somehow make changes to the site.
  14. lisah25


    I don't agree that it's been proven that more people are driven away by a less-neutral site then are drawn in by the variety of posts.
  15. I'm wondering, based on comments in another thread, how we all heard about the band?
  16. Yep, you will get there. I think I've had 6 fills now, the last 2 are when I really felt like I had good restriction. It takes being aware of our bodies, and being active in getting what we think we need.
  17. lisah25


    I didn't either!
  18. lisah25


    I disagree. Even when I was trying to decide whether or not to be banded, it wasn't all my life was about, even my on-line life. Now, I have been on various forums for years, and it's a medium I like. So, to find a place that seemed to have really good banding info, along with lively discussions, was great.
  19. lisah25

    Brothers are evil.

    He may will be, but it is his life and his mistakes to make. The best you can do, IMHO, is be there for him if/when it does blow up. You don't want to be more stress for him, right? I'm watching my own brother's bad marriage decision blow up in his face, in slow-motion. It's really hard when you love them, and saw it coming from the minute he announced he was getting married. But what choice do we sis's have really?
  20. lisah25


    Me too! Maybe that's what we should be discussing instead - Bring back the edit!! :faint:
  21. lisah25


    True. The problem is, neither of us really knows what a majority of newbies thinks. Some will say that they don't like it, and leave, unfortunatly. Some though may decide that is exactly what makes this a good place for them, the mix of Lap-band topics, and other stuff. So, it's hard for me at least to think that one or the other is the approach that will draw in more people. So, for me at least, it's more about what those of us here want. Make sense?
  22. lisah25


    I suppose a case could also be made that some are more active here because of those threads, esp. those who have been banded longer, and have less band-related questions and issues. Which is good for newbies as well, a great resource. A case could also be made about false advertising of a sort. We are having this disucssion in large part because there are a lot of posts in RNR. That's why threads there show up on New Posts, and in the top 5. Sooner or later, newbies are going to see them most likely. And if such things will drive them away, wouldn't they leave then? With a sour taste about LBT after having been here a while? Just a thought.
  23. lisah25


    I think you have hit on a basic difference those of us on different sides of this issue have. I don't see those threads as "out of the ordinary" for the site. They are part of it, and I agree with Carlene they are one reason I use this site a lot more then other Lap-band sites. And I am on a lot of threads that are about the lap-band, answering questions, asking them, still learning. It's not one or the other.
  24. lisah25


    And I'm sitting here thinking the same thing. Why is what you want more important then what I want? I like having these threads show up in "new posts", that's pretty much how I read all the forums, from New Posts. So, what I see are two options. One requires those who don't want to see it to do a one-time thing, if I'm understanding correctly, and remove the RNR. The other will affect me every time I come here. Granted, it's not the end of the world, but I keep hearing about "fixing" something I don't see as broken. Yes, other people do see a problem, I get that. All I'm doing is stating how I view this, Alex will do what he thinks is best for the forum.
  25. lisah25


    Then how would any of us really know what the majority wants? If people are active and reading, but don't bother to answer the poll, what does that mean?

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