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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Why R U Running To Get A Fill

    I don't agree. I already know I couldn't do it on my own, I have 35+ years of being overweight/obese to prove that. For me, having a tool to help with my food intake included getting that tool adjusted for me. I mean, buying a table saw doesn't help you cut wood until you plug it in. Fills for me is the plugging in part. That's just my experience though. Some people don't have their hunger return after surgery for a long time, more power to them.
  2. No I haven't, but I was there for the ultra-sounds and birth of my niece and a close friend's baby. Let me be clear, I am not for abortion. I wouldn't have one, nor advise one under most circumstances. I believe that before viability, the woman is carrying a wonderful possible life. One I want to see be born. I'm not however ready to legally require women to agree with me.
  3. And of course on the flip side, we need to outlaw mastrabation by men, and any birth control at all, right?
  4. Yes, it's very clear to you. It's every bit as clear to other people that it begins at other times.
  5. Bingo. And that's where the very real disagreement comes from. At what point does a human life begin. We don't all agree on that point, and won't. For me, it's when one can live without having to depend on being within another's body for life. In the case of a slave, clearly their life had begun.
  6. Interesting point about the business model. I was thinking along those lines as well. The example I came up with for myself was a customer wanting the right to order non-kosher food from a Kosher deli. What they want is not what the business offers. It's not about who the customer is, it wouldn't matter if they were black or white or gay or straight. It's different then turning down a customer who wants to order something off your menu because of who they are.
  7. Of course that's what they would say. And no time-traveler is going to change their minds any more then any of us here are going to change each other's minds.
  8. I thought it was an interesting question being asked. I would do similar. I'd also ask what the slave owner saw as differences between the African Americans and other humans of other races. Talk about any they came up with.
  9. I was self-pay, and the thought of ruining a $17,000 procedure for some food just didn't make sense to me. Of course, I played up the risk to myself, told myself that one bite would cause a slip. Sometimes I need scare tactics!
  10. lisah25

    Polish man wakes up after 19 years in a coma

    Actually, to my mind the question is less "when" then "if". I think, and I could be wrong, that one reason cases like this get so much press is that they are rare. For me, the line will be once my doctors agree that there is no brain function, and machines are keeping me alive. I'm not sure that was the case for this man, since his wife was feeding him with a spoon, and he reports awareness of events. I also read in a link that he tried to communicate at times.
  11. Very nicely said, and fair enough. I agree, we all do have different views, usually strongly held and no, we aren't going to change each other's minds. I do find that I learn alot from posters like yourself about why you believe as you do, because you are calm in stating what your stance. That's cool.
  12. We have a Select-Comfort bed(the sleep number one) and LOVE it. We've had it about 4 years now, and I sleep so much better on it then any other I've tried. I like that I can adjust it when I want a little softer or firmer bed, even at my highest weight. It's been really good for my back. I wake up with no pain, when I stay at someone's house or at a hotel I often have back pain. I was surprised in fact when I did my pre-surgery sleep study and the clinic had the Select Comfort beds.
  13. I beg to disagree. I am indeed pro-choice, but in no way am I pro-abortion. They are very different things.
  14. lisah25

    Polish man wakes up after 19 years in a coma

    I find it amazing what happens in a coma. Some people do report being aware, and in his case it sounds like a "light" coma if he could be fed from a spoon. And I agree, it is a testament to their love. I do think we need to be careful though to judge all situations by this one. Sometimes love is letting go of someone.
  15. lisah25

    Polish man wakes up after 19 years in a coma

    I find that an interesting way to phrase it. We don't know how willing anyone's family is when they follow a directive. They may not agree at all, but feel that they must honor someone's choice. Personally, I don't want to be in such a state either. I'd rather go on to what I believe is next.
  16. lisah25

    I need to ask a question

    I had my gallbladder out 4 years before my banding and it wasn't an issue. For that matter, DH just had his out last week, almost 3 years after his banding and that wasn't an issue either. I'm not sure about kidney stones either, but I do know I drink a lot of Water throughout the day.
  17. lisah25

    lap band as out patient

    Both me and DH did. I think I was home and in bed about 5 hours after we left the house. I really liked that, my own bed and TV and cats. You do need someone with you for a while, I think they said at least 24 hours.
  18. Interesting link Mark. There are of course some issues I have with it, as I think you did. One being that often, if the mother dies, the child will too. So it's not quite the "either/or" presented. Even in the liferaft situation, "Susie" dying to allow her son the food and water doesn't mean he will live.
  19. That is a great way to put it, IMHO!
  20. How have gays contributed to the disintegration of the family? How have they contributed to the health care crisis? And are you aware of the many straight people who have AIDS?
  21. Two questions, 1) what harm specifically does a "gay lifestyle" cause to society? 2)who has said anything about anyone disappearing?
  22. lisah25

    anti-depressants and lap-band

    I have been taking Celexa for about 2 years now, and it wasn't an issue at all.
  23. lisah25

    Help me please, I cant keep water down!

    I would get a small unfill, I was always told we needed to be able to keep liquids down. Until then, you might try something warm/hot to sip, tea maybe. Really cold liquids seem to make me feel tighter.
  24. lisah25

    Too Tight?

    I think I may be a little too tight, so wanted opinions. I do have an appointment Monday morning for a small unfill if I decide I need one. Ever since I got this last fill, I've had trouble at least once a day eating. Today, I had my usual South Beach Protein Bar for Breakfast, ate it very slowly, but still PB'ed. I then tried a couple of bites of the filling of an enchilada, two bites and I was stuck. Tuna had gotten stuck, along with things I think I should be able to eat. I'm also gurgeling a lot, it get embarrasing. Now, I can always get liquids down, but I'm not comfortable eating most of time, sliming and PB or at the least just 3 or 4 bites, and I start feeling uncomfortable.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
