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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Help! I need support

    Good for your hubby! I was going to suggest you tell him you'd be saving on food costs and that would help.
  2. lisah25

    Have I got a Story?

    Wow-sounds like a horrible experience. Hope it's getting better!
  3. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    I never even thought to not tell her, but since she lives in the same city it would be hard not to, and harder when she found out later and I hadn't told her beforehand. DH did kind of soften the family up, they've seen his weight loss and he told/tells anyone who will listen about the surgery. So they are familiar with it at least.
  4. lisah25


    That is a great way to put it! I quit going to WW after about 5 rounds of going, failing and rejoining. Esp when I'd hear those around me say things like "This is my 7th time re-joining, this time it's going to work". I know people who have done great on WW, and maintained their loss. But it's not for all of us clearly!
  5. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    Nice to know some things are indeed constants!
  6. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    I should tell mom to be glad I'm doing it locally where she can be there! And yeah, they just can't get the losing the weight isn't always the hard part, it's keeping it off.
  7. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    Interesting that she got in touch with that feeling. Maybe it will help motivate her? I may have to remind mom of all the times she's told me how smart and level-headed I am! She is planning to be there on surgery day, she was for DH and that was wonderful.
  8. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    That's a perfect quote, it may have to go up on mine as well! It's amazing how hard we can struggle to grow up and be our own person, and still want mom's approval!
  9. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    We've talked about the stats for banded and non-banded weight loss, and she was surprised at how different they are, how much the band helps. DH got banded almost two years ago, and while he's lost weight, he fights with what to eat. She watches that and wonders. And I'm lucky, because she will support me in the end.
  10. lisah25

    Almost supportive mom...

    Today, calmed down a bit, I realize this is indeed very good advice! She is who she is, and I've known that for a long time. Overall, she's a great mom and I know she is motivated by wanting what's best for me. She just doesn't understand that what's best for anyone else may not be for me.
  11. lisah25


    I'm going to be self-pay, my insurance policy states that they cover NO WLS. I guess the good part of that is I didn't have to jump through a lot of hoops and then get turned down, right? We are using home equity to pay for ours. That way, we can deduct the interest. As well as have enough medical costs to deduct that as well. Check with different surgeons for price and what their fees cover.
  12. Mine isn't thrilled with it, but like yours supports the band more then any other surgery. He's also not thrilled with my weight and what problems I am facing if I don't do something. He knows I've tried many things over the years.
  13. Hi Dovie - I'm pre-band. I've pretty much decided to do it, meet with the surgeon tomorrow to make sure I'm a good candidate and talk about dates. I've had a lot of the same thoughts. I also agree with the comment about knowing that staying overweight is riskier then the band. I read a post somewhere on this site, and can't find it now, but it said that often, those who have problems are more likely to post asking advice. Along with excited newbies of course. Those who are banded and happy are less likely to post, unless it's helping the rest of us. So what we read here might be a bit lopsided, if that makes any sense.
  14. lisah25

    Writing A Eulogy

    I did a eulogy for my best friend when I was 20. She was 21 and had drowned in a rafting accident. It was VERY hard, but it also helped me remember why I loved her so much. I wasn't the only speaker, so I didn't feel like I had to cover all her life. What I took away from it all was that you need to start living your dreams NOW and not wait. She had such wonderful plans for her life and was working to make them happen. Something I had forgotten for too long, and part of why I want to do this surgery.
  15. lisah25

    Lap Band Costs

    DH had his done at NWWLS in Kirkland WA(now in Everett WA) and it was $17,000. I'm having mine done at the same place. That included all the pre-op evaluations and consultations, surgery and a year of fills and follow-up. I really like the idea of the team approach, and that it's not just get the surgery and you are on your own from there. I need that follow-up.
  16. LOL-I like that. I told a co-worker I was going to do the surgery so I could take a week off with good meds for company. She thinks I'm weird...
  17. lisah25

    So Nervous I postponed LB surgery

    Wow, you were just where I am now. I caught myself saying "But I want to eat what I want" with the thought, to quote Dr. Phil among others "And how's that working for you?". I realized it wasn't. So many of the same thing you report, the pain, the depression, the not caring. I LOVE how you put it.
  18. I agree with the comments about living life instead of watching it. I want more energy and to avoid the major health problems I know I'm headed for. I also want to go clothes shopping and be able to focus on whether something fits me *right then*. As opposed to wondering if it will fit next month, or if it will be too big('cause of course I'm always planning to loose weight) or too small because I didn't.
  19. They have indeed moved to Everett, in a nice new building. DH was banded by Dr. Mongomery almost 2 years ago, and I'm hoping to be banded by him in Sept. I was VERY impressed by the center and the care DH got. The consultations before surgery were great, we knew what to expect, and the support he's gotten since is great. Everyone there has treated us very well and with respect. We are both self-pay, so glad the fee covers fills for a year, and I think I heard something about they will do any repairs needed with no fee. (just for the anesthisolgist-SP?)
  20. lisah25

    Psych Eval

    I just did mine Wednesday. Basically, she was checking to see if I have realistic expectations for results and what I'd have to do. To see if I had signs of issues like depression or anxity that could be an issue. Checking history and what kind of support I have in my life for the surgery.
  21. I'm not banded yet, am planning to in Sept. Hubby however was banded almost 2 years ago. We got him there about 7:00 AM, he was scheduled for I think 9:00. Did all the pre-op stuff, I was able to stay with him until they took him in the OR. His was done out-patient, so we were in a surgical suite instead of a hospital. About an hour and a half later, the Dr. came and told me and my mom(my support person for this!) that it had gone very well and we could see him later. In about 15 minutes, we got to go back where he was. He was in a reclining chair, talking and sucking on some ice. We were back home before noon. He kind of crashed later that day, after all the surgery meds wore off, and that day and the next he was very uncomfortable. Pain and just general yuck-feeling. But after that, he started feeling better and was back at a somewhat physical job after a week.
  22. I just found this site and joined today, and thought I'd follow the advice and introduce myself. I'm 42, married with no kids. My husband got banded almost 2 years ago, and has lost about 95 pounds, so I've decided to get banded as well. I've had my first consultations, I meet with the surgeon next week. Assuming everything is OK, I'll have surgery most likely the first week of Sept. I want it sooner, but that's what works for my work schedule. I'm 5'4", and 302 pounds. I'm working with the NWLS center in Everett WA, Dr. Montegomery.

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