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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. I was told by my surgeon's office that about 1/3 of their patients opt to get PS after their weight loss. I'm kinda freaked out by the thought of hanging skin, but figure it has to be better then being this big! And good luck!
  2. Interesting question. My surgeon's instructions are that we can resume sex in 3-5 days, or when we feel like it. I'm thinking that I'm not going to feel like it in 3-5 days!
  3. lisah25


    Once he got throught "bandster hell" (that time when he was healed but hadn't gotten a fill), DH was fine. He really doesn't get all that hungry until shortly before it's time to eat, and says he doesn't think about food all the time like he didn.
  4. lisah25

    My first big Ole' NSV list......

    It's a non-scale victory. Things like those jeans that haven't fit in years fitting. Or being able to so something you hadn't, like trim your toenails.
  5. lisah25

    Question for Women on/after Surgery Date

    You and me both! :success1: I've wanted a reduction for years, but wanted to wait until I was closer to my goal weight. I'm hoping insurance will cover it, and I can finally have smaller, perky ones. Like I did for about 5 minutes when they first developed...
  6. lisah25

    Lapband Complications Summary

    I agree with this point. For myself, if I'm prepared for what could go wrong, I can handle it much better. Of course, I want to believe that I'll be one of those who just sail through it all!
  7. lisah25

    Supersized Surgery

    I've been watching it, and it is interesting.
  8. lisah25

    Surgery Question

    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
  9. lisah25

    Lapband Complications Summary

    I think this is a VERY important point. I think if I go into this surgery expecting that everything will just be perfect and easy, it will be harder to deal with anything that does come up. Thanks for posting this.
  10. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    Yep, a pillow is on the list! I don't have a long ride home, but want to be as comfortable as possible.
  11. Mine is clothes, but one specific item. I want a really nice leather coat.
  12. lisah25

    Unbanded Spouse

    We have split meals before, and when we do that works OK. He'll eat about 1/2, I'll eat about 1/2, but I'm still hungry sometimes. That, and we like different things. Of course, we've known for most of our marriage that we are pretty much enablers when it comes to eating wrong!
  13. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    I loved those massage things on the legs - I had them when I had my gallbladder out and I thought they felt great.
  14. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    Oh yeah, the "Last Supper Syndrome". I've had a few episodes of that. Right now, I weigh what I did on my consult day, which was June 14th.
  15. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    It will be fun to see how you fare this fall! I've quit snacking between meals. Cut out sweets. Now working on what I eat at meals. I'd really like to lose the 10-15 pounds my surgeon wants me to without having to do the liquid diet, I have the time. Good suggestions, thanks.
  16. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    Congrats on your banding! I know before long I'll be posting about how it all went. And really, getting the date and all went quickly. It's been in the back of my mind for a while now. DH was banded almost 2 years ago, and I said at the time we just couldn't afford to have me done as well. Our insurance flat-out excludes any WLS. But I've been thinking about it, and he had been too. In May, we were in Hawaii and at one point we were climbing some stairs, and he looked back at me and said "I think you should get banded". I agreed, and 2 weeks later I had my date set. I would do it tomorrow, but my boss reminds me that summer is our busy time...
  17. lisah25

    Surgery Question

    The jewelry makes sense, but why no polish?
  18. lisah25

    Surgery Question

    LOL! I agree, I don't care who sees me nekkid. Not like they haven't seen it all before, and as someone else said, I don't have anything that should surprise them. I don't mean to minimize the concern of the original poster. I saw something showing the surgeon standing between the patients legs to do the surgery, and that weirded me out a bit for some reason. We all have our quirks.
  19. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    Thanks again for all the answers and ideas! I did buy a cool pair of slippers, they are like fuzzy flip-flops, very soft and comfy, that I'll probably wear. Right now, I'm just wondering how I'm going to make it to Aug 31st, I'm so anxious to have this done.
  20. lisah25

    Surgeon Provided Support Group

    Yep, the clinic I'm using has a support group. I've been a couple of times, and plan to continue attending for at least my first year.
  21. I had mine out 4 years ago, after losing weight rather quickly on Atkins. They told me that weight loss, esp rapid, can cause problems. I haven't missed it at all, and it's one less thing to worry about now.
  22. lisah25

    New To Lapband

    You need to follow your surgeons directions, so if they are differnent then what I've been told, ignore me! Even if you don't vomit, you don't want to eat real food yet. The reason is that it makes your stomach contract to digest it, and that can disrupt the band while it's healing, and it doesn't seat correctly.
  23. lisah25

    Unbanded Spouse

    Nope, I've gained some since DH was banded, one reason I'm getting my own. One reason is that I tend to eat my meal, then some of his because he doesn't eat it all. I also think he's living vicariously(sp) through me in some ways. He can't eat some things, so I do. Yeah, it's an odd dynamic!
  24. lisah25

    What is my problem?!?!?!?!

    I heard something that made sense to me once, about whether you are moving towards something or away from something, and which is closer. What that means for us is that at first, it's about moving away from being fat, having clothes fit, feeling better, all that. But once we've moved far enough away from being fat, those things aren't so much the focus anymore. So, maybe it's time to focus less on those 25 pounds going away and more on what being at goal would be like? Now, I'll just see if I can take my own advice after I've been banded a while!
  25. Hum, maybe a business idea? I'm lucky, DH was banded almost 2 years ago, and is very open about it, so our family and friends are already familiar with it.

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