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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Your story..

    YES - ask a ton of questions! How cool that you and your wife are doing it at the same time, you can be good support for each other. My story starts about 2 1/2 years ago. When our doctor told my husband that if he didn't lose weight, he wouldn't see 50(He was 40 at the time). He suggested we look into WLS. I was totally against it, the idea scared me too much. Our insurance would cover only the Gastric Bypass, so we went to meetings and worked on getting him approved for that, I dreaded him actually having it. In that process, his aunt heard about lap-band surgery, and convinced us to attend a seminar. We did, and after that and a lot of research decided it was the best option for us. We arranged a home equity line of credit and set it all up. On his surgery day, I was a wreck. I was so sure something bad would happen, but he came through with flying colors. Recovered well, and although there has been a learning curve, he's done good. I didn't start thinking about having the surgery myself for maybe a year. Then I realized I wanted it, but insurance still didn't cover it, so I told myself it was out of the question, we couldn't afford another self-pay surgery. But it was in the back of my mind all along. We were in Hawaii in May this year, and one day I was walking up the stairs to the condo behind him, huffing and puffing and cursing the lack of an elevator under my breath when he turned and said, "I want you to have the surgery". We hadn't talked about it before, but I knew in that moment we would figure out a way to make it happen. And we did, I'm scheduled for 8/31 and I'm SOOOOOOOO excited about it. Yes, I know it's not a miracle cure. I know I still have to work at it. But I feel hope for the first time in years.
  2. lisah25

    I am torn

    Hi - my DH was banded 2 years ago. He was self-pay, oddly our insurance would have covered the bypass, but not the band. So we did a lot of research into it and came to the conclusion that the band was the way to go for him, so much so that we payed for it. He lives a very normal life, he can eat almost anything he wants. Bread, Pasta and rice are the things that usually cause him problems. He's more active, but doesn't exercise routinely. He's lost 90 pounds in those two years. As far as the weight-loss, yes banded people lose less intitally. But I've seen recent studies that show at the 5 year mark, the weight loss is the same. I personally decided slower was better, healthier and more chance for my skin to keep up!
  3. DH was at 402 when he was banded. He's lost 90 pounds in two years, and is happy with that rate. He could be losing faster, but he is happy with how much and what he can eat and still lose. You've lost 48 pounds in about 6 months, which is about 8 pounds a month, or an average of about 2 pounds a week. Which is on the high side of the 1-2 pounds I've been told to expect. Yoo-hoo for you!:clap2: I think when you are bigger to start, as I am too, it takes longer for the loss to show up. Yeah, our clothes feel better and all, but it takes a while for it be really be apparent in our mirror and to others. Can you find other ways you've improved? Maybe blood pressure is lower? Or even if you are wearing the same size, it fits better?
  4. lisah25

    What is or was your "Last Meal"

    DH is banded, and he can eat sushi in small amounts, so I'm hoping I'll be able to also - and hopefully you will be too!
  5. lisah25

    Leg Cramps

    I'll have DH try that if they come back. Funny how some of those tales are true!
  6. lisah25

    Leg Cramps

    My DH tried an old-wives tale, and put a bar of soap under the sheets by his feet, and danged if his leg camps didn't stop. :notagree We wrote it off as a placebo, until one night he had them again, only to discover the next morning the soap had fallen out of place... Seems like Snopes.com had something about this, I'll have to go look.
  7. lisah25

    I'm home and banded!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATS!!!!! I'm so happy for you.
  8. lisah25

    What did you do to prepare?

    It's not bad. I'm doing the "high protein" version and actually like the taste of both the vanilla and chocolate. My last big meal is going to be at a local casino. They have a great buffet. Prime rib, lots of other goodies and wonderful deserts. I'm going to to, and for once eat what I want without feeling guilty. Just for once.
  9. lisah25

    What is or was your "Last Meal"

    Mine is going to be a buffet at a local Casino.
  10. lisah25

    What did you do to prepare?

    Ah yes, that wonderful thing I've heard referred to as last meal syndrome. I got my Aug 31st date back in June. Plenty of time to lose the 10 -15 pounds my Dr asked me to by eating well, right? Well, except I spent the first 3 weeks eating all kinds of stuff, going to buffets and the like, and gained almost 7 pounds. Opps. So, now I'm doing Slim-Fast for breakfast and lunch, veggies for a snack and dinner is lean Protein and veggies, maybe a little rice. I did have to laugh at myself though when I realized I was planning my splurges once I'd lost what I'm supposed to, and thinking about how to maintain the loss until surgery... :faint: I plan one big splurge meal out. My BD about a week before my surgery, so I'll do one blow-out dinner and that is my only last-supper!
  11. lisah25

    Dr. prescribed diet before surgery..?

    My doctor said he'd like me to lose 10-15 pounds before surgery, to help shrink my liver. He said I could do it any way I wanted, since I had some time he suggested low-fat Protein, veggies and very limited carbs. My BMI was 53. So, I walk out, thinking I have lots of time(10 weeks) and promptly gain 6 pounds with a bad case of "last supper syndrome). I'm on track now!
  12. Sounds like a sweetie! I'm glad you have such good support.
  13. You sound so much like me! I'm not banded yet, but have my appt. So others can tell you about being banded, I can tell you a bit about why I made the decision I did. Part of it is that DH was banded about 2 years ago, and he's doing well. I don't have major health problems either, yet. It's the "yet" that got me thinking. I realized that if I didn't do something, I'd have to face the consequences of my weight. I have the sore hips, and creaky knees already. I've tried so many plans since my first round in WW when I was in Junior High. I'm 42 now, so it was time to admit that I can't do this without more help. The band seemed like a really good tool for that. The money is an issue, esp. since DH was self-pay as I will be. We are using a home equity credit line. Actually, we'll pay for it with a credit card to get airline miles, then pay it off with the home equity. We can deduct the interest on our taxes, and we'll have enough medical costs to deduct that too this year. That helps offset the cost a little. And I realized that I'm worth at least as much as a newer car or remodeled kitchen. We have a good friend who is about 10 years older, and heavy. She's at the point where she can't get out of the car without it being a major ordeal. I DON"T want to get to that point. And doing something good for you IS doing something for all of you. Think about how your husband will be getting a wife who feels better, looks better, has more energy and will likely be around longer to enjoy the marriage. The other thing to think about is to not compare yourself to your husband. It's great that he did what he did, but he's not you. I understand the feeling of "I should be able to do this on my own". But should or not, I can't.
  14. lisah25

    Shortest wait time

    This question came up in a support group meeting I was in recently, and the Dr. said the shortest he knew of was 4 days, but that person was self-pay.
  15. lisah25

    Liquid Diet for 7 WEEKS!

    I think this is going to be my mantra for the next couple of months!
  16. lisah25

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    LOL! Thanks for the links.
  17. Mine will be outpatient, and I'm wondering what to wear that will be comfy to wear on the ride home. Loose sweats? The pretty muu-muu dress I bought in Hawaii? What did you all wear and did it work OK?
  18. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Oh Yeah - big time. I weighed myself this weekend and found I'd gained almost 7 pounds since getting my date a month ago. So, I'm working really hard on getting in control!
  19. lisah25

    Some regrets

    :hug: You're not all alone - this is a great place for info and support. I'm still waiting for my surgery, but my DH and his aunt both had it two years ago. DH is doing well, Aunt isn't. But Aunt hasn't gotten her fills, and isn't eating what she's supposed to. If you follow what your surgeon says, you'll be fine. Just know that it's a journey, and sometimes you might get a little lost and need directions. That's good - there are lots of places to get them.
  20. lisah25

    We're at the guesthouse in Monterrey

    I was told to lose 10-15 pounds to shrink my liver, but my Dr. told me that since my date was out in the future enough, if I could lose that weight before then by cutting out carbs and eating lean Protein and veggies, that was fine. It's not the liquid diet that shrinks the liver, it's the weight loss.
  21. lisah25

    We're at the guesthouse in Monterrey

    Woo-Hooo - I'm so excited for you all!
  22. My symptoms were different. The pain was up higher and to the right side, going around to my back. Pretty much under the ribcage to the shoulder blade. I didn't have any probems with constipation. I didn't feel nauseated, just an ache to sharp pain that wouldn't go away no matter how I sat or layed down or whatever. I'd go in, or at least call. Being constipated can be an issue of it's own. I speak from experience, having gotten so bad I thought it was my appendix and ending up in the ER with an enama(yeah, probably TMI!).
  23. Howdy! Yep, it's a very big decision. I watched DH(He was banded by Dr. Montgomery from NWWLS 2 years ago) before I decided I was ready. And I still have some doubts, because I know my experience may not be like his. I did finally realize that I knew where my life was headed if I didn't do anything. I agree, the people at NWWLS are wonderful. I like the after-care they've done with DH, and how they are always there to answer questions.
  24. lisah25

    Band v Bypass

    I agree with all the comments that you really need to educate yourself. You'll find people who have had both surgeries who love it, and those who dont'. I personally chose the band because overall, I'm doing this for my health. The band seemed to be, for me, the best way to get there. I'm OK with losing weight slower(not thrilled, but OK) because I really believe that's better for my body. And hopefully will give my skin a chance to keep up better. It's a less invasive procedure, and has less chance of complications.
  25. Very good thread! I've always told myself that I didn't let my weight stop me from doing things, but that's not true. I too avoid being in pictures. I tend to be the one taking them whenever possible. There are clothes I would love to wear, shorts in the summer and such that I don't. I hate to fly, so try not to. I could visit my brother and esp. my niece more if I flew.

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