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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Me too. I want one set in my undies(thank goodness for digital cameras, no developers to see them) and another set I'll actually show people!
  2. I've never cheated on my husband, not even been seriously tempted. As far as I know, and he's never given me any reason to doubt him, he hasn't cheated either. We've been married 13 years, as of today in fact.
  3. lisah25

    What is your pirate name?

    I'm Evil Erin
  4. lisah25

    An early NSV!

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I don't think it's trivial in the least!! I think that's wonderful.
  5. lisah25

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    I'd be interested in what Jack has to say. I figure, the more info the better. I don't mean to sound snarky at all, really, but if anyone has read enough on the subject, then they have the option to not read the thread anymore.
  6. Most likely not. DH came home the same day as his banding, spent most of the rest of that day asleep in bed, but he was up the second day some. On the couch a lot. Our Dr. told him the sooner he could get up and move around, even walk a little, the better.
  7. lisah25

    What will you do with your underwear??

    I'm planning to wear lots of cute sets, matching panties and bras!
  8. lisah25

    What will you do with your underwear??

    LOL-now this is one post-band situation I hadn't thought through. I like the bon-fire idea but feel the need to be creative. I could coat them with rubber and make the hot-air balloon I'm going to ride in to Celebrate getting to goal I suppose.
  9. lisah25

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    What's cool about your story is that you kept looking for answers and didn't just go away with your worries. I've heard too many stories where it turns out something was really wrong that wasn't being caught in testing. So good for you! Glad it wasn't serious.
  10. All I have to say is that some of the things I've read in this thread came in very handy as we celebrated our anniversary last night...
  11. lisah25

    Getting depressed

    What appeals to me about the band is that I believe I have a lot to say about whether or not I will succeed. I want to lose it all tomorrow, but I know that 1-2 a week is a healthy rate. DH was banded 2 years ago. He has had no major problems at all, he does PB at times, but then he made a decision that he'd rather eat more of what he wants and he's OK with a slower rate of loss then he'd have otherwise in return. Something I've read here more then once is that these types of boards are great for support and info, but we need to keep in mind that for the most part, those who have been banded a while and are doing great don't post a lot. So what we read is a bit skewed in a way.
  12. Forgot one - when DH and I are both at our goals, we are doing a hot air balloon ride to celebrate. I'm looking foward to that, and not worrying that they won't be able to get the balloon off the ground!
  13. I'm looking forward to wearing all my cute "skinny" clothes stuck away in the back bedroom. I'm looking forward to having the energy to go and do things with my DH. I'm also looking forward to more comfortable plane flights.
  14. lisah25

    How often do you plateau?

    I've been told that 1-2 pounds a week is a good, reasonable target. If you are retaining water, the best way to get rid of it is to drink a lot more. Not drinking any will just make you dehydrated and after all, don't we do this to be more healthy!? I have to remind myself that I want to lose body fat, and that the scale flucuating due things like water don't count. I know we aren't supposed to weigh daily, but I have a hard time with that.
  15. lisah25

    Help Me Decide

    That is excellent advice!
  16. lisah25

    Help Me Decide

    My DH was banded 2 years ago. Our insurance would have paid for the bypass, but we felt the band was so much the better choice for him we paid for it ourselves. He's lost about 90 pounds in that time. It's a VERY personal decision. Keep researching and asking questions!
  17. lisah25

    I'm on my way!!!

    I'm getting banded at NWWLS August 31, Dr. Montgomery. The whole staff there is great! Since you are cash pay, you won't have the time delay of waiting for insurance to approve you, that will help with the time. I'm only waiting that long because of work schedules.
  18. Nope, you aren't the only one. :guess
  19. lisah25

    favorite protien drink

    Thanks - I'll stop on my way home and see. I want to try some before buying a lot.
  20. lisah25

    favorite protien drink

    Personally, I'm thinking mainly of the two weeks on liquids right after surgery. What I remember from all the info was that they suggest Protein Drinks then only. Which is one reason I don't really want to buy a 3 lb jar of powder!
  21. lisah25

    favorite protien drink

    I started looking online today for this, since I want some on hand after surgery, and didn't find much. The only thing I saw on the GNC website was powders, and they come in like a 3 pound container. Where are you all find the bottled, RTD stuff?
  22. Carefully. Maybe try a little of what's on your mind and see how he reacts?
  23. I don't bother asking. Early on I learned he'd never say no...
  24. lisah25

    Intimacy issues

    I hear ya! My mom does that a lot. She has for years. So telling her won't really change anything since she's already doing that!
  25. I have to wait because of work schedules. Summer is our busy time, and my boss really wanted me to wait until late Sept./early Oct. No way!! But it has given me lots of time to get prepared, and gets lots more info. Everyeone else - thanks for the answer. Interesting the different paths we took to get to bandland.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
