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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    I could hardly believe it. I'm still stunned.
  2. lisah25

    CPAP Mask?

    I tried those nasal pillow/prong masks, and just couldn't make them work. The one I have now covers my whole nose, I really like it. It's also pretty quiet. It's a Comfort-lite 2.
  3. lisah25

    Starbucks Question for Banders

    Has she tried Lattes with sugar-free syups? My DH loves sugar-free vanilla, non-fat lattes. Here's a link (if I do this right) to nutritional info for Starbucks. starbucks® beverages
  4. While I'm willing to do a lot to lose weight, I can't go there. I mean really, the product website recommending dark clothes and a change of clothes?!
  5. Hit post too soon. I didn't mean to say that we as a country agree on this, or any other issue 100%.
  6. This veto got me to thinking about what the role of a president is. I don't expect him to go along with majority rules just for the sake of it, but do we want him to be totally guided by his own values and morals, and ignore what we as a country might want?
  7. I had a slice of pizza last weekend. One slice, and I was happy. Not the best choice to loose weight I know, but I decided that I was going to have a treat once in a while even if it slowed my weight loss. I've had steak as well. Really, the only things I can't eat are soft white bread, and often rice. Granted, there are things that are better choices then others for us, like everyone else out there.
  8. lisah25

    surgery with gallbladder removed?

    It shouldn't be an issue. Mine was taken about about 4 years before my lap-band surgery.
  9. lisah25

    First Fill...HOLY COW!!!!!!!!

    Oh my gosh! That sounds like a bad experience all right. My fills have been nothing like that at all. Mine have all been quick and easy, less pain then getting a flu shot.
  10. lisah25

    gallbladder problems?

    I think following up on it is a really good idea. In my case, I had some back twinges for a few months, but I thought they were due to overwork as we were remodeling our basement. Finally, I woke up one with a lot of pain and knew something was wrong. 24 hours later I was emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed. A stone had blocked a duct, and I had developed a serious infection. The surgeon told me that I probably wouldn't have survived if we'd waited another day. It's usually not that time-critical, but please go get it checked!
  11. lisah25

    gallbladder problems?

    I always thought it took an ultrasound to detect Gallstones.
  12. Hum, from my experience(myself, my mom and my husband) the pain was more on the right side, not on both. What you describe sounds like what I've experienced with esophegeal spasms. I would call your surgeon and get checked out. Whatever is going on needs to be identified.
  13. lisah25

    Would you do it again?

    You might want to spend some time on a post-bypass board, and read about what they are living with. Neither surgery is a magic bullet, both have their hard areas and complications and slow-weight loss. I understand you are frustated right now. But it's really about long-term health.
  14. it's WAY too early in your journey to decide it's not working for you. I took 5 fills before I hit a spot with good restriction, in my mind that is when my real band trip started. All that came before was prep to get things set up and working.
  15. lisah25

    Gall Bladder Removal?

    I don't think I've heard of it being required before, but I have heard of it being removed at the same time if there are Gallstones present. Developing problems with the Gallbladder isn't rare after weightloss, from a band or whatever. So maybe the insurance co is figuring it's cheaper to just pay for the one surgery, then the possibility of another later?
  16. lisah25

    Sopranos Last Episode - WTF??

    Thanks Uniqueone! I'm pretty happy with it.
  17. lisah25

    Sopranos Last Episode - WTF??

    I suspect there will be a movie made. I thought it was a really lame ending too. I realized there would be loose ends, but that was just bad.
  18. lisah25

    Money Talks.......

    I think she behaved like a spoiled little brat, and WAY overreacted to having to spend 40 days in jail. I did read something though that got me thinking. That being a comment that because of the crowded jail, often prisoners are allowed to serve a small percentage of their sentence, then the rest in home detention. I know the judge had ordered she couldn't do that, but I'm almost wondering if she is getting "special", harsher sentence then she might have if she wasn't Paris Hilton? Anyone know? I can't believe I'm typing that, I think she's a worthless spoiled little rich girl who thinks being young and rich entitles her to things. And I'm glad to see her go to jail, so I wonder if the judge felt the same in a way?
  19. lisah25

    Ocular Migraine?

    Has anyone had these? I was having weird vision problems yesterday, I felt like I was looking through a kaladiscope, esp. in the outer part of my vision, for about 30 minutes. I called my Dr, and he said it was very likely a variation of a migraine(I've had a few over the last couple of years).
  20. lisah25

    Do I really need a sleep study?

    Mine only does if there is reason to suspect it. I had to, because I snore and my DH reported that I stopped breathing at times at night. He didn't because he didn't have symptoms. So this sounds odd, esp. if all his patients somehow have sleep apnea. I'd look for a new doctor as well.
  21. lisah25

    KEVORKIAN to be freed June 1 07!!!!!

    Yeah, what you said Mark!
  22. lisah25

    KEVORKIAN to be freed June 1 07!!!!!

    So, how measures would you approve of to keep someone alive? Many of the ones that are routine could be seen as playing God, because they are keeping someone alive who otherwise would have died.
  23. lisah25

    Happy with Lap Band?

    I'm thrilled with my band, even with a few minor issues. I've had my PB episodes, and had a couple of esophegeal spasms that weren't fun. And yes, sometimes I want to be able to scarf down a big plate of Pasta or soft bread. But in return for those things, I have lost 65 pounds, gained lots of energy and a healthier body. More options for clothes that I can wear. The ability to climb a flight of stairs without even thinking about it. Not a bad trade-off at all!
  24. lisah25

    Money Talks.......

    That just ticked me off. Being confined to a home like she must have would be like a spa vacation for the rest of us. I'll bet within a week she's in trouble for leaving the house.
  25. One big factor for me was that my DH was banded there, and I liked the care I saw him getting. We choose them originally because of their reputation and how much experience they had banding. Also because of the pre-surgery care, they made very sure we knew what we were getting into. I also like their post-surgery care, where visits and fills are included for the first year. They are close to where I live and work, so I can go get a fill on a lunch break easily which helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
