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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Liquid fast support

    What is it about people that makes them think we are that dumb! :faint: Like we wouldn't have tried that over and over and over and over...
  2. lisah25

    Getting Depressed

    I've been told by pretty much everyone in my surgeon's office that the 6 weeks after surgery are not about losing weight. They are about letting your tummy heal, and if you do lose weight, it's a bonus. You've lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks, that's 2.5 pounds a week, which is really good!:clap2: The band doesn't help you really until it's properly adjusted, and it may take more then one fill to get there. So, be patient. Yeah, I know that's easy for me to say!
  3. lisah25

    Pause for Hugs

    What a nice thread! coffee, and a cool breeze sound nice! I'm at work, waiting on a report to run. I've had coffee, and now am sipping Water. It's cloudy today after a string of nice warm sunny days so it's actually a nice break. I have a friend coming over for dinner tonight, I'm looking forward to that.
  4. lisah25

    Spouse/Family Support

    You got it! It's great that your hubby is in your corner, that will help a lot. Your mom might be like mine was when my hubby got banded. She didn't know much about it, had heard a lot in the news about complications from gastric-bypass and was worried. She's come around in the last 2 years, when I told her I was going to do the surgery, she was very happy and excited for me. So just give her time, she might just be worried for you.
  5. lisah25

    Goodbye Clothes!!!!!

    Hum, I seem to be different. I've always gotten rid of clothes as soon as they are too big, give them away or sell them on E-bay. Which of course in the past has meant I end up buying new ones as I regain. I do however keep all the ones that are too small. So I have a nice selection of stuff in all different sizes to look forward to.
  6. lisah25

    Pysc Eval

    I second the above, I passed my phys eval and I'm currently taking an anti-depressant. Her advice was to keep taking it until a year or so post-op, that I would have enough changes to deal with as it was. Mine was also an hour, with some paperwork I filled out beforehand, including a couple of tests. Then we talked about my expectation, what kind of support I had from family and friend, my history and things like that.
  7. lisah25

    Where is your port?

    Mine's somewhere between the manufacturer and the doctors office! :heh: Once it's installed, it will be to the right of center, right below the ribs if I understood correctly. Between the bra line and waistline. That is where DH's is. (not that he usually wears a bra!)
  8. Ah, I didn't realize it's a different band, thanks. Yes, those I'm talking about did go to Mexico. I kniew it had only been approved here for about 5 years. I'm going through the NWWLS in Everett Wa. One of their staff has been banded 8 years, a couple of people I've met in the support group have too.
  9. lisah25


    What I mean is to be honest about your eating habits, for example if you tend to graze all day or eat 3 meals, but big ones. What kind of food you like. What changes you are willing to make after surgery. For example, eating the foods recommended and how much and all that. As you read and research, just keep what you know about yourself in the back of your mind and see if it fits with what you are reading? Does that help clarify what I meant?
  10. lisah25


    Read a lot here, some very good information. Look for seminars in your area, many doctors host them for free. Do keep in mind that Drs are human too, and have biases towards what they want to do and what they feel is best. And be really honest with yourself when looking at options.
  11. I'd be interested in which surgery the provider does. I'm finding a lot of doctors have their own agendas, for whatever reasons. There are a couple of people in a support group I've been to who have been banded over 8 years, and are fine. I suppose it could break down over time, if it does I'll look at having it replaced. That just seems better for me then the bypass.
  12. lisah25


    I was wondering about that, I seem to remember that they tape your eyes closed. I also wondered about the angle we are on the table, if we are lying back beyond a certain point, would we be able to see what is going on?
  13. I realize there is a very small, tiny chance I could react badly to something about the surgery and serious complications, including dieing.. But there is a MUCH bigger chance that I'll react badly to remaining this overweight.
  14. lisah25

    Taken for granted.

    Cool idea for a thread. 1)my coffee maker. I have it programmed to start when I get up, and by the time I'm out of the shower, it's got a nice pot of good hot coffee waiting for me. 2)my car. I just walk out, and it's there and starts up and takes me where I need to go. 3)my body in many ways. I just assume everything is going to more or less work as I want it too. 4)My Tivo. I have it set to record my favorite shows, and watch them whenever I want. 5)Our DSL connection. I'm used to it always being there, and I would go nuts without it!
  15. Interesting how different surgeons are. My post-op instructions are to drink all you want in those first few weeks when we will be on liquids. He says it's not about quantity but what you have that matters because you don't want your stomach to work too hard. I tried the Isopure drinks I read about here, they have 60 g of protein in each bottle, taste OK? I plan to sip a lot of those as I recover.
  16. lisah25

    What is your goal weight based on?

    Honestly, it was basically a guess. I haven't been anywhere near my goal in years, so I'm not sure that will be my final goal. I talked to the surgeon about it, and we thought this was reasonable and attainable.
  17. lisah25

    How do you stand the wait?

    I'm having a hard time waiting. I've done everything but my sleep study, that's next week. I may have to do the two week liquid diet, depends on how much I can lose before that point. I'm feeling very jittery, anxious and excited. I keep looking at the calendar and wanting the days to go by faster.
  18. lisah25

    How do you take your meds

    DH has been able to continue taking his in pill form. I think it varies person to person, and there's not really a way to predict?
  19. lisah25

    80% Divorce Rate!!!!!!!!!

    A bit off topic, but thank you for mentioning that song! I was on iTunes earlier, and wanted to download it, but couldn't remember the name or who sang it! Now I'm happily listening to it.
  20. My tippping points came during a recent trip to Hawaii. The worse was when we went to a beach to snorkle. The path had washed out, so we had to climb a small bluff(about 4-5 feet). I got down OK, but I could NOT get myself back up. It took my husband and an uncle pushing and pulling and I was SOOO embarrassed. They were very nice about it, but I felt horrible. The other things from that trip was having a bathing suit with a skirt on it trying to hide myself, and just in general not having the energy I wanted to.
  21. lisah25

    FUN- What diets have you tried ?

    Well, here are mine off the top of my head: Weight Watchers(many times, startin in high school) The Diet Center SlimFast Diets from more then one doctor Sancor(local program, lower carb, higher protein) Prism Weigh Down Workshop Curves(both the diet and the workouts.) Atkins Grapefruit diet(and I HATE grapefruit)
  22. lisah25

    80% Divorce Rate!!!!!!!!!

    I'm wondering if going throught the surgery, losing weight and feeling better about one's self is a factor. We learn that we can change the things around us, and gain confidence, and so are maybe less likely to put up with things we did before? And any major life change is going to have ripples all through life.
  23. lisah25

    Hatered,toward "fat" people.

    I don't mind kid's comments so much, if they are just stating it as a fact and not using it as an insult. My 4 year old neice says I'm soft and fluffy, and to her that is a great thing, I'm good to cuddle with. But I agree with you that attitudes are passed along to kids, and I'm sure we've all had our moments. Like the teenager who passed me in the mall one day and muttered "you're fat". Gee, I'm glad he told me, I wouldn't have known otherwise. About a minute too late I wished I had just stuck out a foot and tripped him.
  24. lisah25

    Pre-band weight loss

    I'm probably not a good one to go by. I'm self-pay, so no insurance hoops, but I had to coordinate the time off from work. My surgeon consult was June 14th, I probably could have done the surgery with 2 weeks if not for deadlines.
  25. lisah25

    will be banded 9-1-06

    I'm the day before - 8/31. By Dr. Montgomery in Everett WA.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
