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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Surgery Thursday - I'm Nervous

    You'll do just fine. I'm on my 6th day post-op, and am feeling pretty good today. Port area is sore still, but other then that things are good.
  2. lisah25

    Designer Whey Protein

    I tried plain water and it was NASTY! I mixed it with water and some cyrstal light powder and it was MUCH better.
  3. lisah25

    ABC September Chat

    Woo-hoo - I found you all. Day 3 post op, and I'm feeling pretty good. Sore left shoulder, lots of gas rumbling around and sore at the port site is about it. I'm not hungry yet, but I'm being careful to drink enough and get enough protien.
  4. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I survived! Got home about 5:30 last night, went straight to bed and slept 12 hours. I feel OK today. Tired, groggy and a little sore. Not as bad as I thought I might be. Can drink liquids just fine. The staff was wonderful!
  5. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Yay - we're down to the last bunch of August bandsters!:clap2: What's that about saving the best for last... Good luck to all being banded today, and all of us going tomorrow. I have all the stuff I think I'll need for the first few days, movies, book, a laptop with a wireless connection. Oh yeah, and broth and Soup and Isopure and Gas-X and all that stuff. Working on making sure all the loose ends at work are tied up, I'm planning a week off.
  6. lisah25

    3 days post-op

    I've read on here the those Icy-Hot Patches work for some people's shoulder pain, I wonder if it would help your back?
  7. lisah25

    Good Bye For A Few Days!

    You'll do great!
  8. lisah25

    Cheese killing...

    My only problem with the cheese-killing is that it's making me hungry. And I'm supposed to be doing a pre-op diet!:faint:
  9. lisah25

    Stop It - I Need This!!

    I’ve been here since about mid-June, since I had my consultations and all. I LOVE it here, I’ve learned a lot and have gotten great support and answers. Seeing the drama does make me wonder if I want to keep posting. I had my fill of forum drama a few years ago. Was in the middle of a nasty forum war, and learned no one ever wins. I also learned to see the patterns such things take, and this one seems to be following them. <O:pAnytime you get a group like this on a forum, people make friends for real. And anytime there is a large group of people, some just don’t get along. I would like it if people just avoided those that they clash with, instead of clashing over and over and over and telling everyone how and why they clash. No moderation policy can please everyone all the time. My bottom line is that a forum is like being invited into someone’s living room for a chat. If you don’t behave, they have a right to toss you out. And they don’t have to justify every little decision. We as guests have the right to decide a given place isn’t what we want and leave of course So, I have to wonder if I want to stay or not. I hate to lose a resource like this has been, but I don’t really need to read re-hashes of things, even if I wasn’t around for the original hashing. I guess it will come down to the balance of support vs. this stuff.<O:p I certainly don’t expect anyone to change what they are doing to suit me. Just thought another newbie should be heard from.<O:p</O:p
  10. lisah25

    What was your last straw?

    Mine was in Hawaii in May. Two things really. One, we were on the third floor of the condo place, and climbing those 2 flights of stairs were so hard for me. The second was trying to climb up a washed-up hill from a beach. It took DH and an uncle to literaly push and pull me up. I was mortified.
  11. lisah25

    What about a clothes swap???

    I love the idea of a clothing swap. There are also usually local charities that are helping women get on their feet after various setbacks, and plus-size business clothes are in high demand for them. My mom was telling me about one she's worked with, I need to get more details.
  12. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    ACCCKKK!!! I just glanced at my hula girl, and what a shock to see it's only 3 days. 3 days!! :clap2: :faint: :embarassed: I remember setting that ticker up and having it show 2 months and 2 weeks. I can not believe it's so close.
  13. lisah25

    newly banded

    That sounds close to my post-op plan. Clear liquid for 2 days. Full liquids for 2 weeks, mushie food for 2 weeks after that. It's a bit surprising to me how instructions differ dr to dr.
  14. lisah25


    This seems like a bit of an oxymoron I suppose, but I agree.
  15. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Faybie - very cool list, thanks! I feel official now, I went in and paid yesterday. I'm a little bummed that my time was moved from 7:30 to 1:30, I wanted to get in early and get it over with. Oh well, I'll just try to sleep in as late as I can.
  16. Bad care can happen anywhere. My mother almost died some years back because her doctor at the time kept telling her she was sick because of stress over her divorce. Told her that for a week, until she was admitted to the hospital nearly dead from bleeding from an annurysm. Right here in the USA.
  17. I totally agree! :clap2: Different things are priorities for different ones of us in this decision. Going to Mexico is absolutely the right choice for some, having it done in the US is the right choice for others. There are lots of factors involved, not the least of which is our personalities.
  18. lisah25

    Gotta Fly-Embarassing Question

    I flew in May and was OK. The seat was a little snug, but very doable. And I didn't need an extender. I was about 305 at the time(and I'm 5'4") , wearing a size 26 jeans.
  19. lisah25

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    The version I've heard of that is "Your actions are so loud I can't hear what you are saying".
  20. I'm lucky in that DH is two years into his banding, so I've had an up-close and personal view of what living with a band can be like. I know we are all different, but it still dispeled a lot of my fears.
  21. One thing I've read here that helps me is to keep in mind many of the posters here who have been banded a while are here because they have had problems. So this forum, while wonderful and full of great info, may not be representative of longer-term bandsters as a whole. What helped me make the decision to go ahead was the fact that the risks to my health of staying overweight are pretty much 100%, since I already am having some problems. Much lower the the complication rate from surgery.
  22. lisah25

    Black Widow and eggs in my garage

    No kidding! I had already read that on Snopes before I heard it, so I didn't freak out like I otherwise would have. I HATE spiders. The power of suggestion is a strong force!
  23. lisah25

    Black Widow and eggs in my garage

    According to http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/spiders.htm, it’s not true. Which is good, or I would NEVER sleep again!
  24. lisah25

    Shame on Golden Corral.

    I see a difference between a lower price at a buffet and ordering a child's meal from a regular place after reading this thread. I used to eat more then an average person at a buffet, but didn't have to pay more. So it would seem fair really that if I choose to go there, I pay full price now. But in a regular place, the owners have decided that the amount they sell the kids meal for is worth it to them, and so I don't see why they wouldn't allow ordering it.
  25. lisah25

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    According to my little hula girl, 9 days left! :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
