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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    I am so devastated!

    OMG - that's horrible. I'd be devestated also. All I can think is to keep on the hospital and make the point that they've taken you money to this point, and they need to honor it I guess.
  2. lisah25

    When can I take a bath?

    Two weeks is what my doctor told me, but I didn't have external stiches.
  3. lisah25

    Pllleeeaaaasssee help me!!!!

    I read something in another group that got me thinking, as I go off liquids tomorrow to real, if mushie, food. This person said she challenges herself to see how little she can be satisfied with, and make healthy choices. For me, that was a mindset change. I realized I was thinking more about trying to see how much I could eat, and what types of foods that weren't good choices.
  4. See, that's why I love it here, I learn so many handy tips.:clap2:
  5. OMG - that almost caused the ruination of a perfectly good monitor. I was mid-sip.:heh:
  6. Liquids for 2 weeks, mushie food for 2 weeks, then on to solids.
  7. COngrats! I'm doing my last day of liquids tomorrow, and it's been easier then I expected. I keep telling myself that I'm letting myself heal, and as far as being hungry, I'm not hungry that often, and I'm only restricted by texture, not amount. This has been easier then the pre-op diet was. I'm finding I like Soups a lot. Tomato, and other types blended up did wonders. And sugar-free popsicles.
  8. lisah25

    My first two NSVs!

    Yesterday was my first full day back at work, and it was a doozy! I spent the whole day(9 hours total) fighting fires and totally stressed. The upside(Other then the wonderful support and concern from my co-workers) was that I was dreaming about going home, and settling into a comfy chair with the paper and TV remote, instead of dreaming about going out and eating a whole buffet! :biggrin1: The other NSV is a pair of pants I'm wearing today, that I haven't worn since early spring. When they were a little too tight. Today, they are baggy and I'm thinking I'll try putting them in the dryer. If that doesn't work, they are on their way out!
  9. lisah25

    Not lossing weight, why?

    What my surgeon's office told me many times was that the first 6 weeks were for healing. That any weight I might lose was simply a bonus, and when I went from liquids to mushy food I might gain. I'm trying really hard to keep that in mind, as I get to start mushies on Thursday, and I've been losing pretty well. I was also told that the band is a tool, that won't work correctly until it's been filled to the right spot. Now, other more experienced bandsters may have input on things you could do differently then you are, I'll be interested in reading replies.
  10. I take Celexa, and I've had no problems so far just taking it. The only pill I've had trouble with is Advil, the tablet form. The gel-caps go down just fine. DH has been banded for 2 years and doesn't have problems with pills. Talk to your doctors, some meds can be crushed or gotten in liquid form if you have problems.
  11. lisah25

    Lead up to band marital problems

    I'm sorry he's not giving you the support you need right now. This comment kind of jumped out at me though. Yes, it's your experience, and you are the one having surgery, but it will affect him too. So in a way, it is about him also, and your family. Whatever happens, both good and bad, will affect you all.
  12. lisah25

    when did you get busy.......

    I was told pretty much when I felt like I could, go for it. Like others, I made him do most of the work.
  13. My first goal reward is going to be a pedicure. After that, a new outfit. Not too sure after that. I too used to Celebrate losing weight with food. Didn't make much sense even then, but I did it.
  14. lisah25

    Ah...four more days!!!

    LOL-I did do a Chinese Buffet the night before my surgery. I know, not a great idea. :guess But what was interesting is that I didn't want to pig out, and when I ate a little more then I should have I felt yucky. YES - a heating pad was one of my favorite things, my left shoulder hurt a lot for about 5-6 days, and the heating pad felt great.
  15. I'm feeling the same way. I don't get very hungry at all, and when I do I fill up quickly, even though I'm still on liquids. I'm happy about it, I feel great. I've been wondering how long it will last, so I'll be interested in what replies you get.
  16. lisah25

    Pb's and Vomiting

    You really should consider a slight unfil. PBing like that isn't good for your band. DH was too tight for a while, and lost almost every meal. He had to be pretty much unfilled because he had irritated his esophugus, and was heading towards a slip. We all want to see that scale move, but we also want to be healthy!
  17. I was banded on Thursday 8/31, went back to work yesterday. I was planning to go back on Monday, but something came up that I needed to go infor. I did OK really. I sit at a desk, biggest problem was port discomort from sitting. Today I feel really good. No pain at all, just an awareness of the port.
  18. lisah25

    am i normal?

    You can also disable all e-mail notifications. Go to the "User CP" (where you go to change your sig) and look for the "options" menu item on the left(about 3-4 under the sig). Partway down in that is an option to not get e-mail notifications when subscribed threads are updated.
  19. lisah25

    ABC September Chat

    I was told if I went more then 2 days to take something. Call the nurse, they are used to questions like this!
  20. The way I'm looking at this for myself is that while I may have done things that worked short term in the past, they never worked long term or I wouldn't have gotten banded. So I'm willing to try whatever the Dr. tells me to. Not that it's easy, but heck, this is uncharted territory!
  21. lisah25

    am i normal?

    How many fills have you had?
  22. lisah25

    Being "normal"

    Nope, you won't always feel sick!! DH was banded two years ago, and he feels MUCH better then he did before getting banded. We eat out a lot, and he enjoys his food just fine. In fact, because you have to chew so carefully, he savors it more then he did in the gulp-it-all-down days. I'm a week out now, and feeling pretty good. Still on liquids though.
  23. My advice is to try the 3 meals for a week or two, and see what happens. I'm not sure it matters what worked in the past, since your body is physically different now, if that makes any sense!?
  24. lisah25

    Time off from work?

    I'm back today, was banded last Thursday. I had planned to be off today and go back Monday, but something came up I need to deal with. So I'm hoping for 1/2 a day or so. I feel pretty good expect uncomfortable around the port when I sit up.
  25. lisah25

    Sitting Straight Up after being Banded

    Yep, I'm noticing the same thing. I'm uncomfortable sitting for long. Not really pain, just really uncomfortable.

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