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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Really stupid things people have shared with you

    A friend and I were driving into Canada one day to go shopping. Stopped at the border of course, and the customs guy said "Citizens?" We very politely said "Yes". He looked at us for a second, then said "Of...?" and we responded, in unison no less "Washington state". He just looked at us for a moment, then waved us through. We didn't realize how stupid our answer was until a minute or two later. This was of course pre 9/11.
  2. lisah25

    Banded Tommorow

    Thanks! I just went through my closet and found some stuff that is too big. I love that. I do need to get some pics. I want to take them at least once a month on this journey.
  3. lisah25

    Banded Tommorow

    That took longer. My consultations were in mid June, my surgery wasn't until Aug 31 because of work commitments. I would have been able to have the surgery within about 2 weeks otherwise. I was self-pay, so that cut down a lot on the time it takes.
  4. lisah25

    Banded Tommorow

    For me, I arrived at the surgery center at 12:00, and was home in bed by 5:30. They were running a little behind, so I spent some time beforehand waiting. The surgery itself as about 45 mins. I think it was about and hour and a half after I got out that I was on the way home.
  5. lisah25

    post diet

    Personally, I found the pre-surgery diet a LOT harder then post surgery. Some people are hungry after being banded, I'm lucky in that I haven't been yet. I just had a small bowl of clam chowder for lunch(my first meal in a resturant) and I'm feeling quite full. But even if you are hungry until you get filled properly, eventually it will pass.
  6. lisah25

    I yr. soon

    Why in the world are you dissapointed!? You've lost 40 pounds in 2 months. Thats what, an average of 5 pounds a week? And more then 1/2 that time is for healing, where any weight loss is a plus!?! Seriously, I think you are doing amazingly well.
  7. lisah25

    Officially Been Banded!

    I tried the Gas-X strips and they did nothing for me. The Gas-X chewables did however help a lot. And like everyone said, walking around as much as you can.
  8. I was off for two weeks, had mine out about 4 years ago. But, I had also had a stone stuck and had an infection, so had to recover from that as well as the GB surgery. Overall, I think the GB was an easier surgery then the band was to recover from.
  9. lisah25

    eating and drinking

    That's a tough one for me, and I'm still on mushies! So far, all I've come up with is just not having a beverage close by while I eat. The reason, as I understand it, is that 1)drinking while eating will just wash most food right through the band, defeating it's purpose and 2)some foods will swell up from the drink and cause pouch problems.
  10. lisah25

    Did you feel like this????

    Nope, even after 2 years my husband still feels bad that he "took the easy way out". And it's not. We still have to decide to eat right. We still have to decide to exercise. We still have to be responsible for our health and well-being. The band is a tool. Nothing more or less. I always want to ask people who use that "you took the easy way out" if they would tell someone who had a pacemaker installed or a knee replaced that they "Took the easy way out"? OK, I'm fine now. It's just one of my pet peeves. The idea is to be healthy, I don't see any moral high ground in how we get there. As far as wondering if you did the right thing, I think we all had a "what the #$(*#$ have I done to myself" moments. I took about 2 weeks before I started feeling back to myself and get over that.
  11. lisah25


    I think the idea of the seminar, at least the one I went to, was to introduce people to a procedure they may have known nothing about. It's just a first step, and some who attend the seminar won't become patients, some are family and friends of patients. Because this is an elective procedure, it's done a little differently. Things should get more personal, you'll meet one-on-one with the staff and surgeon. The sleep doctor I saw was very happy that more surgeons are requiring sleep tests for larger patients. They may not do anything differently, but they may. It depends on what happens. In apnea, you stop breathing and wake yourself up to some degree to start again. While recovering from anethesia, you may not be able to wake yourself up enough to do that, so yeah, they do need to know. ANY doctor who does that you need to not see again. WLS surgeons are used to dealing with larger patients, I was a 53 BMI and my surgeon was wonderful. He made me feel like I had a medical issue that needed treatment, not some gross failure as a person. The diet is to shrink your liver, it's not a test or anything. It's just to help you get the best, safest surgery. I know it's not a fun process, esp. for us bigger people who all too often have had horrible experiences with doctors. I'd suggest you look around as much as you can, and meet with different doctors until you find one who makes you feel comfortable and respected. You can do this if it's what you want, bad parts and all.
  12. lisah25

    Dry skin/Acne after banding???

    I have really dry skin, I wondered if it's because of the post-op diet and esp. the lower amounts of fats I'm eating right now.
  13. What kind of mask are you using? I started out with Swift Nasal pillows and didn't like them. They make my nose hurt and were very noisy. I think the one I have now is a Comfortlite 2, and I'm using the simple cushion, it fits over my nose and is very comfortable. The humidifier helped me.
  14. Good point Bettina, lack of snoring isn't always lack of Apnea. I have a follow-up next week with my sleep doctor, I'll talk to him about being retested then, at what weight loss and all. I didn't mind the sleep test all that much, I'd go through it again also if I could retire my machine.
  15. LOL-I'm with you on backing a truck over the CPAP, even though I love what it's done for me. My sleep doctor told me there is a very good chance losing weight will take care of the apnea, but there was also a chance it won't. It depends on your physical structure.
  16. I've been told 3 meals, and one snack if needed.
  17. lisah25

    Shoulder pain

    Yahoo!! :clap2: I think you will be feeling better very soon. For me, the 15th day after surgery I felt back to normal. No pain, not even around the port. I was aware of it, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
  18. I'm in WA state also, and that was a big part of my decision not to go to Mexico. I wanted to be close by the surgeon/clinic that did my banding for follow-up and aftercare. I think there are great doctors in Mexico, and I know people have had great experiences, so it wasn't that. It was just the distance.
  19. lisah25

    August 06 Banders

    There is a thread, I think it's called something like ABC Sept chat - come there and join in!
  20. lisah25

    Sleep study?

    Mine paid too, and I went to a sleep dr. recommended by my PCP, not my surgeon.
  21. I'm with you - I've always loved to shop and loved clothes even when I wear a size 30. In fact, I have to stay out of stores now because I'll buy something and my goal is to buy the fewest clothes I can until I'm at my goal size. One side-affect of loving clothes is that I have a lot in different sizes waiting for me!
  22. lisah25

    Sleep study?

    I consider finding out I have sleep apnea and getting it treated on of the best NSV of getting banded so far. I feel SOOO much better after about a month on CPAP. My surgeon required a sleep study for me. For DH is was suggested, not required. He goes by your BMI, neck size for men and if you have any symptoms. Given the implications of problems it can cause if unknown, didn't bother me at all.
  23. lisah25

    Gas and Shoulder pains

    I had the left shoulder pain for about 10 days. What worked best for me was to put a heating pad on it. That seemed to work better then anything else.
  24. lisah25

    I am so devastated!

    That's wonderful! What a good update to read today.:clap2: :clap2:
  25. lisah25

    Old Enough to Remember

    What a great trip down memory lane - Thanks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
