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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Well this is terrifying

    I honestly don't know for sure, but I will say I've been very impressed with NWWLS since my DH had his surgery 3 years ago. So I don't think it's just mudslinging.
  2. lisah25

    Sick of It

    I couldn't do puree'd "real food" either. So I just stuck to things like soups that had been blended and that worked. You can do this. It's not fun nor easy, but you CAN do it.
  3. lisah25

    Nurse Practitioner doing fills?????

    My clinic is the same way, and it's been fine. I've had them tell me that the doctors don't do many fills, so they aren't as good at it!
  4. I'm between Lynnwood and Everett. So their Everett location is perfect for me. I really liked Dr. Montgomery, and all the staff there.
  5. Hi Missy - glad you made it here - you'll find some good info.:clap2: And I'm here...:heh:
  6. lisah25

    Post your worst symptom here!!!!!

    My worst one was on Mother's day this year. I had an esphogeal(sp) spasm that sent me to the ER, because I really thought I was having heart problems. Same symptoms and all, but in the end I was just fine, and after a slight unfill it hasn't happened again.
  7. We are all so different and react differently to fills, that I'm not sure there is an amount per fill that would work for us all. My fills were included for a year, so if my clinic were motivated by money, they would want me in as little as possible right? But they have done a little at a time, because I tend to react a lot to a fill, and if they over did one I wouldn't be able to keep liquids down. Even if I end up at that fill level later, if that makes any sense.
  8. lisah25

    Cpap Usage question

    Does anyone know if using a CPAP when you no longer need one, or need a lower pressure, has any bad effects? I've been using mine since shortly before surgery, and for a long time I felt SOOOO much better. But lately, I've been really tired a lot, and realized today that after not using my CPAP for two nights I'm feeling better. More focused and more awake. Now, I realize it could be totally unrelated, but it got me thinking... I do have to go see my sleep doctor again next month and will talk to him also, but wondered about this.
  9. I totally don't feel that way at all. I'm thrilled with my band and the changes in my body. But then, I did this of my own choice. I'm surprised the doctor went ahead with the surgery frankly. I'm wondering about your fill level, and your post-surgery diet. What you describe sounds atypical for a banding experience. We don't tend to lose muscle as you describe, esp if we're eating lots of Protein and exercising. And I at least have to be very aware of what I'm eating to lose, it's not melting off! So, now that you have the band, what can you do? Simpliest would be to have all the fill removed. That would allow you to eat more, and a wider variety. I also would look into the waiver, since you didn't sign it, it doesn't seem enforcable, in fact I've never heard of such a waiver. Or talk to another surgeon about having it removed. I'm sorry this happened to you.
  10. lisah25

    Cpap Usage question

    Hey Jack - nice to see you! I've now gone 3 nights without the Cpap, and I really feel a lot better then I was. DH says I'm snoring a little, but not much and not all night. I do find it a little harder to fall asleep without the hose, but once I fall asleep I really do better.
  11. lisah25

    Cpap Usage question

    It did, thanks. My Dr did lower the pressure in January without a new sleep test, so I'm hoping he'll do so again. He said he probably wouldn't have me do another test until I'm down at least 100 pounds. Luckily my insurance covered it and will again.
  12. lisah25

    Changing the way you eat

    For the most part, yes you can eat your favorite foods. I have problems with Pasta, and often rice. And of course, some of the stuff we love isn't helpful to losing weight. But I can and do eat a pretty wide variety of stuff, including Mexican food.
  13. lisah25

    Would you date a Single Father?

    I would, and I did. We ended up breaking up other other issues though.
  14. lisah25

    Why are so many White Women marrying Black Men?

    I think people should marry someone they love and respect, and can be friends with. No matter what race they are(or gender for that matter, although that's another discussion.)
  15. lisah25

    Ladies, anyone use Bare Minerals?

    I totally love it. I have Roseaca, and this covers it up better then anything else. My skin seems to like it, no break-outs or anything, and I love how natural it looks.
  16. lisah25

    Do you think Filipino Women make Good Wives?

    My SIL is Filipino. She and my brother wrote to each other for about a year(she was in Hong Kong working as a maid and he was here in the states). They spent a week together in Hong Kong, then she came here and they were married 9 years ago. And I don't think I've ever seen two people more wrong for each other. Their styles are totally different, they don't communicate expect for fighting, and they aren't partners at all. Which breaks my heart for my 5 YO niece. Keep in mind if you are looking for what you think is a "traditional" Asian woman that the ones who want to leave and come here are less likely to be so. Bottom line, we are all human. I think it's not the smartest thing to lump people together in groups based on things like country of origion. Getting to REALLY know each other before deciding to make a commitment is so much more important. My brother's problems aren't due to SIL's race, but to who they are as people. If they had a better relationship, it would be due to who they are, not their races.
  17. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    Found some things I thought were interesting. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=21595 “Even left-wing newspapers and columnists have rebuked Clinton for pardoning Rich. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., declared himself "troubled."” http://archives.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/stories/02/01/congress.pardons/index.html “Congressional committees on both sides of the Capitol intend to hold hearings next week looking into former President Clinton's controversial pardon of financier Marc Rich.” Interestingly, it seems that Scooter may have supported Marc Rich. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Rich “During hearings after Rich's pardon, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who had represented Rich from 1985 until the spring of 2000, denied that Rich had violated the tax laws, but criticized him for trading with Iran at a time when that country was holding U.S. hostages. [2] In his letter to the New York Times, Bill Clinton explained why he pardoned Rich, noting that U.S. tax professors Bernard Wolfman of Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center concluded that no crime was committed, and that the companies' tax reporting position was reasonable. [New York Times, February 18, 2001][3]. In the same letter Clinton listed Libby as one of three "distinguished Republican lawyers" who supported Rich's pardon”
  18. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    I have to agree, when we do get a Dem president, some will bring up what Bush did, we as a country on all sides have gotten too partisan. Too many look at what party someone is in before deciding how they feel about an act. And it will be just as wrong when the Dems do it as I believe it is now. The problem I have is that I hear "Clinton did X" and only that. I don't hear very much "and Bush is wrong to do it" tied to that.
  19. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    Why thanks!
  20. lisah25

    Just got the call...

    Wooo-hooo! That's great news.
  21. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    Well, could that be because he's not president now, and making decisions that affect us all?
  22. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    Actually, going back in history over pardons, lots of modern presidents on both sides have questionable ones on record. So, are you as outraged over what Bush did as you are what Clinton did?
  23. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    So, two wrongs make a right? Or if Clinton did it, it's OK for Bush? Yes, I realize the point of bringing up Clinton is to point out hypocrisy by those who weren't outraged by his actions, but are by Bush's. Which of course in turn points out the hypocrisy of those using the tactic and who aren't outraged by Bush. Since they were by Clinton. My other point is, if no crime was commited and Libby was a victim of a witch hunt, why did Bush praise the jury and prosecuter for what they did in his statement? His only point seemed to be that he thought the jail time was excessive.
  24. lisah25

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    I agree, I think he will be pardoned when Bush leaves. I heard an interesting theory about why he was given a commution(sp) now instead of a pardon. That being that with a pardon, he would no longer be able to claim the 5th amendment protection when asked to testify. Which he still can now. I find it interesting that this doesn't seem to meet all the DOJ guidelines for a commuted sentence. At least from what I have read so far.

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