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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. And you are totally entitled to your opinion, it's one of the cool things about freedom! The difference is you had the legal right to marry your partner. A gay couple doesn't. You might be surprised at the legal rights you got when you signed your marriage license. Like the right to be involved in his health care decisions when he can't make them. To visit him in the hospital. To collect on his SS(In fact, my mom was entilted to some of my dad's even though they had divorced). Joint insurance policies. I've seen lists of the benefits, I'll have to see if I can find one.
  2. That's a good idea! We are buying ours tonight, that's a huge change from the days we'd buy it a week or two ahead, eat it all, and have to buy more. And eat it, and have to buy more... :faint: The day after Halloween is the hardest. All my wonderful co-workers bring their left-over candy into the office.
  3. Well, actually, the creation of a child is due to sex, not marriage. And of course there are lots of straight people who are infertile, but still can marry legally. Personally, I'd be fine with that. As long as the legal protections/benefits us straights get with that marriage license. I actually think the civil unions, that address legal issues, for everyone would be fine. Then a religious ceremony for anyone who wanted one. I'm adopted. I grew up knowing that my mommy didn't carry me in her body, that another woman did. I guess I just don't see the problem here. Not all kids are living with straight parents who are biologically related.
  4. I agree. I love the women in my life, I couldn't get by without them, but I have no sexual draw to them at all. I didn't chose to be attracted to men, so how can I say that anyone else choose which gender(s) they are sexually attracted to?
  5. So far, most of it doesn't appeal to me, boy do I hope that lasts! If I really want something, I have a little bit of it. Otherwise, I'll just obess about it!
  6. lisah25

    Thinking about getting lapband, nervous

    I would pursue it now if I were you. You are already seeing bad effects of being overweight, and if you wait you have less chance, I would think, of reversing them all.
  7. lisah25

    Has anyone named their band?

    Mine is Neysa. Named for my dog, who I had for 12 years before having to have her put to sleep some years ago. She was a great pet, but had odd quirks I learned to live with and love. So it seemed appropriate. I asked DH if he had named his band, and he looked at me like I was nuts...
  8. lisah25

    any regrets

    I'm still pretty new to my band, but no regrets yet. I did have some moments as I've realized what I did is always there. The band doesn't go away when you want a big night out and want to eat. OR when you are just craving a food you know is bad for you. Yeah, that's the point, and it's what I knew I was signing up for, but the reality is sinking in now. So, while I don't regret a thing, it's not all moonlight and roses. If that makes any sense.
  9. LOL - OK, I'll take that. And I am a committed Christian!
  10. See how simple it can be? OK, on abortion I can see pushing for laws if one deeply believes it is murder. I still am firmly pro-choice though! I found Leviticus 17:11 interesting in discussions of BC and religion, or even stem cell research. "For the life of a creature is in the blood" Taken literally, this would read to mean that life begins when the embreyo is infused with blood, around 18 days or so(Yes, this was from a CSI episode) On gay couples, I don't see how it hurts society, so can't make any case for it.
  11. We did a home equity loan. I have also read of people using money from their 401K/retirement accounts.
  12. lisah25

    Goodbye to Sarah

    Oh, I'm so sorry! I agree with your choice, it wouldn't have been fair, IMHO, to put Sarah through all.
  13. For that post, I was referring the the Bible Carol was, but your point is very valid. What I don't get is why people use their beliefs that homosexuality is a sin to declare there should be no gay marriage/civil unions even sometimes. If you believe it is a sin, then don't be in a gay relationship. It doesn't seem complicated at all to me.
  14. I totally agree with that! I've often wondered if those who want laws based on the bible realize it might not be their interpetation that is selected.
  15. lisah25

    Moral Dilemma

    I would wonder about the caretaker and her motives a lot more then the fact there is a relationship between them. You might think about any way you could quietly check her out?
  16. I don't know if more are being born now, or more are living lives out of the closet now. If you are married, do you have wedding pics on your desk? Do you wear a wedding ring, talk about your kids if you have them? Hold hands with your SO in public? All of those tell people what your preferences are. I never really thought of that until I worked with a gay man years ago. Had some really interesting conversations. I agree, I think working on getting civil unions with the same legal rights is a good step for now. I will say that marriage as we see, one man and one woman, esp. marrying for love, is not how marriage has always been. Even in the Bible men had several wives.
  17. lisah25

    Moral Dilemma

    That is quite the dilema indeed. First off, the doctors and nurses who told him that she was "no longer his wife" need to be slapped hard. I've watched my MIL for the last 5 years as her husband has slipped further and further into Alzhiemer's, including putting him in a nursing home about a year ago. One of the best examples of "for better or worse" or "Until death do you part" I've seen. That said, I feel a little different about situations like the one you describe then I would just someone messing around on a healthy spouse. It sounds like he plans to take care of her, and make sure she is OK, and in truth she's in some ways not the wife she was before. I don't think I'd date in his situation, but I might be able to be around them. Esp. if I was close enough to talk to them and tell them that while I valued his friendship, I didn't approve. Not sure that makes a lot of sense. You are in a tough spot.
  18. I don't think the issue is whether or not anyone believes the bible and what it has to say, but rather should what the Bible says is right and wrong be the law of the land. At least as I see it.
  19. This it doesn't make sense to me. The idea was not to have a state religion, but also to keep Christian principles in government? Isn't that very close to having a state religion? Granted it's not making any one denomination of Christianity "official", but seems to make Christianity itself the state religion.
  20. Yep, even those of us who are Christians don't agree on what the bible says. So basing laws on it is tricky, whose interpretation gets to be law.
  21. Do you think God's word should be reflected in the laws?
  22. So would you support what is in the bible guiding the laws for the US?
  23. I realize that many Christians believe homosexuality is a sin. And they have every right to believe so, I don't have a problem with that. Right up until they decide that everyone should live by their beliefs, and want it backed up by the law.
  24. I was told 15-20 minutes. To stop then, and if you are still hungry after another 10 or so, eat a little more.
  25. I'm working on "getting" the difference between satisfied and full. I find I eat to full, then feel kinda yucky for a while. I'm not sure if I'll need another fill or not yet. Yes, we eat out quite a bit. Pretty much anywhere expect Italian. Most people around us know we are banded, but if they didn't they wouldn't suspect from what we order and how much we eat. Usually, people are more interested in the company then what others are eating. You can always say you are trying to cut down if anyone notices. Any other questions, I'll be glad to answer. I hope some longer-term bandsters have more suggestions also! And thanks - I'm THRILLED with my progress so far. I swear, I'm wearing pants today that were to tight at surgery, are now too big. It's cool.:faint:

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