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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. :faint: OK, I would have had to say something!! I agree, down with cell-phone users who think we all want to hear the details of their Gyn exams, or last night's fun and games or whatever.
  2. lisah25

    12 Yr old Girl has Liposuction to LOOSE WEIGHT !

    I'm pretty much speechless. Not sure where to start. Perhaps with the idea of doing something like that on a 12 year old? Or doing something that teaches her nothing, gives her no tools to maintain a weight loss?
  3. You have every right in the world to think it's wrong. But there are MANY rights we straights get by simply signing a marriage license that can not be legally duplicated in any other way. So, what rational do you have for denying them those rights?
  4. What is the logical argument to not allow gay marriage?
  5. Your whole post made perfect sense! Very nicely said.:clap2:
  6. OK then. I'm all for fun. :biggrin1:
  7. lisah25

    very bad gas in shoulder and a question

    Yes, the gas they use during surgery is a culprit. I was also told that irritation to the diaphram(sp?) during surgery can cause referred pain to that shoulder. Mine lasted about two weeks, off and on. The thing that helped the most was a heating pad on it.
  8. You hit on something that's been bugging me for a while about politics, that being that it seems to have become a sporting event. It's about which side "wins".
  9. I understood that. For me, the line is about allowing people freedom to live as they see fit, while at the same time protecting society/it's members. I haven't seen any convincing arguments that allowing gay marriage would hurt society. Polygamy, I go back and forth on. Perhaps because I'm not familiar with it, and the protrayals I've seen haven't been good. Of course, the "constenting adults" would address some of my concerns, about women being forced into it. I'm against marriage between close blood relatives.
  10. Did I say that "consenting adults" was my only criteria? I was addressing the idea that allowing gay marriage would lead to women marrying dolpins, or people marrying under-age kids.
  11. Yep, "Consenting adults" would take care of a lot of those slippery-slope arguements I see.
  12. I'm not trying to answer for Barbara, but to me the point is that many of the ones she's talking about set themselves up. By that, I mean they are out there telling everyone else how to live, standing up against gay marriage because of "the sanctity of marriage" while they are doing things like cheating on their wives with another man. It's the hyporacisy IOW. Telling everyone else to live by rules they don't live by.
  13. lisah25

    Ocular Migraine?

    Thanks Mindy - it does help. I'm glad you found something that is working for you!
  14. lisah25

    Start to finish

    My journey was a bit unusual. I'm self-pay, which usually goes quicker because you don't have to deal with the insurance companies hoops. I had my first appointments in June, but had to wait until the end of August for surgery because that's the earliest I could get the time off from work. I could have had surgery in about a month otherwise. It will depend on what pre-surgery testing you'll need to get done, for example I needed a sleep study.
  15. lisah25

    Is the lap band healthy?

    I think having questions is a good thing. You need to know what you are getting into, and that yes complications can and do happen. Some are quite serious, although that's rare. For me, it came down to knowing that 1)I had tried enough times on my own, and proven to myself I couldn't lose and maintain a loss and 2)I was going to have health issues because of my weight. I already was, there was a 100% chance of complication from being MO in other words. I balanced that against the complications from having a lap-band, and decided to go ahead with it.
  16. lisah25

    Ocular Migraine?

    Thanks - I feel much better knowing it's not serious. I think the ER thing was if it didn't resolve, they weren't sure if it was a migraine or not since I'd never had the visual effects.
  17. Bingo! Look at all the divorces, the cheating, the abuses us straight married couples do. I've yet to see how allowing a gay couple to marry would affect me. I'd still be married to my great DH. Still attending church. Still doing all I do now.
  18. What does the founders of our nation have to do with the above? I have no problem with people believing homosexuality is a sin. I do have a problem with people wanting laws based on what they believe is a sin.
  19. From http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/currency/in-god-we-trust.shtml "The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War"
  20. What if someone told you that they thought being hetero was a sin, and that you should never sleep any any man. Including your husband?
  21. lisah25

    please read about my gastroparesis!!!

    I in no way mean to minimize what you went through, but I'm not sure you are being fair to Dr. C. I only know him through posts here, but he's taken time to answer questions from people who aren't his patients and won't ever be. The way I read it was that yes, it can happen, but he believes it's very rare as he hasn't seen any nor heard first-hand of any. Wasn't the question from a new patient? Who isn't having symptoms to worry about? I think your sharing your story was great. We all need to know what can happen, and also how often. And what to watch for.
  22. It doesn't surprise me in the least that they came up in this discussion. I'm just wondering why. What is the purpose?
  23. Very good point. I get tired of those who think you must have some form of God in your life to be a good and moral person. Heck, look at the headlines today for an example.
  24. lisah25

    Ocular Migraine?

    I wondered if it was hormone related, TOM started yesterday.
  25. Why is it that pretty much any conversation critical of Bush sooner or later comes around to talking about Clinton and often Ted Kennedy?

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