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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    What about the pizza?

    I could do thin crust, but that was before my last fill. So I don't know if I could or not now. It's kind of one of those things trying to not find out if I can eat it or not! I'm not sure I want to know that I can.
  2. lisah25

    The first consult...

    Yeah you! I love the feeling of hope I've had ever since I made the decision to be banded. Like FINALLY, something is going to work.
  3. Now I'm reading the Bush lied about keeping Rumsfeld on. For political gain. It's getting a big mindboggling. And this from him: http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/11/08/election.main/index.html “"The message yesterday was clear: The American people want their leaders in Washington to set aside partisan differences, conduct ourselves in an ethical manner and work together to address the challenges facing our nation."” Really, he didn't know before yesterday that we want our leader to be ethical and address the challenges facing the nation?!
  4. lisah25

    I am starving - stop me !

    Good for you! :clap2: I LOVE this site. I've learned so much and I know it's helped me so much already.
  5. lisah25

    I am starving - stop me !

    I'd go more by what my doctor told me than how it feels to eat, while healing at least. You're 3 weeks out, right? I was on mushy food by then, and was indeed told it should be blenderized. That even chewing all I could didn't work.
  6. lisah25

    Anti-Lapband website...

    I looked at their Lap-Band failure link. Didn't impress me much. I knew going into this that it wasn't a magic bullet, and that some people have complications. Which is true of ALL WLS. We don't know if these people who haven't lost weight did their part. And if they will be successful with a new WLS. My pet peeve is when someone wanting to sell me something tells me how horrible the compatition is. And the webpage is poorly designed, IMHO. Too busy and poorly organized.
  7. Sunta, you do seem a bit giddy! I'm with ya on the theater.
  8. lisah25


    Yes! Things I used to love don't appeal to me nearly as much. I'm loving that, since it includes things like candy and cookies. I'm enjoying fruits and veggies so much more. I've always liked fish and chicken.
  9. lisah25

    Too tight?

    I agree, you are too tight. I'd call your doctor. I was told that you should always be able to keep liquids down.
  10. lisah25

    I am starving - stop me !

    I totally agree that it's OK to have treats once in a while, and moderation. Once we've healed from the surgery of course. I do find that I obsess a lot less then I used to about food overall.
  11. lisah25

    I am starving - stop me !

    DH can, in small quantities. For example, he can eat sushi. I have been able to, but I got my third fill last night. I'm not yet sure if I'll be able to or not.
  12. lisah25

    Is this normal???

    I wasn't hungry for 3-4 weeks. Food just held no interst for me. About 4 weeks out, I would get a little hungry, not much. By 6 weeks out, I was feeling more normal, but I never have been hungry like I was pre-surgery. For which I am VERY thankful.
  13. lisah25

    12 Yr old Girl has Liposuction to LOOSE WEIGHT !

    This really jumped out at me from the article: "Even Dr. Robert Ersek, a local plastic surgeon and the self–proclaimed "biggest fat–sucker in Texas," initially said no. But because Joey had that winter been diagnosed with bladder cancer (thought by the Bateses to be terminal), Ersek agreed to take Brooke as his patient. The girl had told him, "I want my dad to see me looking slim and pretty in a dress before he dies." " Since when does a patient's desires like that overrule medical concerns?!
  14. lisah25

    One reason to tell people

    LOL - me too! And topped it off with candy! It's funny, how I view food has changed totally. I was in the grocery store the other day, one that has these wonderful big(like med pizza sized) frosted chocolate chip Cookies. I told myself that I wouldn't go looking for them, but if I happend to see them, I would get one. Well, I saw them, and honestly they didn't even look appealling. I was able to just say "eh" and walk on. Before surgery, I would have bought one and had it for dinner.
  15. lisah25

    One reason to tell people

    Exactly! It was totally my choice, and she had put the thought into something else for me.
  16. lisah25

    One reason to tell people

    I've been REALLY open about my surgery. And I knew that by doing so, I was opening myself up to people watching what I eat. Part of it is knowing my co-workers, and knowing they were really on my side, not just watching to see me fail, if that makes any sense. And she handled it really well.
  17. lisah25


    LOL-she probably already knows. She just doesn't want you to know that she knows, ya know? :faint:
  18. lisah25

    I am starving - stop me !

    Funny how Mexican is such a common craving after surgery! It was what I wanted too! Don't do it! Cravings and being hungry, unpleasant as they are, aren't harmful. Eating too soon could be. Yeah, it sucks. But when you are done, and able to eat, you'll look back and be proud of yourself for sticking to it. Honestly!
  19. Thank you. I like that there have been some really interesting points made on this thread, and lot of thoughtful comments from many. It's going to be an interesting 2 years.
  20. lisah25

    12 Yr old Girl has Liposuction to LOOSE WEIGHT !

    What a stupid comment for her parents to make. I think it's attitudes like that that keep people from really getting help with weight problems. We all think we know what to do, and in a way we do. Eat less and move more. But for some of us, we never find the tools to do that until WLS. And we wait a long time because we think we "should" be able to do it on our own.
  21. Interesting questions. Do I have all the answers? Nope. I don’t have access to the information that those who make decisions do. I don’t have the skills I want my leaders to have to well, lead. And not having all the answers doesn’t mean I can’t complain when I don’t agree with what is being done. The war in Iraq for example. We went in under a banner of “they have WMD and will target us”. It became “we need to liberate them”. I think we need to leave. I don’t think we ever will create a stable society there. At most, we might be able to give them some tools to create it themselves. I would like to see a reasonable definition of what “victory” looks like. And plans for bringing our troops home based on milestones that we can achieve. I don’t think we can just pull out tomorrow.
  22. What gets me is the kids affected. The ones he had with his GF before Britney, and now their 2 sons.
  23. I could agree with that law!! I agree, talking about outlawing gay marriage to protect the "sancity of marriage" is outrageous given all the things I don't see people demanding.
  24. lisah25

    dr. weiner making a deal?

    Maybe he figures that there will be less paperwork needed for you, because they won't have to deal with an insurance company? So he figures it's worth a break to you.
  25. I can’t agree with this. Just in the recent past, we had Rush mocking Michael Fox’s Parkinson’s. Bush has been caught when he didn’t realize he was broadcasting calling people ass***e. Bill O’Reilly calls people loons, loony lefties, SOBs, idiots, vile, despicable weasels etc. And then there is Ann Coulter, who called 9/11 widows names. Now, I’m not claiming the left doesn’t call names sometimes, but it’s not onesided. Yes, I realize you were talking about "here". But then, the majority of those posting on this thread are left-leaning, so any conclusions drawn are skewed.

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