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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. Because, as someone else on this board said, you have the tool. It's just not turned on yet. It won't be working for you until you get to a good fill level.
  2. Thanks for the links Jack - I didn't know that about the ACLU.
  3. Is that from many, you get lots of support. Today, my manager went around handing out Cookies. I wasn't at my desk, so she told me that she had left a fat-free pudding for me, but of course I was welcome to a cookie if I wanted one. I thought that was very nice of her.
  4. The ACLU is supporting NAMBLA?
  5. And invading Iraq did exactly what to make us safer?
  6. lisah25

    Ghost Whisperer Episode

    Watched it, and pointed out the scenes to DH. Looked great!
  7. lisah25

    Why not admit to surgery...

    Personally I TOTALLY agree with you. We found out about the band through word-of-mouth. A friend of my husband's aunt(Gee, sounds like the start of a bad urban legend.) had it, and she did well. Talking to her helped us decide. I've told anyone who shows any interest at all, and some who may not have! :faint: But, I do understand that some people are very private and don't want to tell. Maybe they have tried and failed and heard about it from those around them. Maybe they don't want to deal with "Food police" watching every bite.
  8. We invaded a country and we removed it's leader under the banner of protecting ourselves. When he wasn't involved in the attacks on us. When none of the men who carried the attacks out on 9/11 were from that country. We didn't do so to save people living there, at least that's not what the reasons were at the time. That came later, when no WMD were found. I don't have a problem with the idea of defending ourselves. But I don't believe we are doing so the best way possible by invading Iraq and not focusing on other areas. But they aren't attacks on you. This may be unfair, but after listening all the comments about Clinton for the last what, 13 years, I find BuSh pretty mild. Disclaimer, I'm not saying you personally made comments about Clinton.
  9. I hear ya! Those two week pre-surgery were much harder then anything since. I didn't even want to eat much for a couple of weeks afterwards, and then I kept telling myself to be good and follow directions to let the band heal. Kept me on track.
  10. lisah25

    Seminar Questions...

    Silly, of course it's not all about you. It's all about MEEEEE!! :heh: Good luck, I hope you get lots of good info.
  11. lisah25

    Seminar Questions...

    The seminar I went to was pretty much an overview. They went over what the surgery was, what to expect from it, that sort of thing. They had a couple of people who had the band speak, and answered questions. Then if you were interested, you could make an appointment for a consultation. No weighing in or anything like that at all.
  12. lisah25

    No weight loss because I eat too much

    You have some of the answers for yourself. You know you are eating too much, so you know that you need more fills. You also say that you are drinking to much when you eat, and that totally defeats the purpose of the band. Did you really go through all of this to not work it for something like liquids while you eat? Hum??!! :heh: I had a hard time with that one too. I don't order any beverages with a meal out anymore. I drink some Water while waiting for my food, then move it out of the way. At home, I don't have anything within reach.
  13. lisah25

    Help?? 4 Days Post Op And Still The Pain

    It took me a week before I started to feel at all normal. I had a fair amount of pain. I'd say it took two weeks before I really felt like myself again. Some people just heal faster then the rest of us I guess!
  14. It's a different full. I too used to eat way past full and was worried about doing so after banding. It's very hard to eat beyond satisfied when you are filled to a good level, and you pay for it if you do. Even if you don't PB. I feel miserable, and hate it, so it's good aversion therapy. The best part though is I don't really want to eat past satisfied anymore. It's not appealing at all. I even left 1/2 a piece of wedding cake on my plate over the weekend. It was very good cake, I was just done. That never happened before banding. I would have eaten it all and gone for seconds.
  15. Oh, and do you remember what the Reps in congress had to say when Clinton requested expended powers for things like wiretapping? http://www.cnn.com/US/9607/30/clinton.terrorism/ WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton urged Congress Tuesday to act swiftly in developing anti-terrorism legislation before its August recess. "We need to keep this country together right now. We need to focus on this terrorism issue," Clinton said during a White House news conference. But while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-terrorism measures. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, doubted that the Senate would rush to action before they recess this weekend. The Senate needs to study all the options, he said, and trying to get it done in the next three days would be tough. One key GOP senator was more critical, calling a proposed study of chemical markers in explosives "a phony issue." Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, emerged from the meeting and said, "These are very controversial provisions that the White House wants. Some they're not going to get." Hatch called Clinton's proposed study of taggants -- chemical markers in explosives that could help track terrorists -- "a phony issue." "If they want to, they can study the thing" already, Hatch asserted. He also said he had some problems with the president's proposals to expand wiretapping.
  16. I have had a couple of glasses of wine since banding. It's hard, because I used to drink it while I ate, and I can't do that now. I don't do carbonated drinks like beer. I had some sparkeling cidar over the weekend, just a sip at a wedding toast, and it didn't sit well. And yes, I notice I get buzzed a LOT easier. One glass of wine and I can feel it.
  17. Congrats! That is wonderful.:clap2: I do want to add though that there is nothing wrong with bandsters who do need a fill or more to get the effects of the band. It is designed to work only when filled to a good level, which of course varies by person. To me, it's not a matter of setting my mind to it. I spent all this money and pain to get a tool. I'd be silly, IMHO, to not make sure I'm using the tool to it's fullest.
  18. DH has been banded for over two years now. He has had some minor problems, the worst was being too tight and having to be unfilled for a couple of weeks to let things heal up. He's down about 90 pounds and feels great. He doesn't follow the rules very well, but he's happy with his progress. And he'd do it again in a heartbeat he says.
  19. That is one of the best ways to explain the post-surgery but pre-fill stage!
  20. Tempting though it is to picture Bush going throught what Clinton did, I thing we Dems need to be very careful about this one. I think it's fair to do some investigations, I think that is what the whole checks and balances thing is about. Hum, I haven't heard a lot more about a mandate after this election then others, and I don't agree with your "razor thin" characteraztion. I've actually heard at least one quote from a Dem specifically saying he didn't take it as a mandate. I don't agree with this either. I think he was truely trying to slam Bush. I think we Dems have a opportunity here, and I hope we use it. I agree though, we could blow it just as the Reps did.
  21. THANK YOU!! I was going to make that same point this morning. And if I hear much more 'warnings' to the dems to not waste the country's time with impeachment hearings, I'll scream. Not that I'm saying I want them, I think it would be a bad idea. But for those who supported hearings against Clinton, during a time when distracting him encouraged terrorists(IMHO) over his sex life no less say we shouldn't distract Bush and the country over a war that has killed about 3,000 of our troops, it just drives me nuts. And during the Clinton admin, there were indeed terrorists who actually attacked the US brought to justice. http://www.snopes.com/rumors/clinton.htm
  22. lisah25

    Gas Pains....what a pain!

    A heating pad was the only thing that really worked for me. I did the Gas-X, nothing. Walked, didn't help my shoulder at all.
  23. Interesting considering 9/11 was on Bush's watch. Honestly, no one I know IRL or on forums would say what you did. We realize terrorists are real. That they want us dead. We just don't agree with the current admins approach to dealing with it.
  24. I've heard variations of this for a couple of days now, so I'll pick on you a bit and ask what is it that you think will happen that is so scary? I'm honestly curious.
  25. lisah25

    why no coffein ?

    I thought I read something recently that says caffine may not be as strong a diuretic as once thought? For me, it doesn't seem to promote hunger, or maybe I've just built up a huge tolerance. Living near Seattle will do that for you. :faint:

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