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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Replacing something someone lost

    Hum, how about splitting the difference? In your example, friend pays half of the $350 difference between what replacing the camera would cost you and what the old one was worth.
  2. lisah25

    IF He Did It?????

    I hadn't heard that they all had their hands out for OJ's money while he was alive. I thought also I had heard that her sister in particular didn't like OJ or how he treated her. Have you ever had a family member involved with someone you didn't like, where you were actually scared for them? It's a tightrope. You don't want to say too much, because you want your loved one to be able to communicate with you, you don't want to push them away. And you don't want to set the scary person off. And yes, he's a free man able to do what he wants. It's also true the rest of us can have and express opinions about what he does. I think it's beyond words that he wrote such a book about the mother of his children.
  3. lisah25

    IF He Did It?????

    And the system isn't perfect. Sometimes innocent people are jailed, sometimes guilty go free. I TOTALLY disagree it was about race. I think it was about money and fame. Had he not been OJ, had he just been Joe Blow from down the street, I really believe he'd be in prison now.
  4. lisah25

    Anyone reading anything good?

    I recently read Dry, buy the same author who wrote "Running with Scissors". It's not a light, fun read, but it was very interesting. I haven't read anything new for a while I really liked, I do like mystery series like the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich.
  5. lisah25

    Random pictures, just because

    LOL-I remember that episode of Miami Ink!
  6. lisah25

    Why not admit to surgery...

    I so totally agree!! :clap2: It's not a moral issue, it's a medical one. I mean, would those same people say that someone who got a pacemaker should have just worked on lifestyle changes instead? Who should care how we lose weight, as long as we do so. And improve our health. And easy!? Let's see, we had to either get our insurance to pay for it, or arrange a way to do so ourselves. Get all the pre-surgery stuff done. Go through a major surgery. Recover from it. Then face having to make wise food choices and move our bodies if we want good results. Yes, I have a tool to help me do that, but I still have to do it. I'd rather dig a ditch with a shovel then a teaspoon. :faint:
  7. lisah25

    Random pictures, just because

    cool pics. I have to say, the face on the Cream puff looks a little like Bob Marley.
  8. lisah25

    So you want to give a party?

    LOL-now I feel ready to entertain!
  9. lisah25

    Someone Noticed!!!!

    That is one of the coolest NSVs!
  10. lisah25

    Reading the post have freaked me out ..help

    I've never felt like I was choking at all. When I do PB, it's more a feeling of discomfort in my chest. Never higher up in my throat.
  11. Not that I don't agree that rudeness should not be met with rudeness, the response that poster got wasn't because of their not agreeing with anyone's views. Since I don't think they posted what "side" they were on.
  12. Well, you will miss a lot of VERY good advice if you do so. Yes, there are threads about politics and sometimes general venting, in this "rant and rave" section. But there are tons of threads about lapbanding as well.
  13. lisah25

    Eating in a Restaurant

    I try to order things that 1)I know I can eat and 2)I know will make good leftovers later. Some recent things included Arroz con pollo(chicken and rice, I didn't eat much of the rice), a mexican stew with onions, mushrooms and chicken. Salmon. Chicken on it's own doesn't work well, it doesn't re-heat very well.
  14. I had my Gallbladder out 4 years ago. It was about the same as far as how I felt after surgery, if I had to pick one I'd say the GB was harder, slower recovery. Expect for the port site, that took a while longer to feel better, but now I don't notice it at all. My surgeon was going to try and re-use the GB incisions, but ended up not. It didn't affect the cost of the procedure one way or another.
  15. So far I'm meeting my goals, but then I'm still a newbie to this all.
  16. lisah25

    Overnight Hospital Stay

    I would tell your doctor the truth. My surgeon usually does the surgery as outpatient in their surgical center, but they will do it at a local hospital if the patients insurance requires.
  17. lisah25

    Fill Question

    It's always surprising to me how different doctors are. Mine never said that. I do try to eat lightly the day of a fill.
  18. lisah25

    Fill Question

    You should be just fine. I can't think of anything from the fill itself that would cause problems, I would just be careful eating or drinking, since you won't be sure how you react.
  19. Everything is implanted under the skin, so I don't know what your doctor meant? Some people think the port sticks out of you, maybe that's what he/she was referring to?
  20. I agree with the comments that the band is a safety net. I'm going to mess up. I'm going to eat stuff that isn't good for me, that goes through the band too easily. But I don't do so nearly as often or with as much food as I did before banding, and it only derails me for at most a day. I wake up the next day and start fresh. Remembering how lousy I felt the day before for overdoing it.
  21. lisah25

    So what do you think the Democrats will do?

    My pet theory is that many Reps hated Clinton even more then they say we dems now hate Bush. They wanted to nail him for something, anything, and after a lot of investigation(with taxpayer money) into things like Whitewater and all that didn't prove wrongdoing, they stumbled onto his fling with Monica. And they cobbled together a case about harrasment, to get him on the stand, hoping he would deny it under oath and they could get him on perjury. I'm still irritated that the party who impeached a sitting president for that is making noises that the dems shouldn't try to impeach a sitting president for things that actually affect the country. Not that I think we should impeach him.
  22. I never really had problems losing weight, at least 30-50 pounds. Then I'd get bored and tired and go off my plan. Regain whatever I lost and more. The results aren't the same. With a band in place, properly adjusted, you have less appetite. You still have to work on issues with emotional eating and all that, but you have a tool to help you with that.
  23. Cool - I wasn't familiar with his name.
  24. Hum, no, I wasn't told anything like that at all. I was told to be careful for 6 weeks, and to pay attention to how I felt. I can't remember any specific weight. I'm wondering, has your surgeon been doing bands long? Between this and them telling you that just having the band should give you restriction, I have to wonder. Not only is it very different from what I was told, it's different then much of what I've read. Some people do have restriction from just having the band, but not most.
  25. lisah25

    too many questions..

    I was out for one week, actually a day short of one week. I could have used a few more days, but could function. I have a desk job, but came back to a really busy time, and worked a lot of overtime my first couple of weeks back. Driving restriction was just no driving while still on the pain meds. Yes, they can adjust you as often as you need. I've had three fills, and am thinking about another one. That was one reason I chose this over the RNY, it can be customized for me. The port and the band are intended to be left in for life, barring any problems.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
