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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. I got mine at 6 weeks. At that point, they said I was healed up enough. It's amazing to me how much instructions differ Dr to Dr. And congrats on your band!
  2. lisah25

    Now I really want to strangle someone.

    LOL-if ranting gave us smaller asses, I'd be tiny!!! :pound:
  3. lisah25

    Now I really want to strangle someone.

    I'm with ya! I used to be the assistent manager of an apt. complex. Staff lived on-site, and that had it's pros and cons. I'll never forgot one night, about 9 PM at a nearby grocery store. A resident came up to me and asked about a co-worker of hers who was moving in. She didn't want to be close to the CW, because "She's one of those who would want to come over and talk about work. And when I'm off work, I don't want to have to think about it". I don't think she ever saw the irony as I stood there, 4 hours after my office had closed, trying to buy a few thing, listening to this...
  4. Pretty much all of the Dems I know and have talked to realize that evil exists outside of the US. We just don't see a link between the evil of what happened on 9/11 and Iraq. The "Bush bad" isn't linked with "America-is-the-cause...". I don't believe Bush is handling the very real threat of terrorism by some Islamic fundamentalists. That doesn't mean I don't realize that threat. This is a tough one. I wish we could address all the wrongs out there, but we just can't. So, I'd like to see us do things that make us safer first. One thing I think we all have had happen is more security screening. I'm not saying that's bad, but look at the restrictions on what we can carry on an airplane. Or that we are searched before entering a stadium. Beyond that, there are things that may not affect us personally now, but misused could. Things like wire-tapping without following procedure. I agree that many issues will still be there no matter who is elected. And I'm not interested in who the president is exactly, more in what they do.
  5. lisah25

    Question re: PBing

    LOL-yep, just sit around doing nothing while the pounds just melt right off. That's the life... :faint:
  6. lisah25

    Question re: PBing

    Did you re-heat the leftovers? For some reason, I have trouble sometimes on left-overs that I've microwaved. Esp. chicken for some reason.
  7. lisah25

    Slow Losers

    I agree with Argon, it's WAY to soon to call yourself a slow loser!
  8. lisah25


    Normally, it stands for "dear" or "darling". There are times I have other meanings in mind. "darn" is one of the nicer ones.. :heh:
  9. lisah25

    Women's sizes - am I crazy?

    From my experience, 2X does not equal XXL. An example, we ordered team shirts at work, and the Admin translated the 2X two of us put down as XXL. And the shirts were too small. They sent 2X, they were fine. I do fine that XXL is about a 1X, and so on.
  10. The hot tub would be on of my first suspects. I know people have problems sometimes with them. If it were me, I'd call the store where we bought it, and ask their advice for having the Water tested.
  11. lisah25

    Band to be removed Thursday - Soooo Scared!

    I don't think anyone is saying that they want their banding reversed if it's all going well? And yes, one reason I chose banding was because it is easier to reverse, if God forbid there are problems. I didn't get banded expecting there would be, but it's a possibility. I'm wondering what stats you have that say that banding has a higher complication problems?
  12. lisah25

    Who listens to what music?

    I'm all over the place. I like country, Garth Brooks, Pasty Cline, Big and Rich. I like classic rock. I like a lot of new stuff, esp. the Black Eyed Peas and Five for Fighting. I like Weird Al.
  13. lisah25

    So you want to give a party?

    LOL-yep, cat's don't have the same talent. I offered my two cats a bit of cooked salmon from my plate. They sniffed it, then ran away. I have the only cats I know of that are scared of cooked fish...:faint:
  14. Hum, I do support gay marriage, and said so on that thread. I don't believe I've said one word about family size. I haven't used the term "breeder", "fundie" or "idiot". I AM a Christian. I think you are generalizing too much here.
  15. I've heard the same thing, even in churches I've attended. That based on timing of the censuses, and also the fact the shepards were in the fields tending the sheep, it was likely spring.
  16. lisah25


    You make a great point, it is a decision that affects our lives. Good and bad. It sounds like you are dealing with it though. The anti-depressents, and talking to people. Do you have a professional counseler you can talk to as well?
  17. lisah25

    Good Bra...

    My favorite bra right now is also a Cacique. I found a few at a Lane Bryant outlet store north of Everett WA, got a good deal. Hum, I need to go shopping soon.
  18. Of course it is anyone's right to erect such a statue on their property. I don't have a right to tell them not to. I do have a right to state my opinon. I disagree, BTW that the USE was founded upon Christianity. It was founded by some who were Christians, but I don't believe it was intended to be a theocracy.
  19. lisah25

    Replacing something someone lost

    LOL-you should be writing books! Sci-fi romance. :clap2:
  20. lisah25

    Washington State?

    I was self-pay. My insurance very specifically exludes any WLS. One reason I like the fact follow-up care, including fills for a year, is included in the fee. They will also waive their fees if something goes wrong and needs repair. I would still have to pay for any hospital fees if they couldn't fix it in their surgical suite, and anth. fees as well. But that was very re-assuring.
  21. That statue bothers me greatly. And I am a church-attending Christian. The Statue of Liberty, to me, symbolizes the freedom those of us who came here from other places have. Putting specific religious symbols in her hands is not part of that, IMHO. I wonder how some would feel if she were holding a Koran?
  22. lisah25

    IF He Did It?????

    This line in your first post to Carlene caught my eye, and I thought because of it you were indeed calling her a racist. I do apologize if I took it wrong, and also for jumping in here. "You probably didn't see anything wrong with Kramer's little rant in the nightclub either, did you."
  23. lisah25

    Washington State?

    I loved Dr. Montgomery - clinic is in Everett. I was really impressed with him, and also the support staff. They really emphasize getting follow-up care, fills are included for the first year in fact. They have a monthly support group meeting. I was also impressed that the anthiesilogist(sp?!) remembered my husband from his surgery two years before. Made me think they pay attention to their patients as people.
  24. lisah25

    Replacing something someone lost

    I don't think I typed what I really meant! OK, in the above example, the friend would pay $200 for the value of the old camera. He would also pay $100 of the $200 difference between the old and the new, for a total of $300 of the $400 the new one costs. My thinking was that splitting the "extra" cost made sense. Since you would be getting a newer, probably better camera. But that the friend pay some towards that because he lost the old one, forcing you to replace it before you might have chosen to. Does that make more sense?
  25. Happy that I've finally taken a solid step to better health and a smaller body. Very surprised at the career I am in, but happy about it. Very surprised at who I married(I knew him when we were 18, but had no interest in him at all). I guess overall the 18 YO me would be surprised at who the 43 YO me is. But happy with it.

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