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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Surgery next Monday

    I actually did feel some restriction from the start. Which was nice. I wasn't hungry at all the first month or so, I think just from the surgery and recovering.
  2. I've been thinking about what you said, and realized I've heard variations of it a lot lately. And honestly, I'm not sure what it means. I'm honestly curious. How are liberals insisting that others accept them while at the same time refusing to accept those others? I don't understand how that looks? I mean this with all respect, it's not a slam.
  3. I tried one of these for lunch today, sundried tomato and basil flavored. A serving is one 5 ounce can, it has 130 calories, 40 of those from fat. It has 2 grams of carbs and 18 grams of Protein. I thought it tasted really good. Not too spicy, but an interesting flavor. It went well with a few crackers, and was quite filling. It comes in a small bowl, with a peel-off foil top. I think it will be handy to keep a few of these at work for lunches when I need something fast. They also have lemon-pepper and Thai chili flavors. Anyone else tried them? I can't remember how much it was(and I was just at the store a couple of hours ago!!). :faint:
  4. Mousecrazy, I see this as a pot shot: ""conservatives and supporters of America must accept liberals and American fault finders" The way you have that grouped, it reads that liberals are not supporters of America. I take that as a shot, esp. since I don't equate supporting Bush with supporting America.
  5. I didn't word that well, didn't mean to imply you were. There is a lot of intesting discussion about this one, and a lot of differing stories.
  6. I agree with Laurend, it's my city's airport so this has been getting a fair amount of media coverage here. A rabbi wanted a menorah along with the trees, and the airport officials decided to just take the trees down since otherwise they felt they would have to include all other symbols. I read an article yesterday that said the Rabbi in question wasn't happy about the decision, it's not what he intended at all.
  7. lisah25

    Lap-band misconceptions

    It's amazing to me reading all your responses how mean other people can be, how many seem to be watching and waiting for us to fail! And we do seem to run into a lot of the same comments. The open port one still gets me.
  8. You've gotten good advice already, and I totatally believe that no one should have any WLS surgery until they have researched it, and thought a lot about themselves and who they are. I did have one comment on your comment above. That being that I was finding I was going to the Dr. more and more in the last few years, for problems related to carrying extra weight. And that would have just gotten worse I'm convinced.
  9. I'd be a lot more interested in seeing this stat expressed as a percentage then raw numbers. Oh, and I don't know anyone really who is pro-abortion, I know lots who are pro-choice. It really is a different thing. I would never have an abortion, but I am pro-choice. That I couldn't agree with more! :clap2:
  10. lisah25

    Getting close to deciding

    That sums it up perfectly.
  11. lisah25

    Getting close to deciding

    Hi Sara - sounds like you are asking the right questions and really thinking about this. I thought the same way, wondering how the band was going to help me make all those changes I hadn't been able to in over 20 years. It helped that I got to watch DH, and know that something mysterious happened for him. What I realized this week is that I've known for a long time what I should be eating, and all the tricks to accomplish that, but I just couldn't do it for long. I could lose weight, but I'd struggle constantly, and it would take over my life, wondering what to eat, kicking myself when I didn't do what I had planned, then getting depressed and giving up. Granted, I'm still new to the band, but now I feel like I have a tool that allows me to do all that stuff I knew I was supposed to. I don't think about food all the time. I still get tempted, but it's so much easier to say no. And when I do have a treat, it's one treat, then back to eating well. It doesn't become an excuse to give up and gorge for a month. I read once that having a band was like being given a hammer to drive nails when you'd trying to use Jello for so long.
  12. lisah25

    thoughts - should i get a fill ?

    I'd probably wait a bit. If you are losing, and not getting hungry, it sounds like you are at a good spot. My disclaimer - I've decided that I'd rather be a little on the loose side then too tight. So my advice is based on that.
  13. I don't think that the "their creator" in this context supports claims like "This was founded as a Christian country".
  14. I had to do two weeks of Medifast before my surgery, and that was the hardest part so far. The best thing I can tell you is that it will pass, and yes, it's just one week. Remind yourself that it's a medical thing, not just another diet, that helped me.
  15. I agree totally. And I don't use that as an excuse to do whatever I want. I want to be more like Him, I want to follow His example as closely as I can. Even though I know I will mess up sometimes. And I know I'm not the only one out there
  16. Cool. I had just posted that one thing I think has made this discussion what it is is too much overgeneralzation.
  17. lisah25

    Freaking Out!!!

    Hum, wonder where he got that figure? That's not what I've heard at all.
  18. None of us Christians here are nice? None?
  19. lisah25

    Too Stitch Or Not Too Stitch??

    I think that's what all surgeons do now, it greatly reduces the rate of slippage from what I heard and read. I don't know if it increases the risk of erosion.
  20. Interesting. I've met both consisent and inconsistent liberals, conservatives, Christians, Muslims, athiest. IOW, people. I think one of the problems on this thread is overgeneralizations. You've posted about liberals, things that don't apply to me as a liberal nor most I know. Other people have posted comments about Christians as a group that don't apply to many of us, you probably included. Then there are all kinds of assumptions about big or small families flying around.
  21. lisah25

    First Fill Not Enough

    I've had three fills, and think I'm at a good point now. Needing more then one is very common.
  22. lisah25

    Freaking Out!!!

    I'd be interested in stats someday showing the life expectancy of bandsters vs. people who didn't do something to lose weight. As far as how long the band lasts, I'm not sure anyone really knows. I've read that it's made from the same materials as things like replacement knees and hips, but since they don't do the same type of job as those joints and have the wear and tear, they should last longer.
  23. lisah25

    mysteries of the band

    I don't think hot liquids are a problem. However, I was told to not drink with my meals. Not only because it tends to wash food through the pouch, defeating the purpose, but I found that it tended to kind of clog me up with some foods. Have you considered a small unfill?
  24. lisah25

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    I do see a difference between private property that is used for a business, and private property that is not. A resturant for example has to meet health codes. So to that extent, these laws don't dicate what can be done on private property any more then other laws.
  25. lisah25


    I think it's good to listen to people, and get advice. But in the end, make the decision that you think will work for you. Each sugery has it's pros and cons.

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