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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. Ok, first off Saddem and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. So going after him didn't impress a lot of us as far as fighting the terror that led to 9/11. And when did Clinton hide? He tried to do things, and had to fight the Rep. Congress, who didn't want to give him things like expanded wire-tapping powers, and when he did bomb, there were TONS of comments about him just trying to distract the country. I like this link that talks about what was done under Clinton about terror. http://www.snopes.com/rumors/clinton.htm And I am VERY grateful to be living in this country. I don't however think we should just coast on that and not continue to strive to be the best we can.
  2. I think there are gray areas on either side. I know many pro-life people who make an exception for cases of rape and incest. Which isn't logical, as has been pointed out on this thread those babies aren't any less human then others. I agree, picking a place in time where abortion passed from "ok" to not isn't totally logical either.
  3. And this is what I was just posting about. You claim it is easier to "deny the humamity..." by using the term fetus. I think using terms like Pre-born baby and unborn baby is the flip side of that coin.
  4. Is that the only reason you use that "unborn baby" instead of fetus? Words have a lot of power, as has been pointed out in this thread already.
  5. lisah25

    VG vs Lapband recovery

    Both DH and I chose to pay for the band rather then get the bypass that our insurance would have covered. We actually used a home equity loan, but I would still wait that year.
  6. lisah25

    Anybody else like weird al?

    I LOVE Weird Al. My favorite right now is "Stuck at the Drive-thru" a parody of "Stuck in the closet"
  7. lisah25

    Advice on fill level, please?

    I would wait until after the weekend, as long as you can get liquids and some food down.
  8. lisah25

    sleep apnea

    Yes, there is a concern about that and that is why I had to go in for my sleep test before surgery. The sleep doctor was very glad to hear my surgeon required it. He said he'd heard more then one story about someone having serious problems post-op because of undiagnosed apnea.
  9. lisah25

    My pants almost fell off!

    Yay you!!! I realized a pair of my pants were too baggy when I literally tripped on them while walking down some stairs.
  10. I tried Weight Watchers. At least 7 times over the years. One day I was standing in line, listening to those around me talking about how this was their 3rd, or 4th or 10th time to rejoin, and this time it was going to work for them. And it hit me that no, it probably wasn't for them or me. That it wasn't a plan that was going to be my answer, and how many times and how much money was it going to take for that to sink in. I never went back. I know some people do well with it, become lifetime members and are just fine. I'm not one of them. But they always made me feel like it was my fault, that if I just tried a little harder I'd make it.
  11. lisah25

    sleep apnea

    My sleep doctor said there is a very good chance that my apnea will get better with weight loss, but it's not of course for sure. Which reminds me, I need to schedule a follow-up. I'm hoping I can at least get the pressure reduced on my CPAP. I'm REALLY hoping I can get to the point where I don't need it.
  12. lisah25

    Everybody Loves Raymond's Dad

    He will always and forever be the Monster from Young Frankenstein to me. Singing "Putting on the Ritz". He was a great actor and will be missed.
  13. I was very happy with Dr. Montgomery, he's at the NWWLS in Everett. I don't know what insurances they accept, mine totally excluded any WLS.
  14. Hi Rachel - that's really hard! I tend to agree with the comments about the surgeon being a newbie at lap-bands. It wouldn't be my first choice, but if it were that or no band I would seriously consider it. Esp if he/she is an experienced surgeon overall and I got a good feeling from them.
  15. So all abortions are performed for the mother's "convenience"? That will come as a surprise to some people I know.
  16. So the reason, the motivation for deciding to abort, has no bearing on this for you?
  17. So if I'm carrying a fetus that will not live beyond a few hours no matter how I birth it, and I choose to abort it, I have no right to grieve? When I made my choice believing that my baby was going to die no matter what? When I don't believe I killed it, but that nature or God or whoever did and I'm dealing with that? Disclaimer, I'm not saying that is the case for all of these, but is it so far-fetched that it is in some?
  18. It depends on the reason for the abortion, IMHO. I have to think some of these are babies that even though born breathing, have severe medical issues that would cause them to die regardless of care. And some of the parents might be heartbroken people who are grieving for that.
  19. lisah25


    I struggled with this too before surgery, it just didn't make sense to me. But I've felt some very real physical changes that I feel sure are going to make this work, and work life-long. First of course is that I don't eat as much as I used to because of the band. I also find that "bad" foods don't go down as easily, at least the ones I had problems with in the past. So they are a lot less attractive. Also, since I am actually feeling full/satisifed most of the time, for probably the first time in my life, food isn't front and center in my life anymore. I don't think about it all the time, and it's easier to make those choices. I like an analogy I read a while ago. Getting the band is like being handed a hammer to drive nails when you've been trying to do with with your hand.
  20. Earlier, you made a comment about there being no gray areas in murder if I remember correctly. Your post above is an example of one. You are OK with abortion in those cases, yet it should still be murder of a human based on what you've posted you believe. I don't mean this as harsh as it might sound. To me, it's just an example that black and white doesn't always work.
  21. I don't think women who have abortions are by definition "ignorant" or "selfish". Just as you strongly believe an unborn baby has a soul, others do not.
  22. LOL-so instead of PMS, we have PFS?
  23. I was reading on a RNY board, and there was the classic question about which surgery to get. The answers were mostly good, talking about researching and all that. But one got to me, and it's something I've read before. That being that the poster didn't like the idea of a port sticking out of their skin. This is often from someone who has claimed to really have done their research before chosing the RNY. I have to wonder how through the research was to miss this. And there are always comments about having to get fills, and that being another surgery. :faint: So, I guess this is a question and a rant. What misconceptions do you run into? When DH has his surgery, my SIL thought they were going to cut fat off of him, kind of like a liposuction on steriods.
  24. lisah25

    Fast Food Junkie

    Hugs ! And a kick in the butt! First off, you might need a fill. I know if I could even eat a whole filet o fish, I wouldn't want anything else for a while. And you have to start making better decisions, and planning ahead. Find foods that you can take with you, even beef Jerky, tuna, fruit, veggies(like those little carrots).
  25. lisah25

    Hey, all you Self-Payors!!

    My surgeon wanted it up front, I would think most would. So we put it on a credit card to get airline miles, then paid that off with money from a home equity loan. That way, we can deduct the interest. (And the surgery itself is tax-deductable). Some surgeons offices will help with financing, and I've heard that there are companies that offer decent financing for medical things. Hopefully others will have more info on that. Do-able varies a lot, we found it managable. I just tell DH he has my new kitchen around his stomach, he tells me I have his new jeep around mine!

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